Cloud Sight - FinOps tips, AWS events and more
Welcome to Cloud Sight - Anodot's newsletter for all things FinOps. Each month we'll be gathering the best Anodot content and hottest industry news to bring them straight to your feed.
This month we are covering top industry events, highlighting top tips for enabling FinOps for MSPs and discovering a fun way to learn about cloud costs.
Events - AWS Conferences and FinOps X
We’re hitting the road! Our past few weeks have been packed with exciting industry events - our team made an appearance at AWS conferences in Tel Aviv, London and Washington, DC.
We had a blast - meeting other cloud cost practitioners, exchanging knowledge and networking was amazing, so we decided to keep it going!
Find our team at the upcoming integral event for all things FinOps organized by the FinOps Foundation - FinOps X in San Diego on June 27-30.
Watch - FinOps for Managed Service Providers
With competition among MSPs on the rise, it’s more important than ever to prove to prospects and customers that you can bring value.
One highly effective strategy to distinguish your cloud reseller business is enabling FinOps - but it can be tricky.
Watch our webinar to learn about challenges you could face and tactics to resolve them carefully crafted by our cloud cost experts.
Noteworthy - FinOps the Game
This board game allows you to learn FinOps concepts in a fun way.
FinOps Board Game is a cloud cost management strategy for teams of up to 7 players.
Migrate apps to the cloud while maturing FinOps practice but beware: you have to pay the cloud provider after each turn!