Closing out 2022 - and looking forward to 2023 at WiTricity
Well, its true, all we want this holiday is wireless charging for our EVs. In the meantime ...
Let's debunk a few more myths about wireless charging when it comes to cars and your home.
First, safety. We accept most of the electrical products in our lives as safe, but we hear a lot that people are worried about the safety of our solution. It's new, it's different ... but the short answer is "yes." Our own Ky Sealy addresses this in his blog here. If you're specifically worried about your pacemaker, well, no need to worry, and you can learn more here.
Another persistent myth that pops up particularly in the ham radio community is about whether wireless EV charging impacts AM radio. Again, the answer is "no." And again, the intrepid Ky Sealy (himself a ham radio operator) explains why.
It's the time of year that we start thinking about what's to come, which means we've got to have predictions!
Last year our CMO, Amy Barzdukas , may have been just a little too far over her skis -- but we've granted her a mulligan to try again. You can see how well she did for 2022 and see what she's prognosticating for 2023 here! (Will range anxiety go away?)
WiTricity has certainly grown in 2022!
Meet one of our latest additions, David Trabulsi , Senior Vice President of Engineering. We're thrilled to have him and his 25 years of automotive and consumer electronics experience! Read more.
Lastly, meet your wireless charging consumers.
We keep evangelizing wireless charging to show automakers and Tier 1 suppliers that customers want it -- but don't just take our word for it. We've just published our second eBook about the real consumers who want wireless charging ... and why. Download the eBook.
We look forward to more in 2023!