CMX Summit, Day 2

CMX Summit, Day 2

Before I get into the notes, here's a bit about me. To access the notes, just scroll down.

In 2020 I decided to launch an online wellness community to help my friends find calm in daily life and hosted over 30 virtual events in 2020. And promptly fell flat on my face.

I launched my online community with a 4-hour virtual summit with 15 speakers. And at the end of my "launch weekend," I had ZERO members.

I had no idea what I was doing, but that wasn't apparent to others.

But what I discovered was that I've been a community builder all along, and can't imagine doing anything else with my time other than finding ways to connect with others virtually since (at the time) we couldn't connect in person.

Since the fall of 2020, I've been working in the community industry as a consultant, helping creators, entrepreneurs, startups, and founders find calm in the process of identifying their community strategies.

My company,?Find Calm Here?is based on the?way I want to live, and how others want to live, finding calm in each day, and as a creator, and online business startup, that seems impossible. But it isn't if our main goal is to keep things simple and streamlined.

I launched a podcast in 2020 and rebranded it this year as?The Community Strategy Podcast?and have since?interviewed over 87 community leaders?and professionals in the space. I now want to write a book about my experience,?Creator to Community Builder.

  1. ? Like my notes??Say thanks with a Cup of Coffee
  2. ?? Support my new book:?Creator to Community Builder?
  3. ?? Here's the link to the Day 1 Notes
  4. Are you a consultant? Here's a form to add yourself to the Community Consultant Directory and this link is information about the CCC Community Consultant Collective?
  5. ?? Add yourself to the Community Professionals Directory

CMX Summit Notes, Day 2

Building a Successful Developer Community

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Content + Code + Community?

Cherish said that the role will define the technical skills required but there is always a place for people with different skills.

Taiji said that Developer Communities that he’s been a part of didn’t have a community manager, but the key factor of community building is building trust and that’s a skill that is inherent with authentic community builders.?

If you don’t know the language, you aren't going to build trust, it’s the same in a community of practice, or a community focused on a specific topic. If a person doesn’t have the understanding, they aren't going to be able to build trust.?

DevRel is part code, part content, part community — what parts are most important in your day-to-day?

Cherish says on the day-to-day community content is dependent on what is going on within the industry and company, which means the community manager for this kind of community would need to keep tabs on industry and company news.?

The skills needed to build a developer community?

  1. Background in marketing, community, or communications?
  2. A technical background provides an advantage but is not always required?
  3. User groups shape the direction of the company, and product improvements to make better products, so having a background in user experience is useful

How do keep developers engaged apart from coding?

  • There are so many different people involved in the process including engineers, infrastructure designers, coding, and software product designers, and programmers so there are a lot of topics to discuss?
  • Developers are curious people, so creating campaigns that people can actually play - they like the “ah ha” moment, so if you can create and help them find that, it will be a great experience to offer members?

Developers want more than just tech challenges, they want to discover the “ah ha” moment and keep it engaging with hack-a-thon style events and activities?

Best tips for developer community managers?

  • A lot of people are well-versed in Cloud languages and used to having discussions around this space?
  • Many answers to questions about the developer space are answered in these kinds of communities and can be the core of new offerings tech stack?
  • The goal is not just to have an “engaged” community but one that is really excited about the competition and challenging each other for the benefit of improving the members with each other supporting members.?

Key Takeaways?

  • Our goal as Developer Community leaders and managers is to be and offer a space that is Competitive + Kind + to Serve others?
  • Cherish will support your needs if you find yourself needing support from your own or another developer community?

Speaker Twitter Links:?

Growth and Deeper Engagement through Diversity

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  • The challenges of being your own advocate during transition virtually on YouTube and doing so much to help others grapple with the challenges of your own advocate?
  • Build support - Exclusivity breeds inclusivity?
  • Create a space that allows people to find and state their identity and create groups to surround them with others like them, to be together and offer shared experiences and challenges.?

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Nikiya Crisostomo, OpenSpace

Build and work on in-person and online strategies. Diversity has been a key intersection in her experience, and with her community building, she’s sharing how to approach diversity and inclusion in a community, to offer some ideas on how to increase diversity inside your community.?

She created a framework that is essential to build thriving and diverse communities?

  1. Broader reach?
  2. Deeper engagement and meaningful conversations

The Steps to building a Diverse Community?

Step 1 - Self - Bring your authentic self

  • It’s one of the most challenging things to do?
  • When she was faced with building a community, she found she was separating her personal from her professional life and realized that in the professional world, she was trying to align herself with the professional world.?

Step 2 - Understand the industry in which you are building a community?

  • Know about what’s important to tap into with the specific industry, and what’s the way to bring more diversity into that industry?
  • She provides examples about the construction industry and brings others into the conversation, seeking the under-represented groups, to be ready to incorporate what they say into the community strategy.?
  • It takes intentionality to bring these specific under-represented voices.?

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Abbiola Ballah

Phern Education Studios LLC

  • She’s on a mission to be a catalyst for change in the DEI space, not just learning, but taking intentional action
  • DEI has been a throughline for all that I’ve taught when working in education?
  • (DEI) It’s something that needs to be assessed
  • She sees building DEI starts with building relationships, within your community?

When I walk into a space, I bring all of that (who I am) with me.?

  • When you walk into a room, you bring in all of the identities we align ourselves with, but there’s so much more, it’s not just about race, gender, or sexual identity
  • It’s about changing the way we think about it.

Inclusion isn’t a checklist, not once-and-done?“I would encourage you to know that belonging doesn’t take place in a bubble and it’s not just one person’s responsibility to ensure that others don’t feel like they are alone.”Abbiola Ballah

Inclusion is a journey: Learning → Awareness → Action → Persestance → Learning → Awareness → Action…continue the cycle?

Drawbacks to inclusivity and exclusivity can lead to questions around the current DEI program that an organization is implementing?

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Samantha Venia Logan?

“Focus on an abundance mindset, the easiest way is to focus on the small group, a unit of change for the program, while looking at mistakes.”?

Starting with a small group that’s already built a bond, then encourage them to expand out and share the learnings with other small groups that can be started?

Alignment of business with personal DEI understandings?

  • Alignment of value proportions with the DEI aspects with bringing together the company needs with how to find diverse candidates and align it with the team goal of let’s bring these voices
  • If you want to take action but then aren’t ready to commit to the action, so instead of the grand gesture to audit a book that discusses the topic of diversity and inclusion, small actions make ripple effects and big changes

Building Recession-Proof Communities

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Jamie Langskov, Senior Director of Community at Unusual Ventures?

Jacqueline Salinas, Director of Open Source Ecosystem?

Key Takeaways?

Jamie Langskov ?-?

  • We focused on recession-proofing because we are seeing layoffs in our industry, even when the community industry is growing?
  • We work to communicate the value of community teams to the leadership and solidify the community in the company/organization?
  • Start with the business goals first, and know what the business values first
  • We don’t have the specific metrics you should be measuring?
  • We want you to know that one of the most important relationships you can build is with the C-suite community advocate
  • When you are telling that story of how great the community is doing, you have a different conversation with different people from different departments so that they understand the purpose of the community?
  • What can we measure and what should we measure??

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Jacqueline Salinas, Director of Open Source Ecosystem -?

  • It is a delicate balance between business goals and what does success look like for the community team and how do we add value back to the community??
  • There isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” metric to measure community team success?
  • It’s all about personal relationships with your community and at Open Source we believe that it is important to make sure to know what the executives believe is important?
  • I focus on making sure that I have an onboarding process, and understand what the needs of a new member is to make sure to bring them into the community in the right way
  • Marketing metrics aren’t going to give you the data to ensure that this community is going to thrive?
  • Metrics have their place but don’t offer a meaningful understanding of community?

Success and Implementing Community Strategically?

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Jamie Langskov ?

  • Build metrics focused on the specific goals and create boundaries around the work we produce?
  • A challenge comes with the reactivity of a community after a product has been offered and you have to set expectations with executives?

Jacqueline Salinas

  • It takes so long to see the success because everyone is a “volunteer” (unless you are a paid employee) and not all have the privilege of spending time building these communities??
  • We see the advantage is that by driving awareness and adoption of this “free tool” we will see the “open source” tool that they will start to use, then return to the company to “upgrade” the experience - which takes a long time
  • Identify who’s in charge of each part of a project, and understand that not everyone has a lot of time, especially if growing organically?
  • In open source, you have to give and get back, sometimes you have to give more than you get for a long time as a community builder?
  • Executives and others want immediate results, and that’s just not the way it works I see in the industry organizations that want to result without doing the work?
  • We look to partner with existing customers to encourage them to make plugins?
  • To drive awareness, you focus on driving specific metrics, but the vanity metrics don’t tell you very much - If there are “views” did that spark a conversation, a direct message, or comments within the community??

Communities that Thrive During Recessions?

  • Open Source Communities Allows for more access by more people without the barrier of finances, going through layoffs, and dealing with challenges
  • We need someone in the C-Suite who is focused on community, we need representation at that top level, otherwise no matter what the organization states something like “we are open source” it doesn’t matter if the community doesn’t have a seat at the table.?
  • Ask your leadership, Clarify Expectations, and Align with departments, goals, and company values - Ask them what they care about!?
  • Leadership has “crazy ideas” sometimes, that isn’t relevant or realistic

Jamie Langskov ?

  • Shares with others who aren't in the community to convince them what we are doing is for a reason and the timeline is a lot longer than a lot of people (especially in the C-Suite) are used to seeing results?
  • CEO or CMO in your organization that is focused on “bottom line” numbers, you’ll need to draw a line with what is the difference between what they care about and what you, as a community leader, do care about and how to relate that to the “bottom line”?
  • Sharing the goal and finding ways to align that with the community metrics and finding ways to relate community outputs in ways that prove our value
  • Show the clear impact on what the C-Level suite needs, or is asking for through the community to prove the value?

How to avoid challenging conversations with executives?

  • Put together a report, share what it is, and you get feedback that the data isn’t clear?
  • Executives lack the context that a CM has working day-to-day inside your community.

How to answer the “Now What” -?

Share the solutions that you’ve discovered through stories that community members have shared, and they know they need to offer this community but need guidance and education about community?

Executives - They are looking at us to educate them on why community matters. Tell them, let me help you in understanding how the community helps with your “to-do” list for a better approach to relating with the executive and/or leadership team.?

Starting A Community Consultancy: Find Your Niche, Get Set & Go!

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Illker Akansel, Community Consultant?

The history of consulting and what consulting is and what it isn’t?

  • In past, some people considered consultants “snake oil sellers” - scammers, and con-artists but now still approached with skepticism?
  • It is an advisory role in which the person formulates and asks the “right questions” to analyze the status quo making a part/client/stakeholder aware of the issue or opportunity design and recommending a custom-made approach or solution?
  • It’s not a permanent role usually, it is a project-based, temporary role that end?
  • Executive and Operational role: Consultants only recommend and suggest improvements and/or solutions?
  • Consulting is never about selling or forcing a certain platform, service, or product?

Five Bsic Requirements of a Consultant?

  • Experience in a certain field?
  • Affinity with analysis, needs
  • Right network of professionals?
  • Appropriate understanding of the industry

Skills to be a consultant?

  • Learning - Be a life-long learner?
  • Listening - Be able to listen and not reply, real issues and opportunities are usually hidden in answers that are not given, listening to understand?
  • Observation and Analysis - Analytical skills to understand the issue or opportunity?
  • Diligence and Discipline - well-established processes and practice of confidentiality?
  • Ethics - professional work ethics who is committed to personal and business, treating everyone fairly and with respect, the solution not just right for you, right for the organization or client?
  • Confidence and Communication - Be able to share what is best for the company/client and have highly developed communication and professional standards?
  • Industry presence and weight - Thought leadership in the vertical of choice and continuous production of content and materials to contribute to the industry?
  • Open Mind - Being flexible and not stuck in beliefs, or opinions?

Why is there a need for community consultants??

  • Still a young industry with limited capability that has been led?
  • Companies are apprehensive about a long-term commitment to incorporating communities?
  • The success of “community-first” and community-led startups and initiatives?

Is Community Consulting the Right Career for you??

  • Is having a stable and predictable income important??
  • Do you have issues with devoting a part of your personal and professional life to the growth of your business development?

Community Consultants Collective

Who we are:

A collective of community consultants who help businesses, companies, organizations, leaders, and others build, launch, and grow successful online communities.?

We connect monthly via zoom on the First Wednesday of each month at 12 PM EST to discuss challenges with starting out as a community consultant, finding clients, pricing, negotiating, and creating our unique community consulting processes and structures.

Call Structure

We host an interactive virtual call on Zoom and split out into breakout rooms to offer more time to help each other by offering challenges, asking for feedback, and sharing what’s working in our consulting business.?

A few questions we ask:?

What kind of clients do/did you work with in regard to community consulting?

Ask – What would help you in your consulting biz or current role?

Give – How can you help one of us or the group?

Are you interested??

Send me an email at [email protected]? to learn more and join our next session.?

Are you a community consultant? Add yourself to the directory I’m building HERE

From Web2 to Web3: Community Building Best Practices

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  • Creating communities and on-ramping by utilizing technology?
  • The larger project of making blockchain more sustainable that companies will want to feel confident?
  • Critical point - most companies are not engaging with the new tech but bringing companies in and guidance on sustainability will be important going forward?

What is required of Web3 Communities??

  • Rapid response
  • Individual reach out?
  • Growing up with a creator-driven economy?
  • Transition to engage and earn culture?
  • NFT - It needs to be an experience with the community?
  • Co-Creation?

Building the Future of your Community with your Product team

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Taylor Harrington, Head of Community at Groove?

It’s not quite love and it’s not quite a community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team.”?

- Marina Keegan, The Opposite of Loneliness?

What is Groove??

  • We’re the community that fits right into your work day and helps you get shit done in a great company - started as a way for people to connect during the pandemic?
  • Become a community of people who want more in life, freelancers, podcasters, and designing their life with work/life balance?
  • The community is the product, still in beta testing?

Embrace being a community architect?

The hardest parts about building community with the product team?

  • Silos - trying to get people to listen?
  • The product team doesn’t have time and isn’t universal buyin?
  • Struggle between products’ goals and customer expectations?
  • Lack of understanding leads to a lack of clear communication?

Creative job titles in the community field?

  • Community Architect - builds the blueprint, works with IT?
  • Community Members build with the architect and IT

Naming the “role” with the product team - and clarifying how to make that work together, let’s all get on the same page?

Recognize different horizons?

A great roadmap can help serve as a living blueprint, here are how different roles, people, and departments see the future in a timeline?

  • Horizons - we are all looking at different viewpoints?
  • Leadership - 3 months ahead?
  • Product - working day-to-day in the work of building?
  • Community - 6 months to 1 year in the future?
  • CEO - thinking 1-3 months in the future?

We can align on the roadmap - let’s follow the same blueprint?

Link to The Groove Roadmap?

“Map your future - but do it in pencil.” Bon Jovi?

Weekly pulse meeting and invite the product team to join?

  • Don’t wait until the middle of a quarter to connect?
  • Feature requests / comments?
  • Community Stories?
  • Milestones?
  • Data roundup?
  • High-level project update?

Dev Sync?

  • Everyone sprint plans
  • Map of next 6+ weeks?

The Test Playground?

  • Share all of these factors when proposing to the team
  • Allows the product team to better understand what the results can be expected sooner than later as well as some tests will require several people.?

What’s included:?

  • Description?
  • Cost?
  • Length?
  • Execution to-do list?
  • Metrics?

Working in Web3: Insights for the Web3-Curious

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Josh Grose, Head of Growth at Common Room

Krystle Blough, Head of Community at (B2C) Cryptocurrency?

Lori Goldman, Developer Community Lead, IndyKite

IM Space, Web3, Open Source?

Here’s a list of Web3 Communities I found, curious if anyone is a member of these communities?

How to enter the Web3 space?

Lori Goldman - It has changed a lot over the past few years, and months - we’ve gone from baby-> adult - a lot of potential with this new platform, more control over data and privacy?

  • Decentralization is what’s different for me to understand but it’s super exciting?
  • “Best of” instead of it co-existing with others, how are we engaging and following all over the place and it’s hard to follow them, and keep them engaged?
  • What’s a Web3 platform? - Discord is what comes to mind right away
  • Wrap data in a story - tell people why, and how, through storytelling?

Josh Grose - Differences in Web2 to Web3 - When I first entered, I joined Discord communities, when you join, it’s part of an audience, what they should expect need defined, the things like engagement don’t look the same in Web3


  • The entry point is different?
  • The enthusiasm and attention are different?

When you go into a Web3 community - It is chaos, that’s a challenge, there’s so much noise, and it’s hard, and aren’t built to serve while also offering security?

How do you create relationships when you don’t have access to their direct messages, and there’s a lack of trust here as well??

Communities flourish with connection and if that can’t be established, you can’t build a community and it goes right back to purpose, you have to apply purpose right away?

If I was going to leave Web2 and go to Web3, I can see all the different kinds of communities and I notice that the healthier communities aren’t original, but have a simple brand or feeling.?

If you consider joining Web3 - What type of project aligns with what I want to do and what my organization is interested in doing or talking about?

Engagement and growth metrics are the starting point but you need to move past that and focus on who is showing up, and get them into a smaller cohort faster.?

Let’s first take ambassadors and roping off portions, you have to be so creative and intentional - it has to be really detailed - in Web3 you need core aspects and that will help shift and continue?

Krystle Blough

  • People come in with “wonderful baggage” and want to be a part of something?
  • Challenges in Web3: Engagement - there’s a lot of noise on the internet, now it’s really hard to keep people’s attention, and have to compete with “doom scrolling”?
  • In terms of the bigger picture: We just don’t know what’s around the corner, but there’s a feeling of something that is “really good” that is coming - and it’s really exciting to think about what Web3 is going to look like?
  • We don’t know - and that’s what is exciting about it, but also what’s challenging when you are investing time into something that we can’t clarify the direct outcomes?
  • So many people just “wander” in and they find people, and they are drawn to stick around, but in Web3 people are judging the community structure and design right from the beginning?
  • Building out a team - Look for the similar qualities of a community manager but also how to manage and has expertise with Discord - learn about security and take it seriously, and someone who understands how fast things can happen?
  • We want people to share their automation recipes, and make it publicly available, contributing to a common resource, how many templates are getting created, and can measure that?

Don’t Settle for a Seat at the Table – Build Your Own Table

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Morgan Wood, Community Strategist at Hivebrite?

Melissa Kilby, Executive Director at Girl Up

Depending on who you are and where you are in the world, your experience of equality and justice is different from others?

Community Strategy - How to build community and layer in a women-first or women-led organization?

What’s important?

  • How inclusive the community is?
  • Is the community safe for all?
  • Considering how the community does serve women?
  • How do you leverage resources and how do you get buy-in?
  • Get feedback at the beginning and work with them?

Building Consensus with a community team??

  • A feeling and something we track?
  • Balance both the membership, internal team, foundation, and partners?
  • Make sure to include the people most relevant and you’ve included them?
  • Once you have that, you’ve got something to build from, and being able to show the ROI immediately of time spent, will help build consensus?
  • Sharing and showcasing wins?
  • When people are active in the platform?
  • Self-generating content, programming, and girl-driven movement
  • Things change and the current needs will change, and circle back?


  • The SHIFT: Skip a lot of the work that it takes to sell, pitch once everyone is interested and engaged?
  • When you are meeting new people and the shift that we saw with the digital summit, the community was interested in participating?
  • Listen to where the discussions are going, and following the “trend”?
  • As a community-led organization - make sure to ask members questions to better understand them and so you make sure not to make “assumptions”?
  • It’s about showcasing and sharing - find the metric that the leadership is really interested in, and then find the community connection and how to weave in the need for female voices in the community and/or leadership?

?Community Programs: What, When, and How They Work

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Community Programs are designed to provide high-impact value to a specific section of your community to tackle the problem


What especially tricky challenges is your business or dept facing??

What’s the story you and your brand want to be telling??

Key takeaways?

  • Reflect often on your give vs take the balance?
  • Check in with what you're asking and make sure the timeline fits?



  • Invite inspiring creators to work from the Discord office to utilize the facilities, work on a dream project, and gain tailored support?

Residency Program?

Why it works?

  • Specific - influential creators who could benefit from our already paid-for resources?
  • High Impact - Inspiring staff, creating brand content, press, and credibility?
  • Balanced - offered programs to define whom we help?

Creator Accelerator?

  • Specific - Creators experiencing rapid growth but lack knowledge of how to capitalize?
  • High Impact - Created press-worthy stories, deep trust with rising starts, increased Patreon revenue

A Club - Accountability club - small groups meeting regularly?


Partner Program?

  • Specific - targeting admins who are building successful discords?

The Test Garden?

Divers range of admins under NDA who test new features while they are in the development, providing feedback?

HypeSquad - Enabling and empowering super fans through exclusive opportunities?

Specific C2C Program?

When to launch a new program?

Should have the following in place before considering a new program?

  • Mission and Vision?
  • Annual Roadmap
  • OKRs and goal setting?
  • Headcount and org chart?
  • Processes?
  • Big strategic bets?

Discovery and Strategy??

Community programs should start small and grounded in the reality of resources, coupled with a motivating long-term vision?

  • Invest adequate time to?
  • Survey and interview both internal and external individuals
  • Spend time honing your learnings, develop ideas?
  • Seek feedback from a range of sources?

Make a proposal deck and present it to key stakeholders with a timeline and to receive approval to proceed?

Program Forumla Get →? To→? By?

Build and launch phase?

Community Programs?

Spend time honing your learnings, develop ideas, and seek feedback from a lot of sources?


  • Platforms and CRMs
  • Application forms
  • Automated email journeys?
  • Merchandise?
  • Guidelines and Code of Conduct?

Evolve and Evaluate?

It’s much easier to change, evolve, or stop a program in the early stages?

Evaluate without ego:?

  • ROI for the program?
  • Customer response and reactions?
  • Internal perceptions?
  • Changing business priorities?
  • Adjust to new realities?

Your ability to provide value to your members hinges on your internal influence?

How to launch a community program?

  • Superuser - Elevate top contributors to model successful behaviors, provide leadership, and inspire the next generation of cm?
  • Gamified - Build ranking and badging programs to drive behaviors
  • C2C - Customer to Customer - Active users, engagement metrics?

How to measure the success of your program?

  • Superuser - CSAT score, Voice of Customer, MAU, Retention?
  • Gamified - Number of posts, ticket deflection?
  • C2C - Active users, engagement metric, User-generated content, new user/member signuProgram Incentives?

The best incentives that spark the deepest engagement are often intrinsic or scalable: recognition, giving back, and growth

  • Community programs can drive high impact for a specific section of your community?
  • Ensure you deploy and understand your business goals and member needs?
  • Have fun, and design experiences that bring surprise and delight?

That's all the notes I've got, thanks for reading!

Click here for the FULL Day 2 Notes Google Doc

Notes by Deb Schell, Community Consultant and Strategist, Host of the Community Strategy Podcast, and Author of Creator to Community Builder

Nikiya Crisostomo, P.E.

Engineering & Technology || Art & Design || Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

2 年

It makes me so happy to hear that our panel with Abbiola Ballah (she / her) & ? Samantha "Venia" Logan was your favorite! Thank you for sharing your notes for Day 2 Deb Schell

Dave Coleman

Humanizing corporations through communities for 20+ years! Currently at

2 年

Thank you for taking the notes!!


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