Clinician Newsletter Spring 2022
Myomo, Inc.
Offering expanded mobility for those suffering from neurological disorders and upper-limb paralysis.
Clinician Newsletter | Spring 2022
Website Resources
Clinicians looking for more information about the MyoPro for themselves or their patient(s) are encouraged to visit our website:? There is a wealth of information here, particularly under the "Clinicians' tab. Select "Clinical Resources" from the drop-down menu will take you to a page that includes 2+ product information, user manuals, evaluation documentation, FAQs, and tutorials on the MyConfig software. Continue to check our website for future updates and resources!
How to Make a Referral
In the event a clinician would like to refer their patient for a MyoPro, we encourage them to complete the contact form.
Alternatively, clinicians can speak with their local Clinical Specialist about their patient’s candidacy and referral process.
Increasing Functionality with Advanced Features
With the launch of the MyoPro 2+, users benefit from a variety of new features in both the orthosis itself and our software (Myconfig). The goal of these features is to improve responsiveness and functionality.
Advanced Dual Modes
There are 4 Dual Mode options available with the MyoPro 2+ and Myconfig 3.2. Once a user is ready to work in Dual Mode(s), their clinician can work with them to determine the appropriate option for them.
Classic Dual Mode:?Offered on the MyoPro 2.0. This model utilizes a single (unchangeable) motor speed. The classic mode may be helpful for a new Dual Mode user to understand the fundamentals of reciprocal inhibition of their agonist/antagonist muscles.
Constant Speed:?This mode utilizes a single motor speed, which can be selected by the clinician/user. This mode may be helpful for a new Dual Mode user to understand the fundamentals of reciprocal inhibition of their agonist/antagonist muscles.
Proportional Speed:?In this mode, the motor speed increases proportionally with the user’s effort. Movement in this mode is more intuitive and able to support more dynamic functional tasks.
Ramped Speed:?In this mode, motor speed increases exponentially with the user’s effort. Movement in this mode is more intuitive and able to support advanced, dynamic functional tasks.
Donning Assist Mode
Clinicians are able to program the MyoPro to move into a selected position to help the user don it. For example, instead of the user needing to pull the upper shell to their arm during donning, the MyoPro can be programmed to flex the elbow to 90 degrees when the user is ready.
Hold Force
All 4 Dual Modes offer this feature, which allows the user to stop their elbow and/or hand mid-way through their range of motion. For example, the user could bend their elbow to 90 degrees in order to carry a cookie sheet across a kitchen. Hold Force ensures that that elbow (or hand) does not move out of that position until the user is ready.
Multiple Thumb and Harness Designs
Two thumb designs are offered on the MyoPro 2+ Motion Grasp. They are interchangeable, and users can determine which is most beneficial for them.
Magnetic Buckles
Forearm and humeral shell closures have been updated with magnetic buckles, requiring only the use of the red pull tab to both secure and open for easier donning/doffing.
New “Clamshell” Hand Shell
On the Motion Grasp model, the hand shell (motor and liner) opens out to the side, like a clam shell, allowing the user to more easily don their thumb and hand.
New Research!
Myoelectric Arm Orthosis in Motor Learning-Based Therapy for Chronic Deficits After Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury (Pundik et al.) Feb 2022
This study demonstrated that the use of MyoPro in motor learning-based therapy resulted in clinically significant gains on the Fugl Meyer, Modified Ashworth Scale, Range of Motion, and the Chedoke Arm and Hand Inventory with a relatively short duration of in-person treatment.
May is….
Have a patient who is interested in MyoPro? Contact Myomo with any candidacy questions and referrals at?[email protected].
To learn more, visit?