CLOUD SECURITY, how save are they?
Technological development in recent decades has advanced in such a way that we can no longer live without it. Earlier, we kept photos in albums but now we just need to upload it to the cloud. The process has been simplified.
But how safe are they?
The cloud is a worldwide network of servers that are connected to function as a single ecosystem. Therefore, it takes care of data security, identity management, governance, legal compliance, etc.
Currently, we find ourselves with a wide range of clouds to choose from, but many times we do not know which one best suits our needs. There are three types: public, private and hybrid.
Public is the most common type of cloud computing deployment and shares storage, the same hardware, and network devices with other members. The advantages are mainly lower costs, no maintenance, almost unlimited scalability, and high reliability.
These clouds are Sun Cloud, Blue Cloud IBM, GoogleAppEngine, etc.
Private computing is made up of computing resources that are used only by one company or organization. In this case, both hardware and software take care of your organization. In addition, the services and infrastructure are located on a private network. This cloud allows us to have greater flexibility, control and scalability.
Several examples are CA Technologies, Joyent, Rackspace, etc.
The hybrid, as its name suggests, is one that combines the infrastructure of a private cloud with a public one and allows data and applications to move between both environments. This type of computing allows companies to expand infrastructure without any need for third-party data centers to access all of their data.
This latter cloud gives us control as your organization allows us to maintain a private network for resources that need low latency. Flexibility because it takes advantage of the additional resources of the public network when necessary. Profitability since you only pay for the additional capacity when it is needed. Finally, more ease since it allows gradual migrations.
These types of clouds are, for example, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.
When choosing between the three different types of cloud, you have to know that there is no one type of computing that is right for everyone, despite the fact that many models, types and services of computing have been developed to satisfy the changing needs of the companies.
EDI is an electronic data interchange format between two organizations. In short, they change the paper format to the electronic one and the communication between companies of commercial documents. Therefore, companies save time and avoid errors due to manual processing.
There are two types of EDI transmissions. One of them is point-to-point or direct connections, without intermediaries and with secure protocols. The other is a value-added network (VAN) which is a third-party network that manages data transmission.
Using this electronic exchange saves time and money, improves efficiency, productivity, traceability and reporting, reduces errors, and delivers delightful customer experiences.
The future of these transmissions is more than guaranteed since it will become the main functionality in the exchange of documents. This will serve to support the blockchain and artificial intelligence.
For the security of this type of network, there are different measures such as limiting access to information, making backup copies, secure passwords, involving the entire company in security, working in the cloud, continuous monitoring, use of DLP software and protect the mail
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California Institute of Management & Technology Harvard University Stanford University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Princeton University University of California, Berkeley Yale University The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Columbia University in the City of New York The Johns Hopkins University