Anezka Honke
International Recruiter ◆ Specialized in Tech Roles ◆ Building High-Performing Global Teams
Let’s talk about Content Management System (CMS) in simpler language, a content management system is a tool that helps you build a website without needing to write all the code from scratch (or even know how to code at all). For example, with?a content management system like WordPress, you can just write your content in an interface that looks a good bit like Microsoft Word, very simple right??
The traditional CMS approach to managing content puts everything into one big bucket — content, images, HTML, CSS.?
This made it impossible to reuse the content because it was commingled with code.
More flexible solutions are now required as a result of the development of digital channels and gadgets. Companies today provide a variety of digital products, including websites, mobile apps, digital displays, conversational interfaces, and more but the conventional CMS hasn't been able to keep up. Why? Because a CMS organizes content in webpage-oriented frameworks, making it impossible for the same content to fit other digital platforms or software.
And heres comes Headless CMS, so what is it? why is so cool for developers use?
A headless CMS, also known as headless software or headless system, is any type of back-end content management system where the content repository, the “body,” is separated or decoupled from the presentation layer, the “head.”
What this truly implies is that a headless CMS enables you to manage content in a single location while also enabling you to deploy that content across any frontend of your choice.
The ability to integrate content into any system, software, or website by simply calling the APIs the headless CMS exposes is essential to omnichannel strategies.
A headless content management system allows developers to build web applications while managing and accessing the application's content via RESTful API calls.
So let’s think on a simplier way about?headless architecture and APIs: the main job of a headless CMS is to store and manage your content. What you wish to do with that content is irrelevant to it. Presenting content to users is the primary function of display platforms like a website or mobile app. It doesn't really matter to them how that content is managed or stored.
APIs are the magical connection points that allow these backend systems (e.g., headless cms) and frontend systems (e.g., website) to communicate in the specific ways a digital team wants them to.
Why you should use an API CMS as a developer?
Seamless Content Management -?editing, management, and organizing of content that is seamless. Without having to worry about the website breaking, your content team can focus on their work. It enables your developers to concentrate on more important projects like upgrades and security.
Built-In Scalability - First off, since the frontend and backend are separate, it's unlikely that your entire website will go?down. The frontend will continue to function without a fuss even if the backend requires maintenance or runs into a problem. You can use CDNs and high-performance cloud-based hosting to increase scalability even further.
Cross-Platform Technology - Without developing any complicated code, Headless CMS enables you to distribute content using any programming language via API call.Additionally, as long as the programming language supports RESTful API, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, etc., this type of technology can be used in any programming language.
Content Modeling - To make sure it is properly set for many channels, you can document all the sorts of content you will require in the present and the future using content modeling. You can provide your users with the content they need whenever they need it thanks to API CMS Content modeling.
Conclusion: Headless CMS is here to stay like a breath of new air, businesses are decoupling their content from their design to make it seamlessly available across all channels and devices in response to consumer demand for robust and flexible content creation.?Today's digital media is dominated by a microservice model, in which a variety of services link to one another via APIs, much to how a headless CMS can be set up to provide content as a service via API.