A close call for Donald Trump and American democracy.
Michael W.
CP Provider for over 40 years Private and Govt. contracts. Well travelled. CP training, Local Liaison, investigation services for CP Teams travelling to Iberian peninsula+LATAM Physical combative solutions. Educator
Two days have now passed since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life and the enquiry into what happened is well underway, I am sure, in the highest echelons of the USAs national security infrastructure as it is on every social media forum.
Heres’ my two penneth’ worth!
Incompetence is a word I don’t like to use and one which I have heard bandied about quite a lot in the last 48 hours. I am not sure it is as yet justified in the form that it is being used nor is it currently directed in the right direction. That may change but at the moment the Secret Service agents, on task, have become an easy target for many armchair experts. Mainly those that don’t have enough knowledge nor experience to comment on the professionalism of others in a career they have never worked.
And yes, I know you don’t need to be an expert to 1. Have an opinion 2. See what a blind man could see or 3. Spot errors in a performance, but all of those should be added to a little bit of empathy and the will to improve the performance of all and not just condemn the performance of those that seem like the easy target. Whilst remembering that everything we currently know about the event have been feed to us through media sources with their own agendas!
Everyone makes mistakes, those who tell you they don’t are liars. The gravity attached to those mistakes differ depending on the arena in which you perform.
Much went wrong in the incident being discussed. The motives for those errors are what I would like to discuss here and now. The failures of protocol, or the lack of applied protocol!
Team selection is one such area I should like to examine… I am sure I shall rock a few boats here!
Donald Trump is today alive because of the intervention of luck, and not because of the professionalism of the Secret Service security detail, and that is a sad truth that all must accept.
His security detail should see reaction as failure simply because everything they are supposed to hold dear is in the prevention of an attack and not in their reaction to an attack, (however good or bad that reaction might have been, it exists only because of the previous failure to detect and deter!) Donald Trump was shot, not fatally, and nothing that happened after that event would have happened any differently had the Secret Service not been there. He had already evaded any further injury himself, before his detail arrived to 'protect' him and could have easily walked off stage un-attended. Harsh I know but true nevertheless.
SOPs for such an event stipulate that all areas with a line of sight to the podium and inside a cordon of (normally) 500mtres, should be ‘searched, sealed and guarded’ to not do so is a failure of protocols. Who was responsible for this failure has yet to be clarified, then they will be asked the question, why? Was it missed through, complacency, incompetence or intentionally, and was the intention for the benefit of ulterior motives. Much work to be done there.
The young inexperienced, (in just about everything), assassin was able to gain access to the roof which almost certainly required a ladder of some sort! Which, if in sight on the original security sweep, should have been concealed and contained (locked up or locked away). The young assassin was carrying an AR15 type rifle, which should have been noticeable. Let me state here that it is not illegal to carry an assault rifle and many of Trumps supporters have been known to carry openly at previous gatherings and rally’s as well as at protests (a nightmare for any security detail) so again this in and of itself is not necessarily a red flag, but should be an indicator for a trained operative to ask more questions of anyone, but especially someone so young at a political rally. That is standard ‘Behavioural profiling’ which is of course one of the many talents that separates the secret service and EP from the knuckle dragging bodyguards; apparently!
Several witnesses not only saw but alerted the police to the presence of someone (crawling) on the rooftop some considerable time prior to the shooting. If this information was transmitted to the Secret Service control centre/ops room, it was undervalued, un-investigated and to all intents and purposes ignored from an operational point of view. That is to say, stage side security was not told of a possible threat nor to stand-by, to close in on the VIP, Donald Trump, or to modify their current positions in any way! An error in SOPs and protocol, without a shadow of a doubt, if that was indeed the case. A deliberate action on who’s command or overconfidence shadowed with incompetence?
Here I must add that security is often in a constant battle of egos and demands of the VIPs aids, who want the security outside of any area where photos may be taken so as to not detract from the feeling of safety amongst other things. Constant hiding in the shadows and off stage will delay reaction times that is certain, and if the security is ordered back, they will go, at least until a clear and present danger is detected in which time it may be too late to react effectively. As appears to be the case here. Any heads up or early warning will always be welcome, even if it pans out to be irrelevant.
Roof-top counter sniper obviously had his attention captured by something and due to his direction of interest it is reasonable to assume he had the young shooter in his sights. So why did he not take the shot until after shots had been fired at Trump? Almost certainly this is down to chain of command. I would like to assume that the sharpshooter who killed the assassin with a very impressive shot was a security service sharpshooter but I do not currently have that information confirmed, and his failure to take the shot sooner makes me think that he may have been local PD seconded to aid overwatch in the outer ring security due to lack of actual Secret Service on the ground. That if confirmed would explain why he failed to shoot sooner and why he believed he needed permission to take the shot from someone outside his immediate chain of command.
The immediate security detail on the stage and podium area: It appears to many that they acted appropriately under the circumstances and that may be true, it may also be false.
Much must be commented on in reference to their protocols and SOPs but their bravery is in no doubt, they provided the infamous ‘bullet catcher’ pose with the intention of providing body cover to the VIP which again was assisted by large quantities of luck. Luckily there was no second shooter, something they could not have known at the time.
No ballistic protection in the way of security blankets were on hand, maybe relying on the protective curtain of the podium banner which are almost always intended to provide ballistic protection, another error in the planning in my humble opinion, it is common knowledge that the body cover would not have protected Mr trump should military grade weapons have been aimed in his direction.
A three second reaction delay only further bolsters my opinion that Secret Service ops room had not transmitted information about the rooftop assassin to the security detail. They reacted to the sound of gunfire and to the reaction of Trump who was already taking cover himself before the security detail mounted the podium to cover him!
It is SOP to give maximum cover to the VIP or Protectee and minimum to the threat, this is mainly to negate tunnel vision on the threat, which may in fact only be a diversion to benefit an even more serious threat and it was done well, however. Whether it is Secret Service SOPs or not I would have preferred to see less attention paid to Mr Trump and his shoes and more to the environment which would mean the CP team faced away from their client and into possible oncoming dangers, there were sufficient agents on-scene to cover all possibilities but they did not seem to have their roles clarified in advance. That is in itself another organizational failure in my humble opinion.
Many have commented that there would be too many possible risks in such a crowd to distinguish any real threat should a second or third shooter have been present, but what is even more clear is that someone facing the crowd would stand more chance of distinguishing such a threat, than someone looking away!
Cover and evacuate is the main duty of the Secret Service CP team and individual agents.
It took the team at least 1 minute and 26 seconds to initiate this manoeuvre, something that should have been immediate. A quick irregular exit off the back of the stage would have provided immediate 360o cover for Mr trump and his CP team, but it appears that no-one even considered that option! Why? One of the reasons for the delay was Mr Trumps shoes, sorry, his shoes!!!
The security detail called for movement at least three times that I heard but their wishes appear to have been overridden by Mr Trump and this is completely unacceptable and understandable at the same time.
Anyone who has worked in such a position will immediately understand the complexities of that which are almost impossible to explain to someone who has not.
Then one must allow for the previously mentioned Ops room or control centre. We have no knowledge of what radio transmissions were being received by whom and from whom. It is almost certain from my point of view that the CAT agents would be giving information pertaining to any remaining threats and clear paths of exit, as would overwatch through the control centre, which the CP security detail would adhere to.
Several of the operatives have come under fire because they were women. That in itself is not a concern of mine nor a reason to berate them. They were tasked with a job and they did the best they could under the circumstance. However, there was a downside to their height and weight and it showed massively. They appear to have been accessories to a security detail and that is not acceptable. They constantly looked for guidance and provided little body cover for Mr Trump although as I said earlier you cannot deny their bravery in attempting to provide body cover.
When selecting a security detail, the height and weight of those expected to provide body cover for sudden evacuation should always be considered. It seems that in this case it was not, be that out of indifference, overconfidence lack of experience, complacency or political correctness in the form of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) I am not sure but it is not the fault of the female agents on task, it is the fault of managerial/operational organization. Never the less they should not have been on this detail in the positions they appear to have been allocated in my opinion and I am sure my colleagues, regardless of their politics or ‘political correctness barometer’ will have to concede.
Did DEI play its part, I am sure it did. Secret Service selection at this level and indeed at any other should be based on ability and attributes, not on political correctness.
I have worked with many female agents, in many diversified scenarios and roles throughout the CP team apparatus, all were selected because they were the best at what was needed at that time, this quite simply was not the case here. When the Secret Service director says she will assure 30% female integration into the service, without stating how she will do this without lowering the level of security provided then it is just a political stunt and ‘molly coddling’ all those who believe we are all created equal. Quite simple we are not and body cover in particular needs to be given by those with the size and strength to provide such cover. There should be no inclusion for inclusions sake.
I have supported many women entering into, or progressing through the CP career path and have much respect for those, who asked for and found help in my mentoring. As I am honest about our mission, “we are protectors and therefor our ability to protect must be a precursor to employment and utmost in our minds at all times,”. I have always been honest with my students as to their possibility of being selected for my teams when competing against men for the same position.
I seldom select a woman over a man unless my risk assessment requires me to do so. My reasons are many and varied but defendable always and my opinion will remain this way until a woman shows me, she can do the job of protecting better than her male counterparts. As of yet this has not happened, ever.
That is, as in the case in hand, because the main duty of CP is to physically protect, and few women can compete against a man in a physical protection scenario. They can’t lift more, push more or pull more weight than a man of their size and are seldom larger than their male counterparts competing for the same job. Black and white! There are many roles for which women are excellent and as with all security operatives that is a consideration that must not be overlooked for the sake of political correctness. But in this scenario it must be said that;
Guns were drawn but not used, all cover to the protectee was physical. FULL STOP!
What the women added to this scenario was weakness, taking the place of larger, stronger agents for no other reason than political correctness. This has to stop before it directly causes the death of someone we are supposed to be protecting. If women are specifically requested by the client and my risk assessment does not include them, they will be added to the security detail, not “swapped in” at the cost of a male agent. That is not sexist it is a realist and responsible work ethic.
In this instance, organizational failure put height challenged persons in a position where height was of importance and that was an oversight caused by managerial failure to provide an appropriate security response to the threats posed. No more no less. Again, I say, Donald Trump’s life was saved by luck not judgement and that is not what we do ‘risk Assessments’ for.
There was a risk assessment wasn’t there?
The Secret Service, supposedly the best in the world at what they do, pride themselves on detecting and avoiding possible confrontation on all levels. Something they failed to do here. And, before you start chirping in with the “we have to succeed 24/7/365 and they only have to succeed once” shut up! “An uneventful failure is not success” is a quote I have heard and repeated myself many, many times.
Just because nothing went wrong all those times you think you were doing a perfect job; doesn’t mean you were actually doing a perfect job!
A recent post by a friend and colleague Jethro P. mentioned the need, or more accurately the benefits of/for more red teaming, a service we have provided for some time now, and I obviously commented in total agreement. Only when tested can we measure failure, without such testing all missions are a success or at least they appear to be so! On the 13th of July 2024 the Secret Service CP team protecting Donald Trump were tested. You can decide if they were a success or a failure.
I recently worked a task in Europe with several ex Secret Service, who after trying to deliver them our risk assessment, couldn't wait to inform us of their superior status. A sad but true fact. They had their hotel room burgled, then their car broken into, then on the last day all their bags robbed, which included travel documents and delicate personal information about their/our client, from the boot of their unattended car outside the front door of their hotel! I was planning on writing a post about that when this tragic event took place, but stay tuned it will be forthcoming shortly! With that said some of my best friends and closest work companions are ex Secret Service but they would never tell you that...
Obviously, Mr Trump is alive and walked off the podium under his own steam but I personally give no credit to the security team as a whole for that success!
In 2014 I was contacted to organize alongside my team-mates the training of a newly inaugurated presidential security team. The country concerned had limited resources dedicated to this task. It soon became clear that acceptance into this specialised and privileged group was not always based on merit but often as reward for some previous service or even family relation!
Having spent six weeks in this task I asked to consult with the Brigadier General of the special operations command, who I had previously worked alongside and conducted training assignments with to voice my concerns that things had to change, and here is the brief I and my contractual employer left with:
Let it be known that it is our intention to form a new specialist unit of Elite operatives to work as the close protection group dedicated to the protection of the president and his inner circle.
Let it be known that only the very best will be selected, in what is to date the hardest selection course ever offered to our troops.
Select 550 personnel to attend a pre-selection two-week course.
From that course and allowing for failure and drop-out divide the remaining into four groups to start immediate full training and preparation of 1 year duration.
All candidates would be volunteers from specialist military and police units. (recommendations would be accepted by commanding officers but all must be volunteers)
Real life experience will be assessed and valued.
Candidates must have minimum 5 years’ service history within Special Operations units.
Both sexes could apply and there will be no higher age limit.
Everyone would receive the same training and would pass the same tests to reach selection stage.
56 weeks later the first class presented for task. They worked in a highly volatile politically charged atmosphere for the next three years without serious incident in the vicinity of the then President whom they protected nor any of his inner circle. ??????????????????????????????????????????? We have since performed similar duties for another South American president.
There is no security that is 100% perfect.
Mistakes will often be made but must always be learned from and not hidden to remove guilt nor embarrassment. Progressive learning and improvement come from introspection, although it is true that it often takes an outside observer to provide the information you need to advance. I do not criticise, if indeed that is how you read this article, out of ego or to shame in public those mentioned any more than they shame themselves in private. Those who may have dropped the ball know who they are I am sure. Whether they will step up to the mark is another story, one yet to be written.
However, in this world where trust and honesty are our virtues one has to critique. Could things have been done better? Yes, they could, of that there is no doubt.
Would we have done it better had we been in their shoes? Well obviously, we would like to think that following tried and tested protocols and SOPs is what would have made sure we did.
Tried and tested protocols and SOPs which for some reason on this day appear, at least at the moment to have not been followed!
On this sad day we must not forget that there has been one confirmed death and two injured, a man who will be dearly missed I am sure, may he rest in peace.
We provide Governmental, Corporate, and civilian security services and training in Spain and Latin America.
We can organise advance reconnaissance and investigations services for visiting CPTs, and we have our own CP personal throughout Spain, Portugal and Andorra and into Northern Africa.
Options are available to those who wish to increase their personal safety, the safety of their loved ones or clients, or who wish to advance their careers in Close Protection with professional no-nonsense skillsets.
I teach private, mainly academic, online classes, and in-person; private, family, and group classes in Cádiz province, as well as Barcelona, Tarragona and Madrid, in Spain.
The subject matter I cover includes but is not limited to: My D.A.D.A. program. Detect, Avoid, Distract, Attack (CQC). Situational awareness and avoiding problematic situations; Behavioural (people) profiling for your safety; Situational control and tactical conversation; Physical solutions for violent situations; Security at home and protection solutions.
In-person classes can include in-depth physical combative training. The use of physical violence for your safety and security.
If you would like information on any of the above subjects feel free to DM me and we can have an informal "chat" old school style!
Alternatively contact me at: www.insafehands.net
Certified Master Anti - Terrorism Specialist, Executive Protection Operator, Self Protection Instructor, Author, Speaker, Veteran
3 个月Great post Mike Michael W. You cover a hell of a lot in this great write up. Just keeping it short as this is a huge area of discussion which has been highlighted in previous U.K. fit for purpose discussions so I’ll just use bullet points. * Site Survey * Security of the site after the survey * Site set up * Stage set up * Team make up * team position allocations * Counter sniper positions or overwatch teams * Use of external agencies * Inter agency comms * Actions on attack * Evac procedures * EMS response And so on. I’ve read through your pist a few times and can still pick up on lots more.
4 个月A serious and detailed analysis of the facts. From the assumption of ignorance of certain keys, which we will probably never know, the detailed reflection of the event seems impeccable to me. Thank you Mike for putting your experience and knowledge at the service of everyone and help us think about the possible reactions of the protection and security elements, the causes and consequences of the event, as well as the hypotheses that explain them.
CP Provider for over 40 years Private and Govt. contracts. Well travelled. CP training, Local Liaison, investigation services for CP Teams travelling to Iberian peninsula+LATAM Physical combative solutions. Educator
4 个月https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/mick-coup-51199347_52-push-ups-in-1-minute-puts-me-in-the-excellent-activity-7219621923423485952-DWwQ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Interesting and well articulated article
A very balanced article, I thought, Micheal! I don’t particularly agree with your EDI views. I’m not so naive that I think it never happens but, In my experience, many of the women I have worked with, whilst not always being physically stronger than men in pushing weights, they have been mentally fitter, fitter from a cardiovascular perspective, better shots, more intelligent, less likely to create problems or issues. Hence, I’d rather work with those women than the equivalent number of ‘muscle men’ any day of the week. It may well be that some of those agents people didn’t think performed so well were new to the role / task. Everyone has to start somewhere and every team will have ‘newbies’. Who knows? But it’s a possibility too. Only the inquiry will give us all the answers - hopefully. Nonetheless, a good read.