Climbing up the ladder.
It's not often so smooth as it may be said. There is a lot involved in between , from the first staircase and the strength required. The push to start the journey is always there to many. Many early mornings , late night sleeps and all the activities in between. We all want to be at the top, but the question is how? Each has his/her own drive on where to land, the landing is not smooth. We try to connect with those who are up there most of times, thinking that they will pull us to their level. It does not happen so easy, we have to keep trying harder. Be a go getter, fail as many times as it may be, but don't you quit trying, one day it will pay . By then, you will have climbed the ladder. Go get it, go own it, go accomplish it. Rome was not built in a day. Start climbing that ladder today, tomorrow take the next , and as days goes by , you will have gone a milestone.