In the Clouds: Vol. 8 | Simple Gratitude
It is very easy to forget how AMAZING LIFE actually is. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day struggles of life, and work. Often we find ourselves overwhelmed, stressed and worried about all of the obstacles that life throws at us. In these times especially it is easy to forget all of the small blessing that we have, just because we are thrown a few challenges. We must not forget that life is actually good and there is much we should be grateful for.
In the last decade in business there have been many days where I feel like EVERYTHING is going wrong and there is an abundance of problems around every corner. Looking back it was after these challenges in life that many of the most enjoyable times in life bloomed. It is an interesting thing when we focus on progress, success, and forward motion, that tend to be where our lives go, and adverly when our thoughts are consumed with stress, challenge, and negative perspective, we tend to find more things wrong with our current circumstances. Let this be a reminder that we are the builders of our lives, emotions, circumstances.
If we make it a point to ensure that we are genuinely grateful for the amazing things in life, it is very difficult to be discontent. When you are grateful, it is hard to be upset, angry, stressed, or overwhelmed. By intentionally adding daily gratitude to our lives we tend to reduce the feelings and thoughts of negativity, and they start to be replaced with hope and positive outlooks. All of the eases, and challenges in life are experiences we should be grateful for. For the challenges teach us to be stronger, better, wiser, and grateful for when the coast is clear!
Think about all of the things that are RIGHT, and are moving in a GREAT direction today, and it will ease the journey through the challenges we face!