?? Closing the Gap: Equal Pay for All Plus Unlock Global E-commerce with Section 321!
Let's Talk Supply Chain
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What's happening in the Supply Chain world this week?
?? Companies Face New Normal of Tariffs, Trade Regulation Compliance
In the Lehigh Business Supply Chain Risk Management Index Report for Q3 2024, government intervention has become the second highest concern for supply chain managers, after cybersecurity. The report notes a heightened worry about tariffs, trade wars, and regulatory restrictions on source materials, methodologies or technologies, with particular concerns about Russia and European geopolitics. This adds stress to navigating the post-COVID regulatory environment. Learn more here.
??? How Dole Is Creating A Zero Waste Supply Chain
When Statistics Canada reported that in 2023, 22.9% of people in the ten provinces lived in food-insecure households, Fleitman recognized the urgency of the crisis. This statistic, representing 8.7 million people including 2.1 million children, underscored the pressing need for action. Fleitman’s strategy at Dole involved mapping the perishability lifeline of Dole's products and establishing trigger and control mechanisms within its workflows. This approach creates a push system that ensures when products near their best-before date, typically at 30 Days, community partners of Dole’s humanitarian donations are notified to facilitate timely distribution coast to coast. More here!?
?In other news:
?? Innovation: How Can AI In Manufacturing Boost Supply Chain Efficiency?
??? Section 321: Borderless E-commerce At Your Fingertips
Is the Amazon effect over?!?
There’s no doubt that e-commerce giants, with a little help from a global pandemic (!), have changed the way we shop forever.?
But are our mindsets changing? ??
Dwayne Johnson of SCI Group Inc thinks that customers are moving away from wanting everything yesterday, and are spending more time thinking: ‘Do I really need this straight away?’
And we all know how much changing consumer behavior impacts our supply chains.?
So how can you keep up??
Tune in to today’s episode, that’s how! You’ll discover:?
?? How you can unlock opportunities with Section 321 – and what to think about before you start
?? Why you need to be thinking about localization, as well as going global
?? How taking a proactive approach to understanding trade agreements can put dollars back on your bottom line
Is consumer behavior changing? What could that mean for you? Let us know in our Linkedin post!?
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That is it for today!
As always, thank you for reading and being with us this week!