CloudAMQP's 2024 highlights

CloudAMQP's 2024 highlights

As we bid farewell to 2024, we're reflecting on an exciting year at CloudAMQP—one that was truly defined by change.

2024 - a year of information seeking and comparisons

Our content analytics showed that in 2024, users focused heavily on researching and comparing solutions. Blog posts that evaluated different options proved particularly popular, as readers carefully evaluated messaging solutions to determine the best fit for their needs.

We also noticed a shift in conversations at conferences and meetups—it's no longer about whether to use a message broker, but rather how to implement it effectively and for what purpose. This evolution was reflected in our content as well, with a strong focus on real-world use cases and insightful user stories - highlighting the broad messaging spectrum.

Perhaps the most significant transformation, however, was in LavinMQ. It matured beyond our expectations, with the standout milestone of 2024 being the introduction of cluster setup—making it more scalable and robust than ever.

2024 key metrics

  • Our YouTube channel saw a remarkable 50% increase in subscribers, largely thanks to our webinars and livestreams.
  • Over 2,200 people tried out the CloudAMQP training course.
  • We participated in 17 tech events across nine countries and delivered 16 lectures on various topics.
  • Our high-quality blog content attracted more than 330,000 unique visitors to our blog posts in 2024.

These are just a few highlights from our 2024 statistics. To discover CloudAMQP's most popular blog posts and find ones you might have missed, visit this article.

Members of the CloudAMQP team at EuRuKo 2024.

We’d love to hear from you!

Aside from information we can gain from gathering statistics, we are always curious to learn more about our customers. Would you like to share your use case with us and get a chance to be featured on the CloudAMQP website? Please reach out to [email protected] to discuss the details.

Want to see how others have implemented message queues in their infrastructure? All of our user stories are gathered here.

Catch us at Fosdem!

Several CloudAMQP team members will attend FOSDEM in Brussels on February 1–2. If you spot someone wearing a CloudAMQP t-shirt, please come say hi!


Change was the common thread running through last year, and we’re excited to see where it takes us in 2025.

Until next time,

The CloudAMQP team

