Clutter-Clear One Room
Choose either the bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet, and completely clear it. With every item, ask yourself “Do I love this? Do I use this? or Have I used it in the last two years?” If the answer is no, get rid of it. Affirm out loud with passion, using your body---for example, punch the air over your head with your fist while proclaiming: “I am clearing all that I do not need out of my life!”?
Additionally, once you have cleared the clutter, create a space that feels great. Put out flowers, clean the mirror, or put up artwork that inspires you. Create beauty. If you are working on the countertops might be necessary, perhaps there is a way that they can be presented in a more attractive way. It is necessary to have all the lotions, razors, toothbrushes, makeup, prescriptions, supplements, mouthwashes, and your hairdryer spread across the countertop, or is there a more harmonious way to store or arrange them? For example, maybe your vitamins could be put into a beautiful jar or basket.
Your bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet can be a place of refuge and renewal. It is in these places that you can refresh, revitalize, and nurture yourself. Today, create beauty and harmony in one of these rooms.
When you are complete, light a candle and sit quietly, saying a blessing for the energy in that room to support vitality, peace, and love.?