CMSO and AETC Will Host 2024 Modeling and Simulation Summit

SAF/PA: Cleared for Public Release (Distribution A) Published on: March 20, 2024


The third annual 2024 Department of the Air Force (DAF) Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Summit will take place in San Antonio, TX on May 7-9, 2024.

The annual summit will be hosted by Mr. Richard Tempalski, the DAF Chief Modeling and Simulation Officer (CMSO), and Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson, Commander, Air Education and Training Command (AETC).

"The DAF M&S Enterprise includes thousands of employees, around 70 organizations, spending about $4.0 billion per year,” said Mr. Tempalski. “Simply stated CMSO’s mission identifies Enterprise M&S requirements and delivery of advanced M&S capabilities (tools, data, and services) to the warfighter.”

This year’s summit theme: “Training in a Digital World” highlights the DAF’s drive to upskill personnel through digital training. The goal of the M&S Summit is to gather Air Force and Space Force M&S experts to learn about new M&S initiatives and techniques, network across military services and industry experts, and to hear our technological leadership’s perspectives on how M&S can transition more training from the real world to digital. The three-day summit agenda includes:

? 3 Eminent Keynote Speakers - Military, Government, and Industry Leaders

? 5 Distinguished Panel Discussions and Q&A sessions

o DAF Senior Leadership

o Training Modernization

o Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) Panel

o Government & Industry Partnership

o Medical Simulation

? Track Session Presentation Focus Areas:

o Wargaming

o Joint Coalition

o AI, ML & The Cloud

o Medical Simulations

o Digital Engineering

o M&S Policy and Standards

o Multi Domain Environment

o M&S Analysis Tools and Infrastructure

o NATO/ International Partners

o Data Analysis/ Data Management

o M&S Technology

o Test and Experimentation

o Advanced Training

o Live, Virtual, and Constructive (Blended)

o Synthetic Environment

? VIP tour for Distinguished Visitors (DV), SES level and General Officers (GO) (8 May 2024)

? M&S Industry Exhibition Hall (7-9 May 2024)

? Classified M&S Briefing Session Location: Bernard A Larger Auditorium (BALA) Lackland AFB , Security Clearance Required (9 May 2024)

? M&S Tool Overview (9 May 2024)

? Local High School Student STEM Program Tour of Technology Exhibit (9 May 2024)

“In the context of the Department of the Air Force’s education and training, the M&S summit is a crucial gathering that serves as a pivotal forum to foster collaboration and strategic insights that contribute to the optimization of force development,” said Robinson. “The summit is an opportunity to learn how to fuse air and space at all multi-domain operations through modeling and simulation initiatives and techniques.”

Last year, the 2023 M&S Summit was well attended with over 600 participants representing the military services, industry partners, and foreign partners. This year's summit is expected to host 700-800 participants.

For complete agenda, registration, and call for presentations, and additional information, please visit:


