CloudVision: an interface for the new generation process computers

CloudVision: an interface for the new generation process computers


CloudVision: interface for the new generation process computers

SERCOM introduces a new generation process computers, which offers revolutionary possibilities in terms of hardware and software.

ARM card for internet access

The basis of these developments is the ARM processor board. This makes it possible to connect the process computer directly to the internet. What is special is the fact that we can also easily equip Sercom computers supplied in the past with this processor print. This is how we stay true to our vision, namely, that all computers supplied continue to work with the latest hardware and software at minimal cost.

With this new processor board, the latest software can be integrated easily and remotely. A visit from a Sercom dealer is not necessary.


SercoVision is the PC operating software used to view the measurements and adjust the settings. The version that has recently been specially developed to communicate directly with the ARM card via the internet is called CloudVision.

CloudVision makes it very easy to connect with the process computer. Therefore, it is no longer required to use SercoVision via the PC. This makes it possible to gain direct access to the process computer by means of a smartphone, tablet or PC on which SercoVision is not installed. With this connection (User Interface) you can view all functionalities and also adjust the settings.

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Wireless project Mexican vineyard

SERCOM has recently taken its first steps into the wine sector. The Wireless Xtender was used in the fruit sector last year.

At the end of 2022, a large Mexican wine producer commissioned wireless control of the irrigation systems of a large vineyard.

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Projects with VGB Watertechniek

Expansion Berry Brothers and new process computer for Proeftuin Randwijk

Last summer, SERCOM, in collaboration with? VGB Watertechniek ?(VGB), supplied an installation for irrigating soft fruit and controlling a greenhouse. The Wireless Xtender was used for this, which controls several irrigation units from a large distance. Scales are also used at this location to measure the drainage in pots. These measurements and the measurement of the EC are used to automatically mix and add the correct amount of water.

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Akerdome B.V. new Sercom dealer

On November 24, 2022, the collaboration between Akerdome B.V. from Ter Aar and SERCOM Regeltechniek B.V. was officially underlined by signing the cooperation contract. As a result, Akerdome has now become an active dealer of Sercom.

Ronald Akerboom, the owner/director of Akerdome is no stranger to Sercom. There was already a collaboration 10 years ago, when Ronald was still active as a one-man company. Since that time he has not been idle. Akerdome has now grown to a company with more than 50 employees! It is therefore not without reason that they will move to a new building in the course in 2023. They are currently working hard to get it finished before April.

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Fruit Logistica 2023

Fruit Logistica will take place from 8 to 10 February. SERCOM is present here – together with Hortilife B.V. ?

You can visit us in Hall 3.2, booth A-41.

Fruit Logistica covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It thus offers superb networking and contact opportunities to the key decision-makers in every sector of the industry.

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First wireless project for tomato grower

SERCOM has supplied another wireless project in Mexico. This too in collaboration with our local dealer Negocios Fluidos. The project was delivered to a tomato grower in the north of Mexico. Ignacio Rodríguez Gracia (our Spanish project manager) supervised the project. We supplied a wireless system in the municipality of Viveros Hidroponía Casas Grandes. This is situated in the state of Chihuahua and is located almost 1,500 meters above sea level.

In addition to an SC800 process computer, five field stations have been delivered. These field stations are all located a few hundred meters from the SC800. By means of wireless communication in real time, all functionalities within the greenhouses are controlled as well as the irrigation units.

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