Cloud, Compiled (Issue 122)
Mike Maney
Comms @ Akamai. Photographer. Ex-Calvin Klein underwear model. Hey, two out of three isn't bad.
A quick look at some of the stories that popped in the cloud computing world this week.
Amazon leaned into its centralized compute roots with the announcement of a bold strategy to help companies overcome the cloud skills gap by flooding the market with AWS talent.
PepsiCo IT senior director Kimberly Floss is taking the company’s 1950 advertising slogan “More bounce to the ounce” to its cloud spend.
More proof that Lanai is Dr. Evil’s island lair.
Akamai introduced new video workflow capabilities to address pent-up frustration with media industry stalwart AWS Elemental.
IBM acquired Kubecost, signaling continued demand for ways to tame out of control cloud cost and complexity.
Amazon launched a networking cost calculator. It’s unclear if the timing is in response to its egress troubles in Europewhere The Big Three continue to squabble to be the world’s biggest underdog.
Wind River took the wraps off of eLxr Pro to help companies manage critical workloads across distributed environments.
Likely bored with printing cash with its GPUs, Nvidia is venturing out to the edge with some AI wizardry designed to alleviate the strain AI puts on wireless networks.