In the Clouds: Volume 3 | Commitment
Success, dedication, determination, effort, and execution – all make up components of COMMITMENT. The difference is that many times those characteristics are either partially engaged or fully. Commitment is not about skill, rather 100% about will. It is theDECISION to be determined, to be dedicated, to give the effort, and to ensure execution, regardless of situation, challenges, changes or outside factors. It is s decision to adjust to ensure you meet your word, instead of using excuses with yourself of why you will not execute on your word. – Often times it is when someone audits their commitment to a task, challenge, goal, or target that someone makes the needed changes to achieve their desired outcome. ---- It is always good to ensure we are not fooling ourselves with excuses and stories which prevent us from continuing with the ACTION it takes to meet our desired outcome. We tell ourselves stories about the things we cannot control; these are called excuses. We must focus our energy on the things we can control if we are committed, and going to achieve our desired outcome.
Determine what you are looking at, what stories you are listening to, and make a decision to meet your desired outcome. This decision is your commitment.