The Clintons: A Tale of 2 Evil Sociopaths

The Clintons: A Tale of 2 Evil Sociopaths

A Marriage Made in the Darkest Corner of Hell

Hillary Clinton Is Scared To Death As Congress Will Use This To Lock Her Up - VIDEO

How many victims have there been? How many more to follow?

Judgment comes to them and their enablers before God.


Tom will

This is hard to watch, and the American public was foolish enough to put these crooks in power. I could throw up. thank goodness for President Trump.

M Bless


Flora Moreland

When is the justice system going to do something about these Criminals??

S A Colatriano

Holy Shit!!! The American people literally dodged a bullet, or should I say a shotgun blast this past presidential election. Can you imagine if Crooked Hillary had been elected to that office?

I still find it supremely mind boggling that the both of them are still free to walk around in society' And that body count.... Holy Fuck!!

Alvena Beach

The clintons have been murdering people for years

Virginia Cook

The clintons are just sick greedy monsters!

Paul Martus

Why doesn't the world open their eyes to the Clinton criminals .

Bill Diebold

Breath taking, Much has been said and written about these two satanic serpents, hearing it as one long documentary is an eye opening experience. When I distill all this down to the most shocking points, it is their absolute arrogance regarding their crimes and nearly all of the democrat party and most of the US gov't's lack of interest in bringing these two savages to justice. I would normally think I should say "May God have mercy on their souls" but in this particular instance these two beasts have no souls

Laura Kaylor


Robert Parkes

If Hillary Clinton is not charged, the American people will never ever trust the system again......Be warned !!

Greg Smith

The Clintons are being protected by the shadow government, Deep state, crime family- I hope they both get locked up, but I doubt it... God will deal with them for their corruption all these years.


I believe that the public have seen and heard quite enough of the evil clintons, I'm very tired of seeing and hearing of them over and over ! Move on to something else


Clinton's should have already been executed.

Norma Trimble

If President Trump doesn't charge and jail the Clinton and whoever else else has been involved, then he also should go to jail. I'm sick and tired of being lied to. I have no respect for any politician at all. That's why voted for Donald Trump and I pray God leads him to do the right thing.


She should be scared to death because "We the People" are sick and tired of her BS. ??

Patricia Bewley

Prison is too good for them !!

Thomina Duncanson

The Deep State obviously prefers serial killers as "front men"...says it all about THEIR character--or LACK of character. And to think that we suffered EIGHT YEARS of Bill Clinton, and the Democrats were going to shove another Clinton down our throats! Beware Chelsea Clinton--she has not changed her character, and in some ways EXCEEDS her parents in contempt of uprightness...ever notice the upside down Cross she wears? ??????


Please GOD make The Clinton's Pay for there crimes. Amen

Rebecca Russell

are there no guidelines for becoming president. look at Obama. he wasn't even legal. GOD ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS WHEN HE SENT US TRUMP.

none ya

Clintons..... disgusting people ....they have done more harm to our country than any political influence in history. They are traitors and need to be tried for treason.


Just imagine if Hillary was president, we'd ALL be in FEMA camps by now. Thank GOD for President Trump 2020!

Susan Pereira

Clinton's need to be locked up.


This is history that our kids will never hear in public school.

Rene Renee

No people dead around Trump!!!!!!!


America is really failing to act on anything these days ...Hillary just laughs in the face of everyone and gets away with everything ...Bill is just an outright monster . There is just so much crime in the government its like the whole thing is a fake cover for rampant corruption .

Zyklon B

Bill clinton has aids,just look at him!

jesse bouchard

holy fuck here i thought bill was the last prez before it all went to hell. guy killed more people than bush did with 911 and all ruled suicide im actually impressed i thought he was slow lol


so bill clinton was a junkie too yet he was behind the war on drugs. all the blacks doing life in prison for possession of cocaine is a total injustice yet clinton gets away with lying bcci bank scandal with drug money and going bust. also he has had anyone with evidence against him killed.

Danny Wilkes

Hang both

Kurt Young

PLEASE SHARE WITH THE WORLD THIS VIDEO, if you stand for the Anthem!


I have heard the same thing since 1980. but both are still out there getting away with murder.

James Montgomery

there i.e. the clintons are murders why there not in jail as we speak is beyond me

Kevin Jensen

Murder by SUICIDE. The way the Clinton's do friends and enemies that are going to expose them.

bruce galt

It's time that the AG Sessions takes this creature down...If He can't do it, then He needs to be fired immediatelyand replaced by a bad-ass dude by The President. How the Hell is this swamp creature is getting away with everything she has ever done for such a very long time. The world is laughing at this Country and when they receive this kind of information, it is no wonder that No one has any respect for any American.

Rick Norling

Clintons forevermore will be remembered for corruption and evil

Robert Giffin

Why do you protect these kind criminals

Simone PleTon

Absolutely staggering.....there is only the hope that ,"vengeance shall be sayeth the Lord"...I`m not a religious person at all...but it seems to me that these fuckers have been getting away with so much criminality for so many years that there is no hope for the Clintons to be dealt with in this world...Justice needs to be served upon these fuckers.

James Addington

Time the Clintons get tried and executed for all them murders

Evelyn Grass

Arrest her.

Rhonda Hallman

Love the Documentary! Thank you!

Henry Hopkinson

Why are these to walking FREE. They, especially Bill Clinton, should have been in PRISON a long time ago. Bill should have faced a firing squad for TREASON. I hope Congress does see this video and put her in prison where she belongs.

Dan Smith

It's time for the Clinton Crime Family to pay for their crimes.


its almost funny listening to this. EVERYONE was a suicide. glad i didnt know the clintons. it seems to be contagious to die of suicide.

Mark Bivens

They both need be taken into custody and water board to get a truth out of them!!

Joan De Freitas

they were born criminals and they will die criminals...

M L Reed

Regarding Bill Clinton's early life: Too bad we didn't know all this when he was running for president! Guess it's because we didn't have computers at that time, and the media certainly wasn't going to tell us all this!

Sheila Jeffcoat

with the information that you already have on the clintons why are they not in jail.

Debra Bratz

Those clintons are such disgusting pukes and no one should have to hear anything about them cause they should already be locked up


These "sick-0's make me ill to my stomach. Not just hearing their past, but the thought of them now!  President Trump AND Trey Dowdy ought to cut loose on the treason that is finally out on the Clinton Foundation and the Obama Administration. Nothing but a bunch of money-hungry liars!

bc feig

No one, since time immemorial has had so many 'friends' and colleagues commit suicide or die by 'accident'. Can you imagine having 30 - 50 people you were associated with die like this? Its happened to no one else but the Clintons. Why were they protected for their scandals and murders? I don't understand who benefited besides them that this was allowed to go on for thirty years.

Lorene James

She'll never have anything done to her ,MRS.CLINTON.

Shes part of Satan's Worshipping Pack.

Next life,,SHE WILL PAY..

Tim Miller

These couple needs to be tried convicted and then sentenced to the Electrick chair!


You forgot to mention Bill's father had been Governor of Arkansas and his name was Rockefeller. Hillary has been on the board of Walmart since its beginning. It's likely she is also another bastard Rockefeller child. It would also go a long way in explaining so much about both of them in so many ways. This video is a good example of their character or lack thereof.

If I don't pay a Jaywalking ticket I can do a year in the County jail! Justice is more like a bar than it is a scale. You can adjust the bar at any point or you can just have a drink and watch the day go by. Either way, only regular citizens wind up incarcerated. The actual gangsters are sitting at the Bench or wearing a uniform. Not to mention all the suits with plaques on their doors and chips in their drawers. Our rulers are pathological psychopaths and we even vote for them sometimes. Maybe it's not about them so much as it is about us? Yikes!!! "What are we going to do today, Brain?" "The same thing we do every day, Pinky, try to take over the world!!!" But first a word from our sponsor.

Shellie Osborne

This makes me so mad. Why are the Clinton's still free. They should be publicly hanged, or stoned to death.

Kathleen OHanlon


Donald Pruett

There is no equal to the Clinton's evilness. By comparison, Alphonse Capone was just a high spirited boy with a short temper. One thing is sure. We'll never see such an expose as this one on the Clintons, on Obama. He was sharp enough to hire a battery of lawyers to completely hide and seal from public view, his past and records. Now the brain-dead left says stupid things like; "Where are Trump's tax records". They gave Obama a total pass on sealed everything. The only difference between Bill Clinton and Obama is skin color. So, if anyone asks, "Where are Trump's tax records", tell them they are hidden is a secret place where they will never be found....... under Obama's records.

Pamela Remme

Every American should see this!

Tiempo Nuevo

She has to be the most evil woman to have ever been born.


And this was the liberals first hoice ? Lol. Liberals are just as sick in my book !!

Michelle Blake

This is sooo old & the murders continue...the Clinton's "Death List" just keeps growing several name were added over this past summer & Sessions who most likely has been threatened has told Jason Chaffetz that he won't prosecute Hillary or investigate the Clinton Foundation's probably as he doesn't want anything to happen to his family. The Clinton/Bush cabal are history's worst international criminal's & must be taken down!

Cindy Witter

I can't even imagine what would happen if Clinton did win this election.


This video needs shared it need put out it needs to be known what a shame.

Marton Steve

4 months ago


buster Borland

I pray she and Obama hang

Big Tom

This would make George Washington proud of the shit this country produced


Julian Assanges lawyer happened to walk in front of a train in 2016...sure.

Varilyn Watene

We keep hearing that they will be locked up...I don't believe it anymore. They are going to continue to laugh in our faces...but they will not laugh in the face of Jesus, on the day of Judgement. They will not get away with all the abhorrent crimes they have committed.

JoJo C

Bill Clinton was a pig they knew he was big and he was still governor he continued to be a pig they knew he was a pig and he became president funny same thing happened with Obama and it almost happened with Hillary thank God for Donald Trump thank you for running mr. president

Alan Montgomery

The only ones that are scared would be us not them,I doubt if people like this care if the are dead or alive....they have no fee!ings just a drive to win at any cost. We the people are less than ants to them cj

J I Means

And the Democrats supported both Hillary and Bill in their quests for Federal elected positions. Says a lot about the Democratic Party.

Jerry Bishop

I hope the FBI agent who's gonna testify on her about the uranium deal is guarded 24/7. or she'll get him next lol

Max Barrett

Why is this women riding around in a private jet owned by the tax payers ???????????

Carlos Galvan

You can't fool all of the people all of the time ...

... But they've fooled most of the people most of the time.

I don't think things will change much.

Praise GOD the veil was lifted enough to not have "that woman" be our president.

Aircraftace Gurgens

Why don't the people do anything ! I don't know why the people don't believe they're guilty. MSM needs to turn all this information to the people . They need to be made an example off punished as we would be. Hang them publicly.

Jan Kophamer

NAW SHE AINT SCARED-- SHES AN OLD POKER PLAYER & if another woman made a serious move o him-- they'd have to die.

Tiempo Nuevo

I think that no one who is an immigrant "citizen" should be able to work for any government job. And the constitution should be changed to not allow all any foreign born person from running for any office.



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kay manning

Hang them


3 months ago

A pattern?

The One Who Knocks

Donna Brazil must shitting her pants right about now.

It's DANGEROUS to betray the Clintons.

Carol ann

crooked Hillary cannot leave the United States .

she has an ankle bracelet on under her boot doctors do not give you a boot for a little broken toe they tape them together the ankle bracelet is hidden under the boot

Carol Ann

Friends of Bill Clinton didn't start dying until Hillary came into his life in 1969

sina mumuta

Lock her up lock both they very dangerous and violence

Justa Kee

They will pay...this side, or the other. Vengeance is His. I think there may be a certain plan for these 2. (No wonder the flies were after hilary & barry too. Ewww!!) Deplorable, huh? I'm reading that lil' chelsea is not an innocent person. Perhaps mammy & pappy & billy (if webb hubble is the pappy, or not, who cares?) will get to see their babygirl in prison too...??? The boy that bill wouldn't claim, as son, that killary sent away from gov mansion, in Ak., is actually blessed & so much better off for not being mixed up with this trashy, nasty, lie-loving killer family...


This pitiful post is rediculous! THE CLINTON CRIMINALS ARE NOT new news! In fact the ONLY news we wanna see about them is THAT THEYRE IN PRISON OR DEAD!

Asil Nike

I wonder if even liberal millennial's would even be bothered to watch this. Liberals are morally bankrupt and don't even care ︶︿︶

M Maritato

Are we there yet america, do we have liberal permission to view reality if only for one hundred and fifty minutes?

Dennis Huffman

What about the Bush's regarding Iraq in an illegal invasion of Iraq.

J. Decasby

Traitors! Both hillary and bill deserve the death sentence

Cameron Kerr B?cher

And we are to believe this push by these reprobates into a marxist hellhole is all coincidental. I think not.

Cats Claw

This video has been around for many years I remember a Christian radio station was sending this video out to anyone who asked back in the 1990's. I had a copy on VHS tape showed it to several people. Can't believe there are still people out there who would still consider any Clinton for President.

K. Hendrickson

From minutes 35:40 to 40:34, where it lists several murders of witnesses who knew something about the brutal murders of the Henry & Ive's boys....that's just the tip of the iceberg of cold blooded murders linked to the Billary crime family.

Those young Arkansas boys cry out from their graves for justice to be served. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time during Clinton's cocaine smuggling days while he was governor of AR. Though it was a long time ago; I wish some smart and dedicated millennials would open up this cold case and put the guilty members of the Clinton gang in jail for this brutal murder of those kids. Read 'The Secret Life of Bill Clinton' by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, for the whole story.

Read more

Vincent Ciappetta

The Demoncrats and Republican do nothings must be proud of their collusion with these killers.I'm not referring to just the politicians. These people are MURDERERS. I want to put this on a CD and distribute it to as many people I can afford.

David Espinoza

Bill and Hillary Clinton shouldn't be lock up. But be given the Death Penalty. Or lock up for the rest of there life. In a state prison. Not Federal prison.

Drew Dowdy

Apparently the Clinton's pay for play have been going on for many many years.

John Nel

O do remember our President trump told her in a debate "you'd be in jail" Time for action President Trump. LOCK HER UP AND WITH ALL HER CRONIES !!!!!

Virian Bouze

The book Clintons, war on woman, written by Roger Stone, a very well reserched and well written book; is what makes this documentry really clear on the lay out of a very corrupt Clinton, history!

Ron Young

God certainly had a hand in defeating this PIG, Hil-liary!!!!!!

Lisa Marie

stop announcing you have info, and just say your information out loud! that is the safest way to protect yourself.

All of this should make the American people ask this one question, Do the Clintons think we are so stupid we believe their innocent? and well as the record goes yes, the American people have proven the Clinton's to be right! Americans are stupid and will put up with the most hideous crimes and still support this shit. wow. how many have still bought hillary's book. WOW, brainwashing is working or the Clinton's have blackmailed so many on Epsteins Island that these two scum bags sold out America and blackmailed their way to power. Wow, how humiliating to be a leftist

Marian Cooper

At the Great White Throne of Judgement, every single solitary thing- EVER- in the life of ALL sinners- will be EXPOSED. Every Word-spoken or thought, Every single deed Ever done, and Every single thing hidden with lies and cover-ups will be brought to the LIGHT...GOD ALMIGHTY will hurl those persons into a devil's HELL to burn and be tormented 24/7 for all eternity. Forever separated from the presence of God. It will not matter how much power a person has in this life. None of that will matter. Hell and eternal separation from God will be their reward.

Michelle L Bertsch

If Hillary Clinton does not go to jail Americans will uprise in a hostile way like never before. She has betrayed every single American on American soil. But she has done is unacceptable by handing over uranium to another country and this is treason and should be punishable by death. I for one will not mourn her death should this happen in fact I will breathe a sense of relief when she’s gone. The sooner the better.

Katherine Collins

So this has been going on for years no one turned them in or question their murdering lives how many have they killed how long did this take before they go to jail or electric chair losers!!!


Bill Clinton = King Ahab and Hillary Clinton = Queen Jezabel There is no mistaking this is playing out again.

Natsu Dragneel

A Very Very shameful and sad affairs indeed. World wide people of great humanity had a great regard and high esteem for the USA for it's Justice system and ideals of humanity. But now it seems the USA is full of criminals, evil men, Satans, which include even the highest ranking profiles of the country. What good people of the country and abroad used to cherish ideals of the USA in their hearts are completely shattered. So much disappointing and disheartening for the fans of the USA.

Jean Jean

Bill Clinton put his demons in place to cover for his and Hillary's crimes. The Clintons have always been criminals. How did Clinton become President? He was a globalist. They have been killing folks for years.

sina mumuta

What a shock how this couple was rich from triple the money for them by paying too much tax what a unlove action

Valerie Root

It's no wonder they had to fabricate lies against Trump, he wasn't one of the boys or the villains they could turn or mouldy into one of them. They were all just scared that it was going to be taken out of their hands and out in the open, even though they tried to keep the press quiet, but thank god, not all could be brought.


Man, talk about EVIL, JEZEBEL SPIRIT lives in her, Bill is like king ahab weak and a sexual preditor. AND SHE STAYED W HIM. Insecure? U bet!

How did they get away w it all these years? Murders, entertaining the worst of demons... so is it natural to say that they would become greedy n cynical as they are.

Today w all that is happening trying to setup President Trump w Russian collution, n other untruths. I am so glad that Mr Trump was anoited as our Chief Commander. Hallelujah!

God has our backs! He's watchg everything we do. Especially those in High positions. They had their time stealing from us, WE the PEOPLE. And tearing America apart, w division, racism, drugs trafficking, human trafficking...jus everything Negative n ugly.

It started when God was taken out of our childrens social lives. And it continue till today. Reeling all the weaklings into her web, MONEY was the bait she used.

Well everything comes full circle, what goes around comes right back.


The Church must stand up to them n every debilitating actions that goes against God's commandment.

Thank Heavenly Father, forgive US for allowing this uglinest to continue all these years. Thank U for giving us Ur Spirit to make our stand against these evil people n followers of Baal. Lord, i am behind Ur decision to bring Justice where JUSTICE is due! Continue to bless the United States of America, n HEAL our land w provision due to us. Heal the hearts of these people n give everyone a heart to follow U. In the name of Jesus n by His Blood we are Healed

tref D

Clinton a pure polished turd and will both forever stay a TURD!



but at least watch ten min.. before you vote DEM IN 2018 The old Dem party is now Trumpers. the new Dem party is Socialist Communist in USA today.. change YOU CAN COUNT ON!


Why was this information never disclosed before they ran for public office!!!

Ron R.

I'm shocked to know that our public is so complacent and uninterested in whom is guiding our country and our children's future to have allowed these two to get away with such monstrosities; such disregard for life and justice for monetary gain and power. May they rot in hell


Haven't seen posts regarding Chelsea Clinton's gene pool. Rumors had it Bill Clinton shoots blanks, Chelsea's father is Web Hubble. Short of DNA, can anyone build on this rumor..

Nancy Williams

Americans need to see this and it should be put on television.

Derek Metcalf

Bull shit start releasing The memos to the public it was so they could get away with murder that's why the FIB DIRECTOR GOT FIRED AND BILL CLINTON SHOLD HAVE HAD A criminal record for not going into the Ro tc program and disqualified him from even becoming presedent I want to know what he even did for our country that made him qualified in the first place he should have been charged with not reporting to the ROTC when I lost family who were drafted what made him so important and I bet he murderd those Dodgers so he could take there Identity be smart people open your eyes those are the things ppl were doing at that time because they were cowards who didn't want to inlist and ran from the draft while commuting crimes including murder .

Edwin Smits

Most of us go our whole lives never experiencing one suspicious death and few if any suicides, to have this many goes way beyond pure chance and points to very active involvement.


Don't count on it. Hillary has got the goods on just about 3/4 of washington. If she goes down she's gonna sing like a bird and put the majority of washington behind bars, So Washington will move Heaven and Hell to keep her quiet and out of jail.

Larry Mangus

Do sociopaths get scared, I understand they get really pissed frequently. Do you think the DOJ can find an impartial jury if she is indicted ?

Cvez C

Is anyone really surprised? These are the most corrupt people and they filled our government with similar people that My President Trump will clean out of the swamp. Obama comes in 2nd to the Clintons.

Michael Bisceglia

How could people be so Money and power hungry to treat people like that? And to become our president and Secretary of State? I'm just so happy Hilary did not become our president! God saved us!

Glenn Sensadek

,. all the blood is crying out two this case and all involved

Donna Mason

She ain't scared, she thinks she is perfect. She never does anything wrong, she thinks..what bullshit. She's guilty as hell. Justice finally is happening.

Alan O

All this was bubbling up during Clinton's first term...mostly on the radio. It was amazing to observe the public ignoring of all this by the television media and major newspapers such as the NY Times and Washington Post while TV shows would simply turn it to seem harmless and funny. Nevertheless we all could hear these Arkansas troopers talking about it on radio interviews. Yet here we are still refusing to demand action against these two for their cruel, abusive, and corrupt actions to this very day. So tell me, what does this say about the utter moral decadence of a society who elected this man twice to the office of President of the United States and then gave the woman a majority of the popular vote for the same office?


This is not the America I grew up in, I'm 70 and for yrs, at least since the end of WW2 we have been taken over by criminal, greedy, socialist like forces. They have stolen our hearts, hope & innocence. People may not like our president but they know not the many truths he's trying to expose, we only hear the daily Bravo-Sierra we're fed on daily & nightly tv. He's trying to break the mold, the patterns & lies. I'm deeply concerned the truth will ever get exposed, let alone our nation ever get fixed. Wake up ppl, the dream is dying!

Peace For all

So Why is anyone not being arrested. We hear all this corruptions, but nothing is being done. I honestly don't understand.

Ricco Mayoral

2 weeks ago

They are part of the elite. They can't be touched.

Matt Marshall

These people are hybrid with pit vipers of the evil one... they lay with the skins of the dead victims, some snakes, some persons.... all just as dead.... will they ever learn? Jesus will Judge US ALL... pony up ... feel the heat.... butter up ........

Gary McMichael

And people on both the right and the left accuse you of tinfoil hat nuttery if you question at all the strange death and autopsy of Andrew Breitbart, the singularly most effective political force on the right.

Oldliver Goodhag

Clinton's left a string of dead bodies across Arkansas. The days they were in the dope business in Mena Arkansas airport...

Brandon armstrong

This is going to be fully investigated by President Trump under a military trial & the mafia-jesuits-vatican crime cinticate will be included. That is what "Cleaning the swamp is higher archy police,fbi,governors,judges,medical corners all NEED to come to the full measure of justice

Brandon armstrong

Tyson and the clintons were actually "Stuffing the chickens with cocain. When it was bought to the attention of the fbi they threatened the lady who actually confided in me. and further the fbi was trying to run this lady off the road to kill her. I her the story 1st hand. I believed the lady since she had family members working at the packaging plant in arkansaw

Tom Jackson

This is what happens when you grant power to psychopaths.

Asil Nike

▄︻??┻?═━一 the Clinton's deserve nothing less than the same. Evil murderous maggots!! The continual cover-up is insane. The amount of evil in high places is unimaginable. Thing is, GOD ALWAYS EVENS THINGS OUT IN THE END


Demon old hag killery and her raggedy sidekick should be in prison for their crimes!!!!


Clintons are lawyers and can make illegal things look legal. We did not know this until discovery was made.

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