The clock is Trope-ing (er, ticking)
One short week from today, the fine folk at Phoenix Pick will release Trope-ing the Light Fantastic: The Science Behind the Fiction.* As in:
The essential resource for anyone who reads, writes, watches, or studies science fiction.
(Want more description than that? One way is to read about, from my blog, the book's back story: "From mighty oak trees, little acorns grow.")
Being this near to publication of my first nonfiction book is exciting in its own right ... but isn't the ticking metaphor (whether it brings to mind time bombs or Neverland alligators) a tad overwrought? Nope. Not if you're a Kindle person. The pre-order discount for the Kindle edition disappears when, well, it's too late to pre-order. One week from today.
If you might be interested, check out Trope-ing the Light Fantastic for Kindle. Because there's nothing wrong with a bargain :-)
(*) More specifically, the hardback and ebook editions will be released April 30, with the trade paperback edition to follow.