The Clusters Day in the format of Clusters meet Regions was successfully held on 23 and 24 September 2023
National Cluster Association - CZ
We connect cluster organisations, support and encourage their growth and develop cluster policy in the Czech Republic.
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), on behalf of the European Commission, in partnership with the National Cluster Association of the Czech Republic, CEDEG, z.s. , Klastr MECHATRONIKA, European Digital Innovation HUB for the Liberec and Hradec Králové regions (EDIH NEB) and the FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences jointly organised the workshop and matchmaking under the framework of “Clusters meet Regions” cycle.
The “Clusters meet Regions” was dedicated to digitalisation, cybersecurity, AI, clean technologies, 3D printing, and the VR industry and took place on the 23 24 October 2023 at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Na Slovace 1999/2, Praha.
Details of the first day
Participants were welcomed by representatives of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the National Cluster Association (NCA) and the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The representatives of the Prague City Council ( Magistrát hl. m. Praha ), Jaromir Beranek and the European Commission, Jitka Vocaskova , presented the cluster environment and focused on the main objectives of cluster organisations in their respective sectors and the RIS3 strategy of the City of Prague.?
The moderators of the event were the President of the National Cluster Association, Ing. Jiri Herinek , the Vice-chairman of CEDEG, Lubos Komarek and the Executive Director of the Cluster MECHATRONIKA, Kate?ina Podaná .?
An overview of cluster organisations in the Czech Republic and the supporting role of the National Cluster Association was presented by Jiri Herinek, President of the National Cluster Association, in the section Cluster Environment in the Czech Republic: Supporting Cooperation and Innovation.
The National Cluster Association awarded the Golden Cluster Award and other awards for 2022 to the following cluster organisations:
Golden Cluster 2022:?
Honorary Awards:
More on the NCA web.?
Lennart G. from the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) / Prognos AG presented an Input paper analysis of the economic profile of the Czech Republic, national innovation, regional competitiveness and the importance of Czech clusters.
The morning panel discussion focused on regional and national cooperation: "Be brave enough to win." - Luká? Benzl , Czech AI Association.
"Share and learn."- Petr P?ikryl , Czech Optical Cluster
"The Knowledge Transfer Partnership is one of the most successful projects in the Czech Republic" - Robert Wenzel, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
Session two was dedicated to modern digital solutions and cutting-edge technologies: The use of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in the manufacturing sector. This section was led by Lubos Komarek, Vice-Chairman of CEDEG:
Lukas Benzl from the Czech AI Association shared a bittersweet view of computer vision.
Ales Roman?? z IdStory emphasised efficient access to IT services.
Zdeňka Dole?alová introduced the project EDIH NORTHEAST and its services.?
Kristina Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene from AgriFood Lithuania explored artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in the production of agricultural and food products.
The third session was dedicated to Real Examples and Implementation of Clean Technologies, 3D Printing and the Virtual Reality industry. This session was moderated by Katerina Podana, Executive Director Cluster MECHATRONIKA:
Thomas Ramming from Bayern Innovativ GmbH?shared insights into the flourishing cross-border cooperation between Bavaria, the Czech Republic, Upper Palatinate, and Lower Bavaria.
Michal Zemko from COMTES FHT delved into the myriad benefits of metal printing within the industrial sector.
Alena Lochmannová from XR Institute underscored the impactful utilisation of virtual reality (VR) across various medical and emergency service disciplines.
The concluding panel discussion on Enhancing Collaboration Among Clusters and Innovation Stakeholders at Regional, National, and Global Scales sparked a compelling dialogue on diverse topics. These included international cluster initiatives, the advantages and potential enhancements of the ECCP?platform, and strategies for clusters to bolster the global expansion of their member companies, among other pertinent matters. Thank you to all the panellists who joined us today!
Details of the second day
On the second day of the event, there was a Pitching session and the official EU Matchmaking. During the Pitching Session, ten cluster organisations from the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Finland presented their needs and requirements. Afterwards, thirty productive meetings took place where the participants clarified their needs and offers and discussed possibilities for joint cooperation.
Gratitude to all those who attended and generously shared their insights on the event topics.