Clinical Indications and Techniques for the Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Shoulder
Dr.Khaled Alawany .MD .FA. MS
Consultant Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon , Foot & Ankle specialist , FAKEEH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Dubai
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has recently been a topic of significant interest in the orthopediccommunity. In addition to the numerous basic science studies regarding the in vitro effectsof PRP, there is more literature regarding the use of PRP in the clinical setting. PRP isoverall very safe and carries minimal risk for the patient, making it appealing even if thereis a small improvement in the final outcome. There appears to be significant interest inusing it in the shoulder, particularly in conjunction with rotator cuff repair. We brieflyoutline the basics of PRP and discuss a few potential operative and nonoperative indica-tions, such as rotator cuff tendinitis, biceps tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, and superiorlabrum anterior-posterior lesions.
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