Closed Networks
One aspect of effective marketing is staying attuned to current social trends to ensure that brand messaging stays ahead of cultural changes. By examining this concept, we can observe how new technology initially influences culture and, in turn, how culture impacts technology.
New technology has provided us with accessibility, mobility, and the ability to share everything. Consequently, there has been a constant flood of information sharing. However, after two decades, the mass social experience has become less enjoyable. It has become overly curated, toxic, and inundated with advertisements. Consumers are increasingly unhappy with being heavily targeted by brands and products, and they feel uneasy about the loss of privacy. Many individuals are beginning to question the cost of self-expression.
As a result, we see a cultural shift that impacts technology. Closed networks, apps, and private online communities are on the rise, making it more challenging for marketers to engage with audiences on these platforms.
Examples of these decentralized social networks are emerging. For instance:
Through this perspective, we can observe a shift towards smaller, more focused groups of people communicating about specific topics. It remains to be seen how this will evolve and what implications it will have for brands and marketers, but what is clear is the audience is seeking smaller, more personal, and “safer” spaces and that must be understood and respected.?