3. Love, lead, launch #EquityMoonshot: why do equity muses ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions?

3. Love, lead, launch #EquityMoonshot: why do equity muses ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions?

Scroll down if you have read this introduction before.

At the onset of the Covid crisis, I was laid off of work as a family doctor and used my unemployment sabbatical to re-invent myself and coin the phrase:?#EquityMuse.

The Covid crisis has triggered an economic crisis that has made the gaps between the haves and have nots so much worse, especially for women, children, minorities, marginalized communities and indigenous people. This crisis has also exposed our leadership fragilities in addressing the mega-problems of the 21st century. This is our global wake-up call.

This blog series invites slow thinking and self-reflection. It is for leaders, deep thinkers, human-centered designers, co-creative people, social (catalytic) innovators and heart-centered entrepreneurs who seek to connect the dots and exponentiate network power for scaling up transformational change.

You are invited to embark on a learning journey about how to open and align mindsets needed to launch?#EquityMoonshot: co-design an Equitable, Regenerative and Sustainable Future?(#ERSF).

Consider joining?the Clubhouse group, #UniteEquityMuses?to discover what it means to become an #EquityMuse and ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions?(#BHAQs).

Read?Blog 1: why do we have a global leadership crisis?

Read Blog 2: what do leaders need equity muses?

Why do equity muses ask Big Hairy Audacious Questions??

#EquityMuses?ask the?Big Hairy Audacious Questions (#BHAQs) to inspire the imagineering, discovery and creativity needed to co-design an equitable, regenerative and sustainable future (#ERSF), in common cause for the greater good of all.

#BHAQs challenge our assumptions, belief systems, perspectives on perceived truths, frames, value structures and priority of virtues. These challenges enable us to think, feel, perceive, become and be in new ways. These questions call for collaboration, co-creativity, co-opetition and compromise to scale up generative dialogues and actions at the micro-level, meso-level and macro-levels. In doing so, we can begin to work more effectively on addressing the complex web of wicked problems in the 21st century.

#EquityMuses ask #BHAQs and use quotes to facilitate generative dialogues on how we can open, expand and align our mindsets to co-design an?#ERSF.?These questions and quotes do this by perturbing our modus operandi of our mindsets: the patterns of our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. They also challenge the nature and valences of our lens that shape our emotional reactivity and responses to new ideas.

#EquityMuses pose #BHAQs in ways that enhance our tolerance for self-reflection, open-mindedness, slow thinking and deep learning. This exploratory process enables our journeys on how to become truth-seeking, free thinkers. This involves questioning the certainty of our belief systems, the priorities of our moral values and our virtue preferences. This self-reflective process enables us to become more aware of our political, religious, moral, ethical, racial, economic and social biases that shape how we react and respond to #BHAQs and complex issues.

#EquityMuses?ask?#BHAQs?and use quotes to evoke the co-creation of new ideas, perspectives, catalytic innovations and the social entrepreneurship needed to scale up personal transformations and the systemic re-designs needed to build an?#ERSF. This collaborative process synergizes the bottom-up, horizontal and top-down approaches to generate the network power within and across sectors and systems needed for large-scale transformational change.

#EquityMuses?enable leaders, networks, organizations and communities to co-create an integrated framework of #BHAQs for all levels. Developing such a framework is essential for managing the complex web of wicked problems in 21st century.

How can we, as learning communities,

  • Create and scale up innovative educational systems and learning platforms needed to address our complex web of wicked problems in the 21st century?
  • Move beyond the facilitator-centered, sages-on-the-stage, talking-head educational events to group-centered, guides-on-the-side learning experiences for exponentiating the co-creation of catalytic innovations needed to?design an #ERSF?

Using #BHAQs, #EquityMuses?enable leaders to learn how to manage the negative and positive power dynamics of how we respond to the mega-problems of the 21st century, such as the injustices of isms (sexism, racism, etc) and the negative impacts of pandemics and climate change on inequities. This learning process involves overcoming our prejudices in our educational, social, political and religious systems against redressing inequities and building an #ERSF.

The game of life is rigged because the referee sets the rules of the game in favor of the 1% against Oneness.

This quote calls for #EquityMuses asking questions that address the dark sides of political, private (corporate) and public leadership.

  • What can we learn from "The Century of Self"?(a BBC documentary) about understanding the dark sides of megalomania and marketing propaganda machines that prevent us from co-designing a thriving #ERSF?

The quest for an?#ERSF?goes beyond the individual hero's journey and story to the heroic stories of distributed leadership. This narrative shift calls out for building a "We" story movement: embark together on an equity pilgrimage to address "isms" (racism, sexism, genderism, etc,.), ?redress the unfair advantages of inequities and promote the fairness of equity.

How can WE,

  • Understand the limitations of our positive biases for the individual values of self-centered individualism, reductionist-linear thinking and the short-sightedness of short-termism?
  • Redress the negative biases against the social virtues of the common good, complexity-systems thinking and the long-sightedness of long-termism?
  • Cultivate intra-personal, interpersonal and systemic mindfulness to unravel the individual and systemic biases of "isms" and the unfairness of inequities?

This process of creating personal and systemic #BHAQs calls for developing co-creative learning journeys to thrive on elevating the trifecta of virtues (Love, truth-seeking and equity) for a regenerative and sustainable future.

Equity governance adopts this trifecta to align us in developing a distributive leadership movement for an?#ERSF. Indeed, equity governance and leadership are the highest forms of serving we, the people, on our one-shared commons and our one-shared planet.

To achieve these goals, we must cultivate reciprocal mentoring and peer coaching platforms to exponentiate the human and social capital development needed to co-create catalytic innovation capabilities and entrepreneurship capacities to achieve the UN sustainable development goals.

Blog 1 addressed, why do we have a global leadership crisis?

Blog 2: what do leaders need equity muses?

Blog 4: Why personal mindfulness is insufficient for large-scale transformation?


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