Closely Reading a Person's Personality Through Pictures Using Behavioural Psychology Theories
Mass Media, Education Specialist and Lecture at National Institute of education ,sri lanka , Lecturer personality psychology and counselling/ Organization Behaver, LPE Campus SL
Closely Reading a Person's Personality Through Pictures Using Behavioural Psychology Theories
W.M.M.B.B. Wijayakoon
Behavioral psychology focuses on observable behaviors as indicators of personality, emotions, and mental states. When analyzing a person’s personality through pictures, especially their behavior in visual form (such as body language, facial expressions, and posture), several key behavioral psychology theories can guide the process.
Here are steps to closely read a person’s personality through pictures using behavioural psychology theories:
1. Observing Body Language: Nonverbal Behaviour Theory
Nonverbal communication, a key aspect of Behaviourism, suggests that behaviors like posture, gestures, and physical positioning reveal much about an individual’s state of mind and personality traits. Nonverbal behavior reflects how a person feels without having to say anything.
What to Look for in Pictures:
Posture: Confident individuals often stand tall with their shoulders back, while slouched posture may indicate insecurity or submission.
Gestures: Open-handed gestures suggest openness and honesty, while crossed arms can suggest defensiveness or discomfort.
Proxemics (personal space): In group photos, how close a person stands to others can reflect their comfort level, dominance, or introversion.
Behavioural Insight: These nonverbal cues align with Albert Mehrabian's Nonverbal Communication Theory, which emphasizes that up to 93% of communication can be nonverbal in nature.
2. Facial Expressions: Emotional Expression and Social Learning
According to B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning theory, behaviour is shaped by reinforcement and punishment, which includes facial expressions. Ekman's Facial Action Coding System (FACS) explains that facial expressions, such as smiling, frowning, or furrowing the brow, can indicate emotional states, which are often habitual and thus tied to personality.
What to Look for in Pictures:
Smiling: Frequent, genuine smiles (seen through the activation of muscles around the eyes, not just the mouth) indicate friendliness, sociability, and a generally positive disposition.
Furrowed Brow: A tense brow or frequent frowning could indicate stress, frustration, or an anxious personality.
Eye Contact: Direct eye contact may indicate confidence or assertiveness, while avoidance can suggest introversion, shyness, or discomfort.
Behavioural Insight: Skinner’s theory suggests that these expressions may be learned and reinforced based on the environment and social feedback. For instance, a person who often receives positive reinforcement for smiling may develop a more sociable, extroverted personality.
3. Behaviour in Social Contexts: Social Learning Theory
Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory emphasizes that people learn behaviors by observing others. A person’s actions in social settings, as captured in pictures, provide clues about their personality based on who they are with and how they behave in social interactions.
What to Look for in Pictures:
Leadership or Follower Behaviour: In group settings, observe whether the person is centrally positioned (leader) or more peripheral (follower).
Interaction Style: Look for cues of how the person engages with others. Are they initiating contact (e.g., talking, reaching out), or are they more passive?
Mirroring: People often mirror the behaviours of those they admire or feel comfortable around. If the person is mirroring others' gestures or body language, they may have an adaptive personality that conforms to social cues.
Behavioral Insight: This falls in line with Bandura’s idea of reciprocal determinism, where personal factors, environmental influences, and behaviour all interact. A person who mirrors confident individuals may adopt similar assertive behaviors in their personality.
4. Patterns of Behavior: Habits and Personality Traits
Behavioral psychologists argue that personality traits are often consistent patterns of behavior that have been learned over time. Behaviorist John Watson believed that behaviors are largely conditioned responses to stimuli in the environment.
What to Look for in Pictures:
Repeated Behavior: Look at multiple pictures of the same person to identify patterns. For example, consistent expressions of warmth and openness across various settings may indicate a stable, extroverted personality.
Action-Oriented Behaviors: People who frequently engage in action (moving, gesturing, interacting) in photos may have more active, assertive, or extroverted personality types, compared to those who remain still or passive.
Behavioral Insight: Repetitive behaviors suggest habitual actions, which Watson proposed are the building blocks of personality. For example, a person who consistently exhibits energetic and enthusiastic behaviors may be characterized by high extraversion according to the Big Five personality model.
5. Environmental Cues: Contextual Behavior
Behaviorism often ties personality expression to environmental stimuli. How a person behaves in different settings, whether relaxed or tense, can indicate how their personality responds to external contexts.
What to Look for in Pictures:
Comfort in Different Settings: Observe the person’s behavior in various contexts (e.g., formal vs. informal settings). Do they seem equally comfortable and confident in both? If not, it may reflect a more context-sensitive or introverted personality.
Approach to Challenges: In action-oriented photos, such as sports or work settings, observe how the person tackles challenges. A hands-on, engaged approach may suggest a proactive, problem-solving personality.
Behavioral Insight: This approach is consistent with Skinner’s view of operant conditioning, where behavior is shaped by the environment. A person’s personality may shift in response to specific stimuli (e.g., stress, competition, social interactions).
Behavioural psychology provides a robust framework for analyzing a person’s personality through pictures. By observing nonverbal behaviors, facial expressions, social interactions, and patterns of behaviour, we can glean insights into an individual’s underlying personality traits. The application of key behavioural theories, such as Skinner’s Operant Conditioning, Bandura’s Social Learning, and Watson’s Behaviourism, allows for a structured approach to understanding personality in visual form.
Through consistent analysis of these cues, one can better understand how personality is reflected in actions and expressions, making behavioural psychology an essential tool for personality interpretation in both clinical and everyday settings.
Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Prentice Hall.
Ekman, P. (1992). Facial Expressions of Emotion: New Findings, New Questions. Psychological Science, 3(1), 34-38.
Mehrabian, A. (1971). Silent Messages. Wadsworth Publishing.
Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and Human Behaviour. Free Press.
Watson, J. B. (1925). Behaviorism. Norton.
Hall, J. A., Harrigan, J. A., & Rosenthal, R. (2019). Nonverbal behaviour in clinician-patient interaction. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 4(1), 21-37.