CNH approves $2.5bn Hokchi plan
Carlos Torres
Sales Manager | Mexico & Latin America at Drilling Equipment Services and Parts & Down-Hole Tools
Scheme to include two platforms to be tied back to onshore processing plant. Mexican regulators have approved a $2.5 billion field development plan from Pan American Energy for the Hokchi field in the shallow-waters of the Bay of Campeche. The scheme is to include two wellhead platforms tied back to an onshore processing plant. The layout will incorporate the five wells already drilled by Pan American into a scheme that will include a total of five development wells, four injectors and three well conversions. "It's worth highlighting that this is the first long-term development plan presented to a session of the commission, and, on approval, will be the first extraction plan to be approved for a private operator since the implementation of the energy reform," commissioner Hector Acosta Felix said. The development aims to recover 147.8 million barrels of oil and 45.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas, a 37% recovery factor. The schematic includes two platforms about one kilometre apart. The first, HOE, or Hokchi West, will be in a six-legged hexapod configuration with up to five production wells and five injector wells. The other, HES, will be in a tripod configuration with up to two production wells and two injector wells. A 24-kilometre, 14-inch pipeline will tie in production to the shore, where a new processing plant, Hokchi Paraiso- By Carlos Torres- If you need any support in Mexico please feel free to contact me anytime