Clouds in my coffee
I used to judge people who needed or wanted coffee in the morning. Thinking they obviously didn't have the fortitude or resilience to muster their own natural energy to make it through the day.
And then one day, I drank coffee in the morning... and became enlightened to the caffeine coursing through my veins and the magnificence that comes after. My goodness, I felt alert and alive and oh so... happy!
Then I felt guilty.
Guilty for judging others so harshly.
Guilty for drinking coffee.
Guilty because I like (LOVE) it.
Guilty because it makes my mornings better.
It was a heavy feeling that took away my morning cup o'joe joy (I have one cup and sometimes it takes me a whole day to drink it... but it makes me happy) and I was like... hell no.
I am not going to let something this small in my day cause so much inner turmoil (I'm an empath guys, big feelings over here, even about coffee.)
What did I do? I changed up my mental morning routine. I decided to add a splash of compassion to my morning coffee. Compassion for myself, for the other beautiful souls who also need a boost in their morning. For those that don't.
Now my cup of coffee is part of my morning ritual to take stock of how I want to feel that day, send messages of compassion, give gratitude, and start my day brimming with joy.
How do you start your day? Do you have a morning routine or ritual? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!
For more follow me on instagram @heathersnowsheldon