Clinical Handover & Transitions of Care Symposium

Clinical Handover & Transitions of Care Symposium

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Clinical handover and Transitions of Care Online/Virtual Symposium; 5 Clinical CPD Points

Date:?9 November 2022


To register, send an email to:[email protected] or phone: 73 730 8716

Symposium Overview

Handover and transitions of care poses particular threats to patient safety. Clinical handovers are currently of even more interest due to changes in the working hours of medical personnel, which lead to an increased number in shift handovers. There is broad agreement that clinical handovers represent a crucial element in patient care and that failures constitute considerable risks to patients. The recent reviews of patient safety programs highlight the need for systems focus, with an expanded bias towards advancing digital use in clinical handovers and transitions of care.

Bradley Research , together with CAREFUL Systems and @The Advisory Group, will bring together healthcare personnel from both private and public institutions to share critical insights on improving and accelerating patient safety through clinical handovers and transitions of care.

Benefits of attending this symposium

  • Clinical handover is a high-risk scenario for patient safety and therefore it suggests that communication failures among clinicians are a major contributor to sentinel events and near-misses. By participating in this symposium, delegates will be able to:
  • Explore the potential for harm of clinical handover failures along the healthcare delivery pathway;
  • To describe failure trajectories through the pathway and to systematically assess the potential for harm of handover failures;
  • Engage and deliberate on common organisational deficiencies that affect clinical handover and the impact the organisational model of care delivery have;
  • To provide recommendations for improving the reliability and quality of clinical handover in their respective institutions;
  • Explore the contribution towards an organisational culture of proactive end-to-end patient safety risk management through the accelerated use of digital platforms to reduce errors during transitions of care.


Dr Bradley Beira, Medico-legal and Healthcare Risk Management

Sr Joyce Selesho; Clinical Tutor and Critical Nursing Specialist

Dr Obed Mphofu; Medical Doctor, Occupational Medicine Specialist & Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Dr DJ-Hamblin Brown; Emergency Care Specialist, Director, CAREFUL PLATFORM,

Prof Andrew Wittikin, Emergency Specialist & Associate Prof, University of Johannesburg

?Who should participate?

Clinical handover during transitions involves a multi-disciplinary team and the following, though not limited to, would benefit from this engagement:

Clinical Governance Committee Members

Patient Safety Executives

Quality Assurance Managers

Healthcare Risk Managers

Medical Doctors

Critical Care Managers

Nursing Managers

Clinical Executives

Heads of Pharmacy

Heads of Primary Health

Legal Managers

Ward Managers

Clinic Managers


09.00-09.05:?Welcome and program outline

09.05-10.00:?Clinical handover within the clinical pathway and the potential risk of failures

10.00-10.05: Leg stretch

10.05-10.45:?Organisational deficiencies that affect clinical handovers and the impact on service delivery (Practical group work discussion)

10.45-11.45:?The digital imperative in clinical handover: A exposition of the CAREFUL PLATFORM

11.45-11.55: Leg stretch break

11.55-12.20:?Remote handovers with colleagues: reducing the risks: The ethical & medico-legal dimension

12.20-13.00:?Nursing handovers and the bedside discussion: Policy versus operations

13.00-13.30:?The variables perceived to be important during patient handover by South African prehospital care providers (A research and case study)



