Abhinav Prakash
MBA from RVIM | Finance Intern at Alphaveric -Staffing Solutions | Employee Background Screening
“Cloud Computing Market”
Cloud computing market is the type of market in computing domain where? cloud computing had given the ease to use different kind of services via the gamut of internet. Cloud computing market is the buzz word in the recent times, where? it uses a technology which can be able to analyze and interpret the things and able to manage and be able to gather the data in the proper sequence. In nowadays we? can see Google cloud has also launching its foot in the court of cloud computing ?market to garner the huge crowd under their belt, and Amazon Web Services is also a cloud computing based service provider in the market. The Cloud Computing market? is an area which plays a pivotal role in the plethora of configuration , coding of the respective servers to work efficiently and effectively. The main motto of cloud computing market is to give smooth bug free browsing atmosphere to the end user. The cloud computing market where a lot of cloud represents an array of hosting several internet protocol stations, in the real time? to utilize it efficiently. In the recent times we can see the cloud computing market such as Software as service known as SaaS, Infrastructure as a service known as IaaS, Platform as a service known as PaaS, Security as a service known as SECaaS, Test environment as a service known as TEaas, Storage as a service known as StaaS.
In the past few years we can see in the cloud computing market that cloud computing have been going through the technology transformation in the whole cloud computing arena. Cloud computing market provides endless opportunity to grab for the companies in the domain of cloud computing. Cloud computing gives the companies a good secure firewall and a good software to secure their respective data from the antivirus present in the market. In the cloud computing where we can see that it is the technology which is going to provide the end to end data encryption and ensure internet which having a highest possible data secure of that company. By the gamut of hybrid cloud capabilities which encompasses the scale of the cloud computing to the larger section of the society. Cloud computing is the computing technology which ?consists of different layer of security to secure the minute details of the data and to stop the data breach for the company as well for the client for example if we buy something from amazon then amazon cloud service is owing the certain degree of responsibility to cater the safety of the data for the people who are purchasing the goods from the amazon app. In each and every company the cloud computing is firstly analysed, interpreted,disseminated and then come on a conclusion what to do when to do it properly and according to the need of client and stakeholders. In nowadays the consumer want when the respective consumer want some service it should be seamless and take short amount of time.