How to achieve more by letting go expectation
Sargam Mishra
I Consult on Energy Principles for Successful Business & Life Author | Podcaster| Speaker
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than how you think it should be.” Wayne Dyer,
Have you ever felt disappointed because you thought that you did not meet the expectations of your loved ones or even sometimes of your own? I have been there and it has lead to anxiety, feeling of not being good enough and even feeling worthless. By letting go of expectations or staying detached, we give us permission to accept reality.
It is great to set goals, it is great to have expectations but only if it motivates you to move forward. When we set an intention to a goal, aim or purpose while staying detached from the outcome, it allows us to be in the moment, paying attention to our efforts which can lead to an outcome. Instead of expecting an outcome, we can meet an intention with action steps to help manifest what we want. And regardless of the outcome we expect, we can then find the learning in this process because we took off pressure by not being attached to the outcome or results.
If somehow the mountain of expectations is too big and high it is better to climb down a little and introspect. Never let your expectations become an obstacle in achieving your dreams. Set intentions and energise these intentions with visualization, affirmations and love.