Clinically Proven, Prevention is better Than the Treatment (P-6)
Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Shahid
Founder & President of Psychological Foundation For Human Innovation
“And indeed We have created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge). (Remember!) That the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being after he or she has attained the age of puberty), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions). Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it). And the stupor of death will come in truth: "This is what you have been avoiding!" (V-50: 16-19)
Clinically, prevention is better than treatment particularly if it seems to spread through illegal biological social involvements and undisciplined life patterns like clubs, mating, drinking, etc., in abnormal forms. Under catastrophes, a psycho-social crisis maintains a hidden solution. I tried to present this phenomenon in” Life is a non-stop process of change”. So, in a short formula in social life, one can find the solution in “What-Where-When-How-Why-Whom”.
Under law of causation, the solution of a problem is hidden within a proposition. So, spreading of disease is at least within its analysis like social distancing, body’s immune system, social living pattern and interaction in spaces like metropolitan cities to a small village, big family in small space to a big house with gracious space – the same can be said about chemical/artificial food/drinks being switched to natural simple diets, etc. (A doctor equipped with professional insight can provide a better guidelines to a layman)
Find out what is missing and overruled by feeling and thinking in a mental process
The purpose of life of an individual is to set the direction to meet his goals. It depends on the mental set, training and application of an individual’s environmental factors where he applies and develops a thinking pattern, belief system and particular personality traits to meet his challenges or needs. At times, repressed thoughts with anxiety make him overburdened, so blocked energy triggers unconscious behavior (What), which is important to explore in studying a person’s intentions.
Therefore, one (Who) must go after the causes (Why) of a complex project, and to find (what, where & when) and then gradually resolve practically with reason. Instead of wasting time in looking (why) the causes, rather people rush to complete the gap of activity between now and then to complete that sentence. Wasting time on irrational goals or belief system injected in early age can be corrected if proper analyses are activated rationally as human beings born with a clean slate of mind have polluted the training and habit formation process through negative conditioning. Allah is not your personal worker who will come to help you with miracles in social disasters; rather everyone is responsible for man-made disasters as they contributed as a cause for such ugly deeds. Blaming is wasting time and detracting from the original goal for its solution.
Thinking for the sake of thinking is a habit formation as child was never listened or observed to create healthy, purposeful thinking. In daily life, certain people among us are trapped in thoughts that are creating fear of a certain object or their own created thoughts, and performing for the sake of performing aimlessly without stopping the chain of thoughts by asking their self the reason (why). The solution lies in the Feedback (Why) as it will enable you to correct or redirect your energy for a purpose. Therefore, it is reminded to ask before an action and what is the purpose of this thinking, eating, roaming process, etc. Mere eating, drinking or following a self-orientated activity without a cause is like an idiot who is sitting aimlessly doing certain rituals without a purpose. Being rigid, they stick to their personal zones, and have empires and treasures but are still inclined to grab more in a psychological vacuum. This insanity forces them to keep on multiplying their wealth to meet their insecurity. Having all, they are still unable to enjoy the blessings of Allah. The mental state of an arrogant in power is alike a monarch controlling authority: lost in pride like a narcissist, he is cruel to distinguish between right or wrong, and is intolerant to accept others’ suggestions. The mental state of such people is quoted that in Al-Baqra V-2:7,” Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment.”
As stated above, peace lies in positive thinking and feeling the moment instead of living in future dreams and then feeling frustration. I have found in my life that whenever somebody took my rights or played with my feelings, I collected my energy to enjoy the blessed life and later found that it was appropriate for my successful life to not gaining a promotion for which I would have faced social humiliation or improper deeds done to please the higher officials. So, those who try for the best and prepare for the worst, with constant reorganizing according to the changing circumstances, and are happy over the gains by ignoring wishful thinking, are the great achievers in life.
If one way or the other such a mentally sick, introverted, prideful person is dethroned, he mentally remains in the abnormal state and is in denial of reality. He acts like a spoiled child who, when his pacifier is removed from his mouth, crushes all obstructions under the furious anger to retake his possession. Under madness, human beings forget the limitations and ultimate death when they will have left all their illegitimate wealth. Allah is the sole Authority who has control on the provisions as revealed in V-30:37,” Do they not see that Allah enlarges the provision for which He wills and straitens (it for which He wills). Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who believe.
Psychologically, swings of emotion are common in human beings but they manage through self-control to handle a situation. In emotionally disturbed people, certain incidences, situations, words or statements in their past life have a deep impact and they perceive that in the present life too. When a person visits the grave of a loved one, the person cries like a baby as one is lost in the past and incidents appear before him while the present mental state is replaced with sweet past memories. Mostly, they are mentally or emotionally away from the practical situation and physically conditions. Even the same person who at times acts like a depressed, insecure teenager, may on another spot behave or talk like a fifty years-old seasoned advisor.
What is the use of crying over split milk? Just reset the computer programming and open new windows to recap the missing links; then gradually compete according to self-capacity as no one can change you and your fate is within your own hand. Only praying will develop confidence toward a positive self as after praying devotedly, you will have a goal-directed activity. Allah is not your worker coming to give you a degree or a job, etc. It is your labor with devotion and trust which will brighten your future. ……….