CLOSED!!! ?? 258 Carroll St #111, SUNNYVALE, CA 94086
Listing Price $1,360,000
??SOLD Price $1,350,000??

CLOSED!!! ?? 258 Carroll St #111, SUNNYVALE, CA 94086 Listing Price $1,360,000 ??SOLD Price $1,350,000??

?? After the sellers did a price reduction, my buyers are interested in this great newly build TownHome in Downtown Sunnyvale and I insisted to negotiate for a even lower price and favorable terms with the listing agents. I was able to negotiated and ratified the contract all under 6 hours! My Buyers are very pleased with the result and thrilled to be moving into this awesome property!

Who you work with TRULY MATTERS!

Who do you know of looking to buy or sell real estate in the Silicon Valley / Bay Area? I am NEVER too busy for your referrals!

Hoi W. Ng. Top 5% Realtor Nationwide

BRE# 01999466

?? 650.283.4362

?? [email protected]

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