To Climb Or Not To Climb?
Good morning Achiever,
Let me ask you a quick question...
You're driving down the highway in Nevada, and you see these mountains ahead...
What do you do?
Do you turn back?
Do you assume the mountains don't have roads up them?
Do you figure there's no sign of life at the top?
Or does every ounce of you say "let's see if we can get to the top!!" ?
Well, that's exactly what we thought a few years ago.
We had the van all packed up, the whole gang and I had spent 3 weeks on the road for an event tour across the states, and my last meeting in LA was done, so we hit the road.
We we're going to cut up to check out Reno, but once we left Carson City and saw these mountains... we knew what we had to do.
We decided to skip Reno, and head up the mountains.
Now, who here knows what's up those beautiful mountains? Take a guess... it's west of Carson City.
That's right, Lake Tahoe.
** Ignore the bed head and tired faces... a month on the road takes it's toll LOL **
Now, if you've never been to Lake Tahoe, put it on your bucket list. I've been all over, and this continues to keep it's spot as my top 3 favorite places.
I absolutely love it there.
Here's the thing though...
You CAN'T get to this beautiful spot without climbing up some pretty crazy mountains.
I'm not talking just little hills here and there...
Real, kick butt mountains.
The ones that take forever to drive to the top, where there are signs everywhere telling you to turn off your AC to help keep your vehicle from overheating, the type of mountains that have emergency "run off" sections so that vehicles (mostly big rigs) out of control going down can pull into and get stopped in the loose gravel.
And just like me, most of YOU would have that same reaction when you saw these gorgeous mountains... "let's see if there's a way up!!"
And yet...
In life, when we see a mountain, an obstacle, before us, our gut reaction is to give up, to quit, to tell ourselves we'll never make it, we're not good enough...
One of my favorite quotes from Richard Bandler is:
“The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can't, but in the things you've never considered doing.”
― Richard Bandler
Put another way, our lives are limited, they are what they are right now, not because of what you can't do, but because of the countless things you don't even consider doing, or trying, or jus giving it a shot.
It's not what you quite literally can't do that holds you back.
It's what you might be able to do, but don't even try.
What would your life look like right now if you tried more stuff.
If you took more chances.
If you considered things not normally done.
If you climbed the mountain?
Listen, I know people who are single, and have been for their entire lives, and will continue to be, because they wouldn't even think about approaching someone else and asking them on a date.
I know people who have an incredible mind for coming up with inventions, but are convinced they don't have what it takes to bring them to market.
I know people who have gone through so much they could inspire thousands on stage sharing their story, yet just don't believe in themselves.
I know people who would be incredibly happier if they took charge of their weight, yet continue to think they're just meant to be fat and miserable.
Listen, if you can't do something, fine, you can quit and go back to what you were before.
But if you haven't even tried, or considered it, or tried a new way, or sought out help from someone who's done it before you, or just believed in yourself... I mean... come on!
What are you waiting for?
There's life, there's joy, there's peace, there's adventure, there's excitement, there's beauty, there's love, there's wealth, there's family, there's friendships, there's LIFE...just beyond that mountain in front of you.
I don't know what mountain you're starring up at, but I'm telling you right now, put it in drive and start climbing that hill.
It's worth it, and I believe in you.
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