Closing the Barn Door After the Cow's been Encrypted
This week alone I have had two organizations come to me to beef up their security after ransomware attacks. They weren’t prepared. The lost data, time, and productivity cost their company money. You cannot rest on your laurels when it comes to security what has worked in the past may not be effective now. The threat is constant, ongoing, and ever evolving. No one can tell you that your network is 100% safe, if they do, they are lying. Our approach to security starts with the assumption you will be attacked and what do you need to do to be prepared.
Step one: Understand your risk.
Step two: Mitigate risk layered protection to help prevent intrusion.
Step three: Limit damage for the when/ not if you are attacked and breached.
Rinse-wash-repeat… this is not a stagnant endeavor. Security needs to be revisited/re-examined regularly. My team can help you figure out what makes sense for your organization. There is not a one size fits all solution. Let us help! #NOENCRYPTED COWS!