Cluster Storage - How GSS on K8S
Suresh Chintalapudi
Technology Entrepreneur | Solution Architect | Smart Grid | AI & IoT
As you already know, there are multiple components like nexus, bifrostdb, solr etc. that need space to store the data and this space is maintained by persistent volumes created in the cluster?which lives on SAN or DAS or NAS storages attached to the cluster. The access to the storage for a cluster is typically?provided by CSI plugins and in our case of Smallworld deployment on premises it is provided by NFS Client Provider pod. That is the very reason you have to deploy NFS client provider before you go forward to deploy nexus or other thing as we have to make the storage space ready for them.
?While we use the bsfdeploy tool to deploy this provider, the two key parameter we provide are the server IP and the shared path, as the provider expects the storage to be provided by an NFS server, and so we?have to configure NFS service when we want to extend DAS or SAN. We can directly use NAS as it has these parameters and please ensure to disable NFS Snapshot for GSS shared directories as mentioned in the Smallworld documentation.
?When you deploy this and use this provider class for any other deployments, the cluster internally forms a direct path to access the shared path and starts using the storage space. While you need this provider to be up and running when you are deploying some PVCs, the access to storage will remain good even when the NFS provider is down creating the consistency for the data to be available.
?Please be aware that this provider class will be used in all PVCs of Smallworld deployment and is important to understand how the storage is accessed to provide appropriate space for the data to store.?