The CMDB in ServiceNow - If You Want to be Heard, Play the Right Song
In CIs, I am complete

The CMDB in ServiceNow - If You Want to be Heard, Play the Right Song

Value Created and Risks Mitigated are Music to the Business

Every communication regarding the CMDB should be in terms of the capability that it creates or the risk it is mitigating. The CMDB provides the underpinning for Disaster Recovery, Incident Response, Change Management, Financial Allocation, Mapping of Services, etc. Unfortunately, the business typically views the function somewhere between a cost center or an intractable budget sinkhole. This is largely because the communications around IT asset management efforts devolve quickly into a bog of technical detail.

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Show the CMDB taking risk off the table

The Story of the CMDB is the Story of the Data Quality Within

The most common statement we hear regarding the CMDB is, "Our CMDB is terrible!" Usually the wording is not so polite, the whole sentence is all caps, and there are more exclamation points. However, we consider that exclamation to be one of the most valuable utterances within IT. Why?

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Listen to Hulk. Hulk make valid points.

The person doing the shouting is typically a process owner making the urgent case to mitigate an existential risk or to create a wildly valuable capability that is almost at hand and is currently being ignored. When we can answer an exclamation with a question, "what is the CMDB terrible at doing?" that process owner is able to state their case. If the answer is, "the CMDB utterly failed during the last disaster recovery exercise (or worse)," there is a clear path forward. The process is identified and the elements of the solution are on the tip of the tongue. The steps to the solution follow the same blueprint with those variables as input.

Process Owners, Meet Infrastructure Owners

The next step is get the process owner to identify the information within the CMDB that would be necessary for success. The answer typically takes the form of: For servers, I need to know the owner, IP address, the applications it supports, etc. For network devices, I need to know these other 10 attributes, and these 7 relationships, etc. . . . and so on for each of the major classes.

Once the needs are identified, approach the infrastructure owners to see if these things are possible. Almost invariably, the tone of that meeting is, "Of course, I didn't know you needed that." The worst result is typically, "We'll need these 2 resources for the next month and a half." Usually, the communication is more than welcome.

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What's the matter? The CIO got you pushing too many pencils?

Measuring Progress Over Time Demonstrates Value Delivered

The final step is to turn these requirements into metrics so that progress can be measured over time and gaps can be rapidly identified. The tricky parts here are "over time" and "rapidly identified." This is where Northcraft comes in.

When a metric like, % of Infrastructure Meeting Disaster Recovery Requirements is first surfaced, it is very difficult to put into context. Is 68% a good number? There are no industry standards for these sorts of metrics, and they are new in the organization, so there is no point of comparison. What is important is to view that they are improving over time.

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Demonstrate taking risk off the table with CMDB snapshots

CMDB's are good at telling you the state of the infrastructure in the present, but recreating the past for the entire environment requires log manipulation on the quantum computing scale. Northcraft cuts the Gordian Knot by snapshotting the CMDB and enabling progress over time metrics. Simple CMDB reports can cripple a typical reporting system, but because of Northcraft's big data architecture, it can cut through years of copies of the CMDB with sub-second response.

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View items not meeting requirements immediately to accelerate improvement

The second critical capability is to use the completion metrics to identify the items that still need to be addressed. It is extremely powerful for an infrastructure to know that his number is 98% and to view the items comprising the other 2%. Effectively, that creates a punch list for the group of items that would otherwise be invisible. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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Sunlight, my one weakness! Aside from crosses, garlic, running water, holy water, fire, mirrors, a stake, not being invited in, maybe silver I think?

The Metric Manual

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Slay the dragons of poor data quality

Percentage of Infrastructure Meeting Disaster Recovery Requirements, Percentage of Applications Mapped to a Service, and Percentage of Infrastructure Value Allocated to Line of Business, are all examples of business value metrics. There are plenty more where that came from.

Measuring the progress toward creating a capability or mitigating a risk gives the CIO the case they need to pursue funding and to gain their proper seat at the board. Stating that the percentage of applications facing potential outages of two weeks or more has been reduced from 45% to less than 1% does raise some eyebrows. To further state that 99.3% of infrastructure has been hardened to a Recovery Time of 1 hour begins to call into question why anyone else should get funding ahead of you.

Data from One Area Informs Another

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View infrastructure from multiple perspectives in bullet-time

Link ServiceNow's CMDB to other process areas to gain a 360 degree view of operations to understand the customers, employees, applications, and infrastructure that are impacted outages. Surface the linkages with the incidents caused by changes on that infrastructure, and the problems that have helped to resolve them. Don't wait for perfect data - even the lack of linkages creates the urgency to establish functional best practices across teams. Again, sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Predictive Analytics FTW

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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - The 2001 guy

The CMDB is the backbone of the most valuable predictive use cases. Consider trying to predict heart attacks in patients without knowing how old they are, their weight, height, where they live, or what their background is. The CMDB is that demographic data for infrastructure, and it is one of the most valuable in predicting infrastructure hear attacks. Combine the data from external monitoring systems with that of the CMDB and the rest of ServiceNow's ITSM modules to identify the infrastructure will cause you problems - days before it does. Diet and exercise are preferable to a quadruple bypass (for most).

And don't worry, we don't have to let an expensive data scientist wander around your organization to learn about your data models on your dime. We have been in a long romance with the ServiceNow data model and those of the most commonly held applications within an IT organization. Northcraft shows up day one with established models.

Northcraft Analytics can Help

Northcraft Analytics has been working with Global 2000 companies, national governments, and large non-profits for over 15 years. If you're the champion for management by metrics within your organization and have had difficulty gaining traction or maintaining momentum, we can give you a decade's worth of metrics and visualizations out of the box on the standard Microsoft tools your organization is already familiar with.

There are few strategic projects in any organization that are not fundamentally IT projects, and none that do not involve IT along the way. IT is in the business of performing magic. Use Northcraft Analytics to help you communicate the full story in the language of business.

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