Cntl + F + IT: The Risk of ‘F-it’ Decisions and Why Business Application Teams Should Say 'F-Yeah' to Salto
In the world of business applications, “F-it” decisions are far more commonplace than we'd ever like to admit. It’s the decision to bypass the sandbox environment to plug up another hole in the proverbial leaky dam with bubble gum and simply operate straight in the production environment. It's turning your back to the mountain of Tech Debt and confidently lying to yourself that "you'll get to that later" knowing it will lost in the sauce.
(or it's writing an article like this titled F-it Decisions...... sorry, Boss!)
These decisions may seem like the more efficient way to from A to B. In actuality, we have just become very good at rationalizing that "it's not that big of a deal" knowing full well that it is a risk not worth taking.
Now I get it and I know what you are probably thinking...."If I do the work in Sandbox I will end up doing double the work, with more manual processes, and procedures which means double the risk."
"There is nothing on the market that allows me to migrate changes effectively and safely, see the impact and triage before pushing to Production, documenting changes, etc etc"
We all know how frustrating it can be when you have to double the work, manually, and put yourself at risk of making an error. That’s why Salto is such an invaluable asset – it eliminates these risks and helps you move forward in your business with more confidence.
Salto provides BizApp teams with a configuration and deployment tool that isn't constrained by the natural limitations of those systems. With Salto, teams have the freedom to move faster, work smarter, and deploy their changes with confidence. This platform allows teams to automate processes and create custom rules that make operations smoother and more efficient.
The platform also provides a rich set of tools for building, validating, and deploying changes within the system. Salto’s side-by-side sandbox/production alignment allows teams to vet out changes and how those changes may impact other parts of your environment when they’re deployed in production. This means that any issues or errors can be identified before they cause any disruption or damage to the system.
Salto also features an audit log that records all changes made within the system. This makes it easier to keep track of changes and quickly identify any issues that may arise. It also allows teams to easily roll back changes if something goes wrong and keep your Production and Sandbox instances aligned so you're never out of step.