CMS Report on Performance of the Exchanges and Individual Health Insurance Market

The CMS released a three section report today showing that:

  • CMS increased efforts to leverage the private sector by expanding the role of health insurance agents and brokers who supported 3,660,668 health plan enrollments, which reflected 42% of plan year 2018 open enrollments on the Federal platform Exchanges
  • The biggest concerns for agents and brokers are lack of competition in the individual market and availability of commissions from insurance carriers.
  • To date, CMS has implemented 93 percent of recommendations from our agent and broker partners.

You can read the full reports here:

  1. Early 2018 Effectuated Enrollment Snapshot
  2. Trends in Subsidized and Unsubsidized Enrollment
  3. Exchange Trends Report (See “Agent and Broker Experience,” page 5)


