Close relationships - an opportunity to evolve

Close relationships - an opportunity to evolve

Whenever someone refers to relationships – the first thought that occurs to us is romantic relationships. However, those are just one of the many close relationships that we share. There are other equally important close relationships - with our parents, siblings, children, friends, colleagues etc.

Relationships are a very important aspect of our lives. We are deeply connected emotionally with people close to us. So, we are affected by them and their actions and in-turn influence them as well. Relationships are far from simple and involve a myriad exchange of care, ideas, emotions, love etc.

Each relationship is unique and it would be very unproductive to straight-jacket and look at them from generally accepted frameworks / perspectives. We spend a significant portion of energy, mind space and time in discovering facets of people close to us and navigating our relationships with them.

The quality of our relationships has a significant bearing on our happiness levels.

Harvard Study on Adult Development

Harvard has been conducting a study for over 80 years with a goal to discover clues to living healthy and happy lives.

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And the finding of the study was that close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives. Our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health and happiness.

Relationships – an opportunity to evolve

Relationships don’t come in black and white – they are shades of grey. My experience has been the same. I have experienced several ups and downs in all of my close relationships. However, the tough phase in each of my relationships has helped me look into myself and evolve.

Earlier, whenever I experienced friction, unpleasantness, hurt and pain in my close relationships - in my heart, I used to feel that the other person is responsible for the situation. I used to blame the other person for being unjust, unfair and incorrect and used to get angry at him/her. I could not look at my role in contributing to the tiff in the relationship.

However, with awareness, I now realize that tough situations in relationships are an opportunity for us to evolve. These difficult situations throw light upon our blind spots, aspects of ourselves that we were not consciously aware of, that need to be revisited and re-evaluated. 

When we blame a person for being a certain way – we do not realise that they are just acting as mirrors and reflecting those very aspects of ourselves that we were not consciously aware of.

For instance –if you get mad at your partner for not being truthful – you can be rest assured that you possess the very same quality of hiding things from others. However, you have not yet acknowledged that part of you. Also, deep within you dislike that part of you. And your partner is just holding a mirror by not being truthful.

Each time you experience that someone has not been honest – it triggers an angry reaction within you since sub-consciously it reminds you about that aspect of yourself that you hate.

Hence, tough situations in close relationships provide us with a wonderful opportunity to deep dive into ourselves and acknowledge and heal certain parts of us that we were consciously not aware of.

My experience

I really didn’t like one of my batch-mates at the management school because I felt that he was hot-headed and arrogant. And I felt that even he didn’t like me much. So, we hardly interacted with each other and kept to ourselves.

Over the years this pattern repeated – I developed an instant dislike for people who I felt were arrogant and had an air of superiority. I always was under the mis-belief that I was very humble. I felt that I was soft spoken and respectful for others.

But during one of the interactions with my wife – I became fully aware that deep down I believed that I was superior to others. I also became aware that I sub-consciously picked up this belief as a young child. My mother, like many Indian doting mothers, used to believe and often tell me that I was the best child. And I took it quite literally.

My belief that I was the best in a way helped me a lot since it manifested itself in my life situations and I was really good is most things - academics, sports etc. However, it had a flipside. My attitude put off several people and they didn't feel like connecting with me. Also, I felt disconnected and unhappy.

Now, the feeling of superiority complex has dissolved completely and since I am more aware - I respond differently to situations.

Cosmic understanding of relationships

For most of us – this is not our first lifetime. We have had several life times before this one. Each time when the soul leaves the body - the soul, along with the other intangible aspects of ourselves - ethereal / energy body, emotions and mind, travels to the higher realm.

In the higher realm – the soul rests and reviews its immediate past life with higher awareness. It then creates a blue print for the next life. It chooses the situations it wishes to experience.

Every soul is pure Cosmic Energy and as you are aware (if you are not aware please refer to my other article on Cosmic Energy) Cosmic Energy is an omnipotent yet neutral energy. For the Soul – pain is just an emotion similar to joy. It does not prefer pleasure over pain or for that matter any emotion over another.

When the Soul creates the blueprint for the next life it first chooses the experiences it wishes to have. It may wish to re-live certain situations of past life differently. It may also choose to experience exactly the opposite of previous lifetime’s experience. For example, if it has hurt somebody in past life – it may choose to experience exactly the opposite experience – of being hurt in the next life in a similar situation. This is a different lens / perspective of looking at Law of Karma – as you sow so you reap.

Once the soul finalises the experiences it wishes to experience – the Cosmic Energy then scans to find suitable matches with other souls who wish to collaborate.

For instance, if a soul wishes to experience how it feels to be murdered and the other soul wishes to experience how it feels to murder another human being – there is a match. Many times souls travel from one lifetime to another in groups and matches happen within the same soul tribe.

Once there is a match – soul contracts / energetic contracts and agreements are made between two parties.

Relationship Healing

More often than not –we find ourselves emotionally entangled in our close relationships that create disharmony and dis-ease to both parties.

At Spoorthi Wellness Programme – we facilitate energetic healing of relationships through the healing modality of Relationship Healing. 

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Energetic chords get formed between the ethereal / energy bodies of people in a close relationship. These chords create emotional entanglements between two people. If a person is feeling low and upset – the other person also starts feeling low and upset - due to flow of energy between the energetic chords.

We facilitate cutting of these chords. Each party then operates from his / her energy space without any energetic and emotional influence from the other.

This liberates each person to be his / her authentic self and to freely express himself / herself.

This technique has helped me a lot to heal my relationship with my father, mother, wife and sons.

Further, at Spoorthi Wellness programme – we also facilitate changes to the soul contracts to create a new alternate reality. This brings ease, harmony, joy and love between people in close relationships.

Sunil Kaura,

Spoorthi Wellness Programme,

+91 82476 71155 / [email protected] /

Please share your thoughts and comments. 

Sunil Kaura

Wellness Facilitator l Eco-Entrepreneur l ex - Investment Banker l ISB I CA (#???????????????? #???????????????????? #???????????????????????? #?????????????????????? #???????????????????????????? )

1 年

Hi Eliana, Thanks for reaching out. Our Wellness and transformation course - ‘Beyond the Obvious’ is an online DIY (Do It Yourself) course. You can log onto our website or download the app Spoorthi Wellness and preview the first four chapters of the Course free of cost. This will give you a flavour of the course and if you feel a connect Am- you can subscribe to it. You can do the course in the comfort of your own space and at your own pace. Hope this helps.


Sunil, You have come into my life when I needed you the most!! thank you!!!! Is there a Wellness program in Australia-Sydney??


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