CNO Insight: Virtual Town Hall Meetings for Employees on COVID-19

CNO Insight: Virtual Town Hall Meetings for Employees on COVID-19

"Employees were getting scared, they are still scared, so we had to do something.

We decided to have virtual town hall meetings.

Employees are able to submit questions ahead of time to the panel and then you can hop on a zoom call. Anyone is able to watch this. The CMO, CNO, Infection Prevention Coordinator, and a few others answer these questions live a few times a week and give updates. It has been a huge positive reinforcement for folks."

This is from a CNO at a renowned academic center in California.

I am speaking with CNO's daily as I know most of them in California and I will be sharing their best practices on my LinkedIn and via email.

If you found this helpful please let me know, and if you would like to share your best practice message me a time to speak.


