Tushar Singh
Python Developer | Data Analytics ( PowerBi ) | Data Science Beginner | SDLC
Clear :- Clear the terminal screen
Cd :- To change the directory
Cd .. : - To come to the previous directory
mkdir :- To create a directory
mkdir -p :- to create sub folder inside the folder at same time
ls :- To get list of teh files and directory
cd :- To change the directory
History :- To get the history of the commands we used
Pwd :- Print Working directory
touch :- to create a empty file
cat :- To display content
cat > <filename> :- To modify the content
cat >> <filename> :- To add the content
rm <filename> :- To remove the file
rmdir <dirname> :- To remove the directory
{Use -c for the no line you want to see }
head <filename> :- To see the top lines of the file
tail <filename> :- To see the bottom lines of the file
sudo nano <filename> :- To create file and nano editor
vi <filename> :- To create file and open vi editor
i - to get in insert mode where u can write
esc - to come out of insert mode
:wq - To save and exit
mv source destination :- To move the file and rename it
cp source
rm ---> for deletion of files
rmdir---->deletion of directories
rm -rf -----> deletion of non-empty directories
sudo su---> super user
grep--> to find particular pattern
grep -i ----> case insensitiveness
grep -w------>exact word
grep -w -i -> to find all words without case insensitive
ps ----> To display all the current running processes (front end data like a task manager)
ps -alx ----> To list out all the processes with backend data
ps -e ----> To list out all processes with only required data
pipelines(|)> To combine or merge the data of 2 commands
awk ----> To perform a task where the data is in a tabular form