Clues to Sinking Leadership
I have worked with many LEADERS over the course of my career and have also led in various roles. What I have been able to discern over time are the surefire warning signs of a leader who is about to go bust. Here is my list of warning signs:
1. The leader refuses to acknowledge any errors he or she makes nor is willing to offer an apology when one should be forthcoming.
2. The leader is more interested in taking most of the credit and less of the blame as opposed to celebrating the work of the TEAM.
3. Not communicating in authentic ways with employees. Lip service means nothing without positive actions.
4. Not paying attention to what his or her employees value or need.
5. The leader gets so caught up in the technical aspects if his or her role that he or she forgets to develop a "humanizing" relationship with his or her staff. Employees may respect your knowledge, skill and intellect but if they cannot see your human side they are not apt to follow.
6. The leader assumes his or her time is more valuable then his or her employees.
7. The leader loses his or her passion for the role and cannot bring the energy and the motivation to the team that is essential for them to thrive.
8. During meetings or in other situations, the leader engages in negative talk about a member or various members of the team in their absence.
9. The leader micromanages trivial things but then is missing in action when real issues arise.
10. The leader calls you out in front of the team, upper management or in front of a client.