No cloud needed cloud sdk, {C,C++}*{paint,calc(servers)} {C,C++ antibrowser tiny fast client}
No cloud needed cloud sdk, {C,C++}*{paint,calc(servers)} {C,C++ antibrowser tiny fast client}

No cloud needed cloud sdk, {C,C++}*{paint,calc(servers)} {C,C++ antibrowser tiny fast client}

Need to design your #cloud #application? Don't want to be gated by having to pay for a cloud, or wait until a cloud gets fixed? or "Un-overwhelmed?" Here's a #sdk (free as in beer) right now just a paint app and a calc 4 banger app. Design your app as cloud(0) standalone now. Use loopback on a single machine or a pair of machines on the same network to get started. Soon adding tetris and some kind of bank-ish app. No weird tools needed. The gui interface is as simple as possible, look at the code. There are no abstractions for 'buttons' or 'drop down menus' the #client is tiny 1/1085th the footprint of chrome. These two apps(and servers) are roughly that same 1/1000th the footprint of chrome. Yes there is a stopgap runs on any #browser javascript, for those who like 300Mbytes of footprint bloat from a browser. Or you can look at the source code for this tiny 280K thin #antibrowser client. Shown are 4 tiny clients (C) and another 4 (C++) which use a tiny fraction of the over the wire protocol of other browser bloated implementations. Mouse clicks in the same areas give the same numbers scale invariant. The clients don't know and don't care what the #servers on the other end are running. See previous articles with 200 (c clients) on a(this) laptop and 200 c servers (calc 4 banger) on another machine (a 10+ year old 4 proc) Behind the scenes there are 4 c servers(2 paint, 2 calc) and 4 c++ servers(2 paint, 2 calc) and I never worry about which is which because over the wire the protocol is the same. Execution of the server looks similar to cloudapp-c++-paint 81 82 and for the thin antibrowser client it is cloudbro-c 81 82 (+/- the ++) Design your app without strings, if and when you need a cloud, I have a working router that understands how to encapsulate and route back and forth in any tree setup cloud(1) or even cloud(n) the servers and the clients won't know the difference between running in a nested cloud, running to a many to one or one to many, or just running standalone as in this sdk. This model hides many running processes behind a single or fewer client(s) using a single message loop (or fewer message loops) But the client is so lightweight you can run at least 200 clients on even old outdated laptops without too much of an issue. I don't know what the limit on the servers is, they don't use any (gui) message loops and only need #sockets.

Going forward, I will be adding #CSharp, #Lisp (mine) #Java #python and possibly awk bash, powershell both for the servers and the tiny thin antibrowser clients, and aforementioned apps to the sdk. Here is a link to the above source . Please contact me if you want to design for this environment. I consider this to be alpha code, and although I am trying to not change the over the wire protocol, I may have to in some cases.

Here is a RLE human readable scale invariant on the output bitmap looks to be 16x16 This is what went over the wire to the thin client G 1072 475 7400 6440 "16 16 =a000=ba0a=cf70=dfff=ef00=f733 27ab6ac9ab6AD7ac5acdaB5Abdadb5ADaD5Ad3ab9aD29adAe17acad7afaedfaead6Aeadc11adAd23a"

[[ Update ?just a quick note, verified this also works as a cloud(1) setup with an intervening router and accessing many(all 8 in this case) server apps through one external connection, with no difference to the clients or servers, they have no idea of the routing or the many to 1 and 1 to many. ]]


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