Clubhouse vs. Twitter Spaces (Infographic)
Clive Roach
Freelance Social Media Marketer | Available for Interim Social Media Director & Manager Roles
Social Audio is here to stay
Let’s focus on comparing Clubhouse vs Twitter spaces.
The social audio era is here with a bang. Clubhouse has gone from a small community of beta testers to a growing network of communities, made up of people with vastly different opinions, experiences, worldviews and perspectives. When it started to grab public attention in a big way there was a mad scramble for invites.
Clubhouse is an invitation-only audio-chat social networking app launched in March 2020 by software developers Alpha Exploration Co. As of December 2020, it was valued at nearly $100 million. On January 21, 2021, the valuation reached $1 billion.
Twitter Spaces
For now, Spaces are public and anyone can join as a listener. If you create a Space, your followers will see it in their Fleets. You have control over who can speak.
While setting up a Space, you can select who can join with speaking privileges by choosing from Everyone, People you follow, or Only people you invite to speak, which lets you send DM invites. You can change this at any time while the Space is open.
Twitter Spaces uses Twitter’s existing social graph. Users don’t have to download a separate app or build up a following from zero like you have to do when using Clubhouse. Those who already have a good quantity of followers on Twitter will benefit from that as an audience when starting to use Twitter Spaces.
Twitter Fleets and Twitter Spaces integration
Twitter Spaces will be shown in the area where we see Fleets on display at the top of the Twitter account view. Spaces will also be shown in the main feed. Thus users who are hosting a Space will get a purple ring around their profile photo, thus alerting followers that there is a Twitter Space activity happening which they could follow immediately.
Clubhouse vs. Twitter Spaces (Infographic)
Here is an infographic I designed looking at the various aspects of the Clubhouse app vs. Twitter Spaces. Touching on aspects ranging from content moderation to the fundamental differences between the two platforms.