Donald Trump has a history of calling Hillary Clinton the “worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States,” along with “crooked, lying Hillary", "evil", "desperate” and “sad” which won the admiration and inspiration of his followers for his guts to call her out - at his victory acceptance speech however he did a complete turnaround: “Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.” Excuse me???

Read what Trump, his Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway and possible future Attorney General Rudi Giuliani are now saying about Hillary Clinton...

Trump's comment suggests that he is going to let the Clinton's slide despite the massive degree of corruption of their fraudulent "charity foundation", her felonious use of a private server to avoid detection of their treasonous activities & FOIA requests, her criminal negligence of those butchered in Benghazi and their connection to an extensive pedophilia ring that ties them to very powerful government and business individuals in DC and overseas.

Why Trump's dramatic about-face? He was ordered to back off and rewarded for it.

Essentially, Clinton had (has) become a MAJOR liability to the globalist cabal and was thrown under the bus though she had done their bidding for years. Think about it - had she been elected, she would have been subject to non-stop, on-going investigations and lawsuits and likely impeachment that would have indicted many within the shadow government that also involves the Bush's and Obama. Little if any policies she would attempt to push thru would have been defeated with a Republican dominated House and Congress. The FBI's miraculous ability to go thru 650,000 emails in 1 week with far more damning evidence according to Wikileaks compared to almost 1 year to cover some 60,000 that somehow resulted in Comey's repeat performance to once again back off from indicting Clinton was likely done knowing Clinton would NOT WIN - thus placating the unrest among many disgruntled FBI agents who did not want a Clinton Presidency and were prepared to mutiny and unveil the child sex ring the Clintons and many "higher ups" are actively engaged in.

This perhaps explains the completely "unexpected" Trump victory which avoided unwanted attention from materializing upon his conditional non-prosecution of the Clinton's thus allowing these degenerate, sadistic criminals "off the hook", out of the public eye, and free to continue their disgusting practices. Clinton was told to accept this consolation prize then to be given the Presidency she expected and desperately wanted. Don't expect any more 1/4 - 1/2 million dollar fees (bribes) per speech paid to the Clintons any longer - apparently those "investments" are going nowhere now.

Trump should have won the popular vote and lost the Electoral vote - but just the opposite happened. How could this have happened? TPTB arranged this behind the scenes with those nameless, secretive, unknown Electoral College individuals that the public has no idea who they are, never questions who they are and the media never interviews or sheds light on before, during, or after the election. This makes absolutely no sense in what is supposed to be a Republic with a democratic process. It is also no surprise that something so covert can be manipulated at will behind the curtains by those that yield true power and the public simply accepts it as is. You will never hear why they flipped as they did on Clinton when the media was continuously reporting that she was "a sure-fire lock" to acquire the 270 Electoral College votes to secure the election.

If the popular vote mattered, Clinton should have won just as Gore should have won against Bush - but this was not what the globalists wanted. They did not want the spotlight focused on the Clintons which in turn would turned the spotlight on them.

Wikileaks apparently threw an unexpected curve of their plans to automatically install Clinton as was planned - but the globalist cabal are extremely cunning - at this level, backup, backdoor deals are arranged - billions if not trillions of dollars are at stake and they are not about to let any one individual or the people destroy their nefarious plans.

The fix is in - the people have been played (again) - little if nothing will change behind the scenes - Trump is "playing the game" by perfecting his "Art of the Deal" - he was given the Presidency on the condition he does not prosecute the Clinton's and continue the globalist's plans. When he met with Kissinger in May of 2016, he was given his marching orders according to the New World Order (NWO = Beast of Revelation) agenda playbook.

BTW - don't be surprised if "Trump's Wall" is never built and his "tough talk"on many issues evaporates just as Obama's "Hope & Change for America" he promised never materialized. Trump will continue to build up the already ridiculously inflated military budget that is draining America's GDP exactly as the globalists desire and ignore the depopulation agenda that continues from the radiation spewing from Japan that has killed the North Pacific ocean, ignore the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico from the BP disaster that continues unabated, and chemtrails poisoning the earth's air and water supplies. Trump's administration will be "too busy" managing the massive economic collapse that is soon coming that his handlers have prepared to bring in their New World Order to take care of anything he promised and likely not reverse most, if not all of Obama's Executive Orders either. Just as Obama blamed his inefectual ability to change the economy he inherited from Bush so too will Trump blame Obama for the financial mess he is about to inherit. In the twinkling of any eye Trump became just another politician and will serve as the backup puppet at the helm before the public.

Simply look at how long-time Trump critics and Republican stalwarts Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus have now turned kissy-kissy towards him - it's not because they have jumped aboard the Trump train to salvage their rear ends - it's because Trump has jumped aboard THEIR NWO globalist train to salvage his. Trump has no intention of becoming the 21st century JFK - he is going to play the game the way every president has since then.

Don't be deceived - there is no change in God's plan for humanity - the coming Apocalypse is on its way and right on schedule.

Below are comments from Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, which further supports the unlikely prosecution of the Clintons:

Conway now says she is not sure if Donald will prosecute Hillary Clinton after being elected president 

  • Kellyanne Conway was asked multiple times on Wednesday if Donald Trump plans to prosecute Hillary Clinton
  • Trump promised a special prosecutor would be assigned to Clinton over her use of a private email server if he won the election 
  • Conway said that the two had not spoke about it and that Trump did not bring it up when Clinton called to concede early Wednesday 
  • She also stressed that Trump was hoping for 'unity' at this time 


PUBLISHED: 14:10 EST, 9 November 2016 | UPDATED: 16:59 EST, 9 November 2016

It seems that after months of rallies during which he told his supporters that he would lock Hillary Clinton up and see to it that she was sent to jail for her use of a private email server, Donald Trump may be backtracking a bit. 

The morning after his historic presidential win, Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on a number of morning shows where she was asked if Trump planned to prosecute Clinton now that he had won the election.

'We didn’t discuss that last night,' said Conway on CNN's New Day, adding that Trump also did not discuss it when Clinton called to concede the election just hours prior. 

Conway described the conversation between the two as 'gracious' and 'very warm.' 

She then added that above all else she was hoping for 'unity' after this incredibly divisive election. 

Conway was again asked this question when she appeared on Good Morning America. 

When talk turned to Trump's promise to hire a special prosecutor to go after Clinton, Conway said: 'We have not discussed that at all and he certainly did not discuss that on his brief phone call with Mrs. Clinton.' 

She then once again talked about the need to come together after this election.

'We look very much forward to Mr. Trump and President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and many, many other leaders in this country to coming together to help unify and heal the country,' said Conway.

Read more: 

Giuliani on Trump's agenda, potential pardon for Clinton


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