Cloud computing solutions that can leverage to meet your business needs.

Cloud computing solutions that can leverage to meet your business needs.

While deciding for which cloud computing solution you should implemented for your infrastructure, you need to know how they work and what their benefits are. This article will help you to understand the critical information when it comes to make sense of cloud computing.

The most popular are multi-cloud computing, hybrid cloud computing, and distributed cloud.

What is Multi-Cloud Computing and what are its benefits?

Multi-cloud computing is similar to what it sounds; it uses multiple cloud computing and storage services in single network architecture. This architecture has cloud software, assets, apps, and more hosted on several cloud environments- hence the “multi-cloud” part. It can be all-public, all-private, or a combination of both. This system also increases storage availability and computing power. It uses two or more cloud services from multiple cloud service providers.

A multi-cloud strategy gives you the freedom and flexibility to go with multiple vendors rather than being locked in with one vendor that may excel in one service but come up short in others.

Multiple cloud environments protect business by ensuring the necessary resources and storage solutions are always running, limiting downtime. This type of computing can also help organizations with administration, risk management, and compliance regulations.

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Hybrid Cloud Computing and its Advantages

Hybrid cloud computing allows for the communication between the servers of your private cloud with multiple public cloud solutions. Proprietary software enables communication between each service. This strategy allows companies more flexibility between cloud computing workloads as resource needs and costs fluctuate. Hybrid cloud computing services allow organizations to have more control over their data, making it an ideal environment for many companies. This gives businesses the ability to store their data on private cloud servers while also leveraging the resources utilized on their public cloud. Unlike multi-cloud computing solutions, hybrid cloud computing is managed from a single location. 

Hybrid cloud computing gives IT administrators more control over their company’s data. It also offers stakeholders the option to choose the environment that best suits each specific networking need. Most organizations don’t use the same amount of power each day; hybrid cloud computing allows administrators to use “more power” when necessary. A hybrid system also requires less space than a private model. This is beneficial for start-ups or small companies that can’t afford to invest in a large private data center.

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What is Distributed Cloud Computing and How Distributed Cloud can help?

Distributed cloud computing is a collection of computers working together while acting as one centralized network. This allows operations to go as expected if one or more devices happen to fail. In a distributed cloud computing environment, the computer systems can be run in the same physical location or in multiple locations that are close together. If the environment is run in multiple locations, their connection will be completed through a local network or by a WAN (Wide Area Network). 

Distributed cloud computing allows organizations the ability to easily scale horizontally by distributing resources among new machines as workload increases. If one data center goes offline, the others can pick up the slack with distributed cloud, making this system more reliable than others. Distributed cloud provides better performance and lower latency because the traffic will come from the closest data center. A distributed system is made up of multiple smaller computers, making it more cost-effective than a mainframe machine.

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Which cloud Computing solution opportune your needs?

After gaining a better understanding of multi-cloud computing, hybrid cloud, and distributed cloud computing, deciding which computing system to go with should be easy. Remember to choose TRUVIC ONLINE the best solution to resolve your organization’s problems because TRUVIC’s research makes you understand the pros and cons of each before implementing a new environment for your company.


