Closing The Sale
Over the next few DEEmails, you'll discover how to turn more meetings with prospective clients into sales without using high-pressure, old-fashioned sales techniques that you hate using and that turn prospects off.
Imagine you could wave a magic wand and know with complete confidence that whenever you meet with a prospect, whether in person or virtually, you'll turn them into clients without stress.
Think about if you double your closing percentage. How would that transform your business? How about your life? Does it sound impossible? It's not. I'll show you how.
I'm confident that you are an expert at getting your clients results, but here's a little secret they never taught you in school:
Until you learn how to sell, you'll never enjoy the success you're entitled to.
IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT if you're not great at selling. No one ever taught you.
You might think, "But Dave, I'm not a salesperson. I'm a professional. I help people, and I don't need to sell."
Let me gently but firmly tell you that you're mistaken. And?it wasn't until I figured this out that my business took off.
But knowing how to sell is not the most crucial part of it. Sure, the money is nice…and I'd be kidding you if I said it wasn't…but the absolute satisfaction comes from becoming so skillful that people, who need your help, no longer have to walk out of your office wondering what to do.
There's nothing like the satisfaction of sitting down with that person and communicating with them on such a deep level that,?by the time you are finished, they not only write you a large check …on the spot…but thank you profusely and hug you for helping them.
Is that an illusion? Is that a daydream? No. It happens every day with folks I work with.
I'm not promising you'll double your sales just from reading this mini-course. Naturally, there's more to learning how to sell. However, if you read and apply what I share, you'll have several exciting "ah-ha" moments that will change your perspective on the sales process.
That's it for the introduction. Tomorrow, we kick off this series with big mistake #1.
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave "Mini-Course Mania" Dee
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