Closed minds are like closed doors.
I have this premise that keeps circulating in my head.??
Closed minds are like closed doors.? You can exist behind them.? You can even be happy behind them.? You can exist in your own world and view things only from your perspective – behind that closed door.?
It may be safer there.? Calm.? Simple.? You control the environment.? The temperature.? The art on the walls.? But the slice of the world you have chosen to consume leaves you – well – ignorant.?
It is bliss… is it not??
The word has such a negative connotation when in reality it can often simply mean “lacking knowledge or awareness”.? I am certainly ignorant of many things.?
?But if you choose to close your doors – and your mind – is every opinion you share of anything beyond them not tainted by your ignorance?? Frankly, is your opinion even truly relevant?? It sounds harsh, but I believe it’s a fair question.
?Fellow entrepreneurs and “bosses” have commiserated with me on just how difficult it is in the modern American office to foster an environment in which peers and colleagues have a true understanding and respect for what each other has to do.? Sales, Operations, Administration, Support, Inventory, Executives.? It absolutely and unequivocally takes everyone to run a business, however most toxicity simmers and ultimately boils in the blame-game or finger pointing or gossip train around persons who are not pulling their weight or become the “pile-on” target of underbelly inter-office communications.?
To be clear, sometimes people are in fact just not good at their jobs or simply willing to put in the necessary effort.
But if there were only a magic button that truly allowed all teammates to see and understand everything the other has to do.? It would be the opposite of ignorance, the result would be a more universal understanding and respect.? The underbelly would undoubtedly do more simmering and less boiling.? ?
This button, as we all know, does not exist.? If it did, we would apply it so far beyond the office and into every facet of humanity. ? In absence of it, we are left with choices.? Doors.?
Open them, or remain behind.? Comfort is broken when you turn the knob. It takes energy, effort, and work that not everyone is willing to give.? Understanding by its nature takes effort.?
Closed minds are like closed doors.? You can exist behind them.? But the limited view leads to limited understanding.? I believe this is truly applicable across every piece of our lives – including work.
It’s not wrong to exist behind the door.? It’s easier.? Simpler.? And as they say – maybe this is the easiest path to bliss.?
But nothing remarkable happens there, your world-view is limited, and nothing fresh enters the room until you turn that knob.?