Equal pay has been a fight women have long faced. And while headway has been made, women are still earning less than men in 2022. But not all women are earning equally, either. Black women specifically earn 67 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men (National Women’s Law Center
, Sept. 15, 2022). And this pay gap is even larger for black women with an advanced degree (LeadIn.org
). Throughout their careers, this can add up to millions of income lost. These pre-existing racial and gender wage gaps have been exacerbated by COVID-19's far-reaching effects and require deliberate action if there is going to be any improvement for black women in the workplace.?
Here are three things you can do as a black woman in the workplace to seek equal pay at your job:?
- Know your worth- Your knowledge, time and skills have value. That is what your employer is paying for. Research your industry to understand the expected salary for someone in your position. If you’re being underpaid, use this research to approach your manager to discuss your pay. It can be hard to recognize your worth at work, so check out my article here to see the Four Areas to Recognize Your Worth in Your Career
- Have boundaries- Remember what you are being paid for: your knowledge, time, and skills. This does NOT include unlimited access, 24/7. Part of a healthy work/life balance is having boundaries that maintain your well-being. This can be easier said than done, especially if the people you work with do not respect your boundaries. But it is so important to your success in your career long-term. If you are struggling to make and keep boundaries at work, be sure to check out my article, How to Set Boundaries at Work and Maintain your Well-Being
- Move on- Maybe you have had conversations already about your pay rate, and are getting the runaround? Don’t stay in a work situation where your worth is not recognized. This is likely a sign that it may be time to move on from your job. If you are considering its time, check out my article about the 5 Signs It’s Time To Move On From Your Job
Businesses play a huge role in the fight for equal pay. Here are three things businesses can do to close the gender and racial wage gap:?
- Take stock- Look at the gender and race make-up of management. What groups are underrepresented in senior management? Where does this inequality begin? Look at how salaries are determined. Are they being calculated in a fair manner? Where is there room for improvement??
- Ask for feedback- Conduct surveys and polls of employees at all levels to understand the experiences of your staff and begin to understand where they would like to see improvements. Keep things anonymous to get honest feedback about the workplace environment and perceived shortcomings of senior management or the company.
- Admit fault & commit to change- Don’t let all the valuable insights you get from your employees fall on deaf ears. Admit where the company has fallen short and explain how you will do better. Make sure to follow through on these commitments to improve the workplace for everyone, especially for black women and other underrepresented individuals.?
Black women have been in even more challenging circumstances that negatively affect their careers, along with their earning potential. The systemic issues that cause these challenges did not show up overnight and will require long-term approaches to bring about change.?
Thanks for reading this article! I'm Velera Wilson, a global speaker, author,
and consultant on a mission to help women own their worth and increase workplace confidence so they advance their careers and thrive as leaders. Submit speaking inquiries
, get a copy of my book, You're Absolutely Worth It
, Women’s Workplace Confidence report
, or connect with me on Twitter