Close Brothers Motor Finance: The 2024 Hopcraft Case Explained

Close Brothers Motor Finance: The 2024 Hopcraft Case Explained

The UK motor finance industry faces a major upheaval after the Hopcraft case verdict. Close Brothers Motor Finance now deals with serious challenges following the Court of Appeal judgement. This groundbreaking ruling questions whether motor finance companies and dealers were transparent enough about their commission arrangements. It also raises red flags about past lending practises and consumer rights.

The Financial Conduct Authority keeps a close watch while Close Brothers takes its appeal to the UK Supreme Court. The case brings up key concerns about interest rates, commission disclosure requirements, and how consumer complaints should be handled in the motor finance sector. The Hopcraft case's effects on Close Brothers and potential risks to the broader financial services industry deserve a closer look.

Background of the Hopcraft Case

The Court of Appeal heard three combined cases in July 2024 that altered the map of motor finance in the UK 1. These legal proceedings that originally started in regional courts across England brought major changes to the motor finance industry's commission arrangements 1.

Overview of the Court of Appeal judgement

The Court unanimously changed how broker-lender relationships work in motor finance transactions 1. The 2023 ruling states that brokers must get their customers' fully informed consent before accepting commission from lenders. This consent requires complete disclosure of commission amounts and calculation methods 1.

Parties involved in the case

The united appeal combined three distinct cases:

  • Hopcraft versus Close Brothers
  • Wrench versus South African Firstrand Bank
  • Johnson versus Firstrand Bank and Motonovo Finance 1

Kingston-upon-Hull Combined Court rejected Hopcraft's case originally. The Court of Appeal later combined it with two other appeals to conduct a complete hearing 1.

Key issues addressed

The court ruling focused on motor finance practises that needed attention. Motor dealers who acted as credit brokers had to maintain both a disinterested duty and a duty of loyalty to their customers 2. This decision set stricter standards for commission disclosure that went beyond the Financial Conduct Authority's rules and regulatory requirements 2.

The Financial Conduct Authority now reviews motor finance commission arrangements from April 2007 to January 2021, when these practises became illegal 1. Their 14-year old review shows their dedication to tackle misconduct in the sector 1.

The court found that following regulatory rules didn't meet legal requirements 3. This unexpected finding changed how companies sell and market finance products in the industry 3.

Court's Ruling and Its Implications

A landmark ruling from the Court of Appeal, now 6 months old, created unprecedented legal standards that transformed the motor finance industry's commission arrangements 4. This game-changing decision brought a most important change to how legal experts interpret broker-customer relationships and their obligations.

Fiduciary duty of motor dealers

Car dealers who serve as credit brokers have a fiduciary duty toward their customers and must act exclusively in their customer's best interests 4. The court's ruling goes beyond standard regulatory requirements and establishes that dealers must demonstrate complete loyalty to their customers. They cannot have conflicts of interest unless customers provide informed consent 5.

New standards for commission disclosure

The judgement requires complete transparency for all commission arrangements. Lenders must follow these requirements:

  • Disclose the existence and amounts of commissions explicitly
  • Provide a clear method to calculate commissions
  • Obtain customer consent for all payment arrangements 6

The Court firmly rejected lenders who hide commission information within general terms and conditions. These disclosures were effectively "hidden in plain sight" 7.

What it all means for the motor finance industry

This ruling's effects go way beyond the motor finance sector and could disrupt lending practises in financial services of all types 8. The Financial Conduct Authority stepped in and gave motor finance companies a 37-week break instead of the usual 8-week deadline to handle customer complaints 9. Companies now have extra time to check their processes and make sure they follow the new legal standards 4.

Industry experts believe big operational changes are coming. Many lenders must review their finance processes to line up with stricter legal requirements 4. The Finance & Leasing Association called this a "significant and unexpected judgement" that just needs quick action from regulatory authorities 8. Financial institutions might have to change their contract structures for loan products of all types to alleviate legal risks and stop future disputes 8.

Close Brothers' Response and Strategy

Close Brothers Group has created a detailed response strategy after the Court of Appeal's Hopcraft ruling. The financial services provider has taken decisive steps that will help manage both immediate and long-term effects on its operations.

Appeal to the UK Supreme Court

Close Brothers strongly disagrees with the Court's extension of existing case law and plans to appeal to the UK Supreme Court 2. The Hopcraft case alone won't affect the Group's finances materially, but this judgement could set a precedent that leads to more claims and substantial future liabilities 2.

Temporary pause on new UK motor finance business

Close Brothers has temporarily stopped accepting new UK motor finance business after a recent ruling 10. The company's account managers have reached out to dealers about this temporary halt. The pause will continue while the company reviews and updates its documentation and processes to meet new requirements 10. This careful approach shows the company's steadfast dedication to handle regulatory requirements properly while safeguarding its business operations.

Financial position and capital ratio

Close Brothers continues to maintain a resilient financial foundation despite current challenges:

  • Capital Strength: The Group reports a CET1 capital ratio of 12.8% as of 31 July 2024 2
  • Strategic Growth: The planned sale of Close Brothers Asset Management should boost the group's CET1 capital ratio by approximately 100 basis points 2
  • Liquidity Management: The company follows a conservative funding strategy that focuses on 'borrow long, lend short'. This is a big deal as it means that their 12-month average Liquidity Coverage Ratio surpasses 1,000% 2

The company's share price showed significant volatility after the Court's decision. It dropped from 365.40p to 285p and later recovered partially to 318.60p 10. Close Brothers remains focused on customer support while safeguarding its business franchise through these uncertain times 2.

Future Outlook and Industry Impact

The landmark Court of Appeal judgement brings a fundamental change to the motor finance industry. Its implications reach way beyond discretionary commission models 5. Financial institutions now face unprecedented challenges that require new operational standards for their future business conduct.

What it all means for Close Brothers

Nobody knows exactly how much this will cost Close Brothers. The final amount depends on several key factors 2:

  • How the Court's ruling applies to each case
  • How many people file claims
  • Each claim's unique details
  • The Court's decisions about compensation amounts

The Hopcraft case by itself might not hit Close Brothers too hard financially. However, this case sets a precedent that could lead to most important financial obligations based on future claim results 11.

Broader implications for the financial sector

The judgement presents two main options to conduct future business 5:

  • Complete disclosure of material facts, including commission rates, calculation methodologies, and dealer-lender relationships
  • Explicit acknowledgment to consumers that dealers do not act impartially or in customers' best interests

The Finance and Leasing Association stresses that this "significant and unexpected judgement" needs immediate attention from the Financial Conduct Authority. The impact extends beyond the motor finance sector 10.

FCA's stance and ongoing investigations

The FCA created a detailed response to address the situation. Their investigation has a review under section 166 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 that dissects historical motor finance commission arrangements from multiple firms 9. A pause on complaint handling will continue until December 2025 12. This extension allows time to:

  • Study how this affects the industry and consumers
  • Create potential consumer redress schemes
  • Protect over 2 million motor finance customers fairly each year 12

The FCA works closely with involved firms, the wider sector, and the Government. This collaboration helps track market developments and determine the actions needed 13. Their priority stays focused on fair customer treatment while keeping the motor finance market functional 13.


The Hopcraft case has changed UK motor finance by setting new legal requirements about commission disclosure and relationships between dealers and customers. Close Brothers showed the ruling's significant effect on long-standing industry practises when they appealed to the Supreme Court and temporarily stopped their business. This key development has pushed financial institutions to review their operations, especially how they handle transparency and customer relationships.

Financial service providers must now meet stricter disclosure requirements and customer care standards that affect areas beyond motor finance. The Financial Conduct Authority has given the industry time to adjust by extending their investigation through December 2025, which shows their dedication to protecting consumers. These changes will permanently transform how UK financial services sector sells and markets its products, putting customer interests ahead of traditional commission structures.


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