CNN Prez. Debate-- Big Pre-Game Show….Snapshot “Nation in Decline”

CNN Prez. Debate-- Big Pre-Game Show….Snapshot “Nation in Decline”

Inflation- Prices- Bidenomics

Yesterday I spent $9.65 for a large container of Hellman’s Mayonnaise. Pre-Pandemic this cost about 3USD …a 300% ?plus increase

The simple can of Red Beans I like to eat for lunch with salsa ..500% increase

No amount of heat and smoke by Team Biden is going to hide that reality of bright light from me

I do not see this as the sole failure of Joe for if you fairly assess anything this complex no one individual can turn this sinking ship around by themselves


My 10 USD jar of Mayonnaise is all I’m going to see on the screen tomorrow night for it is a symbolic failure of the entire system that starts at 1600 Penn Ave onto Yellen, the Cabinet – Congress/Senate that work hand and glove with the unfettered greed of Corporate America that has taken full advantage of the Pandemic/ last four years to gouge the public at every opportunity.


Yes, the President can artificially lower gasoline prices, but everyone is wise to this election strategy

The American Family has been hammered with not even one advocate in this Power Elite Group.

Does not matter how many times each night David Muir tells me that things are improving…so much Better with Team Biden


More disconcerting than prices is the value of various items in your home if you were going to replace them.

Some items have increase 10x …luxury items purchased overseas as much as hard to believe 50X

The pieces of the puzzle are coming to tell us that our money (dollars) is becoming more and more worthless.

While we are not quite yet the Weimar Republic

..with a looming 34-35-36T USD Deficit

…the cumulative mass of this behemoth is rapidly heading toward 50T USD

Will anyone talk about this tomorrow night

…the answer is No!



Enriched Leadership Class – War on Middle Class

While I’m surely no class-conscious Marxist

..I’m also not a fool

The Wealth Gap has widened significantly.

The Rich have gotten richer with a host of tax breaks on passive income, sunsetting Interest and Dividends Taxes

…down shift away from Commercial interest on to the backs of Middle-Class property tax payers

..who are doing without on more and more just to hold on to their most valuable assets …their Residential Home

It is a stunning reversal of the homestead acts after the WW II that bolstered the American Middle Class

Will anyone be talking about this tomorrow night

NO !!


Educational Poverty- A.I. Savior Complex

The Pandemic, Big Ed Unions, Big Curriculum supported by Woke Progressivism have dealt a blow to American Education that have set it back one hundred and fifty years.

Grade Inflation, Watered Down Curriculum, New Age Activists Educators fostering a War on the Jews

…behavior that for most of us is difficult to even conceive that could happen in our nation

Parents finding the exit ramp from Public Ed., enrollment for Fall 2024 way off at U.S. Colleges ..admin and staff layoffs this Fall

?….But don’t worry AI is here to be the Corporate Savior for our children that can’t read, spell or write ?

..forget about Critically Thinking or independent cognition

All we need is blind obedience so the AI can control every circumstance ?and everybody

…we’ll all set

…or are we?

Meanwhile the future Global Leadership Generation of our Competitors are being formed with Old School Methods ..we use to use

…Correct…no one will be talking about this either


Entertainment/ Cult of Celebrity

Americans talk this great game about education, leadership, technology and innovation.

Our Culture of American Exceptionalism is what makes us worthy to be the Global leader

All of the Pre-Game posturing by each side tells me that the Big Prez Debate is not going to be this enlightening learning moment but something more like entertainment on Monday Night Football

For all of our vaunting of this American Exceptionalism

…we have become as a nation frustrated by anything that cannot get a reaction in twenty seconds to satisfy our iPhone dopamine addiction

…we immediately click off anything that does not instantly amuse us

Intellectual or serious anything are much too much work for us to process

Short staccato sound bites that are catchy will be the optimal communication medium tomorrow night

…..Nothing of interest will be retained by Friday

The focus of each speaker will be visceral reciprocity that will have a residual feeling quality that may be the only discernable element that remains from the experience.

?...don't expect to learn anything new Thursday Night

Incivility- Culture of Psychological Violence ?

CNN Debate is the home team advantage for Team Biden.

. …everyone knows this

Yet the Pre-Game War of Words/ Smackdown is exactly what the Public does not want

Karoline Leavitt is either brilliant First Strike Deterrent or Loose Cannon on Deck that stokes the greatest fear of Donald’s Supporters

…#45 is going to explode like an incendiary bomb

Team CNN is all thin-skinned at Karoline's Thrust and Parry they shut her down

CNN lauds the Sweet Sixteen Experts prepping Joe to stay awake for 90 Mins

The Gals at the View of course chime in with more Trash Talk

Tit for tat the race to the bottom is joined in by everyone

So much finger pointing, name calling and just lots of unprofessional low class behavior

..which in itself is bad but coupled with our epidemic of national mental illness lights the match that pushes those people over the edge

...expect more of the same tomorrow night


Divide & Conquer Campaign- Polarization

The competing narratives reflect this dystopian darkness that is the looming threat to life and limb if the other side prevails


Democracy is under siege ?

Reprisal/ Retribution on a mass scale

Abolishment of The Rule of Law

Dictatorship/ Tyrants Running amuck

Supreme Court Institutes Marshall Law


The demonization of your opponents is the objective in a process of dehumanization that is the anthesis of what this Great Republic stands for


For older people like us

..brought up to say Please, Thank you

…be sociable/ polite—our best manners in Public

….hold doors for people

Always try to be a good neighbor

….Love the Greater Good

…Pray for those that live in error


These are the high-minded standard that made our nation #1 on the planet

..the envy of the entire world


Now replaced with a ragbag host of rabble that would not even make the first cut in our time

From our lofty heights earned through a lifetime of hard work

…mighty depressing show of amateurism


Yes, we’ll be watching tomorrow night surly not for some significant learning moment

But for the host of memories, it will inspire.

…the many many presidential candidates and presidents we have met


..the sad representation that in 2024 this is the best we can muster


…when the debate is over we’ll probably go out the back door for a night swim in the lake…inhale the Granite State air…let the silvery moon cast its glow upon us

But most importantly to clean off the stink of such a pathetic sideshow



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