The Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide - A Manifesto for Climate Transformation
The Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide? - ? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon,

The Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide - A Manifesto for Climate Transformation

How organizations accelerate their climate transformation and turn its costs into assets?

by Joerg Osarek, March 2023

Climate Transformation: Aspiration and reality.

There is no doubt. We as a civilization must take vigorous action within this decade to transform our organizations on a global scale. (Still in doubt, though? Then feel free to inform here:? here: scientists for future? here Prince William's TED Talk Oct.2020)?, every head of state and government, every regional or local public official, as well as every CEO and sustainability officer should have a corresponding action plan in his desk drawer. And by action plan I don't mean something vague with a date of 2045 or 2050 where the idea is to offset CO2 from dubious certificates. I mean the plan that ensures that we as a civilization as a whole do not break the 1.5 degree target. According to the Mercator Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change? have (as of March 2023)?6 years and 4 months left?to do this with emissions of 1,337 tons per second and a global CO budget of about 270 gigatons of CO2 with estimated annual emissions of 42.2 gigatons per year. This means: If we continue with Business as Usual,?in July 2029?we will have to?switch off the engine of all combustion cars and trucks , turn off our gas and oil heaters, shut down all factories that still burn anything.?In other words: We would have returned to the Middle Ages. And a world economy as we know it today will not work with technology from the Middle Ages. It will collapse. And even if we shut it all down, the disasters we are already experiencing will increase in the next few years and beyond - the droughts, the sinking water tables, the loss of forests to fires and drought, heavy rains and floods. If we allow the distraction of Business as Usual to continue in the current crisis situation and just throw a few greenwashing smoke candles, cleverly staged by a few billion dollar marketing budget, large parts of our paradise earth will become uninhabitable for humans. We can expect a billion climate refugees, and hopefully we'll come up with something better to do with them than we did in the 1973 movie Soylent Green, which presciently addressed the problems in 2022, some of them frighteningly apt.

But what do people answer when asked, "What is your climate transformation plan for the next 10 to 12 years? What actions will your organization, your community, your state, your country implement each year?" Many shrug their shoulders. Others start explaining how complicated it is and that we need to stay realistic about the pace of transformation. Still others argue that it's not easy to get people to give up their comfortable lifestyles. I then ask myself: What do you actually think our lifestyle will be when a billion climate refugees flood into the still habitable regions of the earth?

None of this will help to solve the existential crisis in which our civilization finds itself. Greta Thunberg put it simply and aptly in her 2021 speech at the COP26 rim in Glasgow: "No more Blah Blah."?

And what do we actually risk if we implement climate transformation now and then it turns out it wasn't necessary? Then we live in a healthier world with cleaner air and a good outlook for our children and grandchildren without dependence on harmful fossil fuels.

@Wally_Wests summed this up perfectly -?



But if the warnings of the vast majority of scientists are accurate, it is high time for real scaled climate action.

Either way, if we act and get serious about climate transformation, we can only win.

We don't need more studies, counter-studies, and endless debate. We need a simple ambitious plan, spiced with a dash of poetry and joie de vivre. And we all need to go out and help each other through it together. Now.

But it's not that simple. And - aren't the professionals already on it?

True, it gets challenging especially with larger organizations or those with complex business and intertwined supply chains and the devil is in the details. And that's where the "professionals" for certain topics need to get involved. In some companies, it is gratifying to see that climate officers exist and are convinced of their mission and lead or engage teams of specialists. It happens, however, that this group has not been given the necessary resources and power, or that climate transformation is not seen as part of the company's mission but merely as another onerous reporting obligation.

If the specialists then also obstruct the view of the overall picture by insistently referring to the complexity of their thematic niche, namely simply becoming emissions-free or responsibly offsetting the emissions that really cannot be reduced, and as a result those steering the organization can no longer see the forest for the trees, then a simple view of the situation is needed to set the course. If a consciously or unconsciously created greenwashing bubble lulls the organization into the belief that it is already on the right track, but the mathematics do not support the optimism of achievable transformation goals, organizations can oversleep necessary steps for a long time and thus even get into existential trouble when this greenwashing bubble unexpectedly bursts for the public and their "license to operate" threatens to be revoked.

So the counter question is justified: If everything is already in the hands of the professionals and sufficiently well coordinated for all employees in the company and communicated in all directions, why are we not on track with our global emissions? Why, then, is the path to a climate-neutral company in the circular economy not measurable and crystal-clear verifiable with annual targets? Then why aren't we "on track?"

The Climate Transformation Guide?

Since I did not find such a simple and understandable transformation blueprint with sufficient depth (i.e. not just cosmetics) in many local and international conversations and from conducted surveys, I decided to create it myself with the?"Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide?"?- a DIY approach to Climate Action, so to speak.

A guidebook to be published in 2023, not for a tourist tour leading back to the old home, but a simple guide to define one's transformed organization step by step and create it with the right people, processes and resources on board - emigrating from the land of the fossil economy to the land of health, sustainability, climate neutrality and circular economy: a new start in a new, thriving world where we integrate the good old (Disruptive Old School Empowerment - D.O.S.E.?).

In addition to being easy to understand, it is important that old processes and methods do not have to be ripped out of the organization and replaced by new ones, but that the blueprint can be easily connected to existing methods and systems as a template, like adding an additional radar to an existing management cockpit.

If possible, the whole thing should be so simple that the organization concerned can deploy and use it itself, supported by standardized training/tutorials and systems if necessary. And where questions do require an individual answer, it would be good if a "pilot through the Climate Transformation?" could be on hand to assist - in the same way that the the American Automobile Association (AAA) assists drivers with breakdowns and questions. (

And since anticipation of a better future and a little sense of adventure are more helpful companions than moaning about more bureaucratic hurdles for business, which is already beleaguered enough, we frame this blueprint in a poetic and encouraging way.

This framework is not comic nonsense, but a well-conceived narrative with depth and a helpful, humorous levity, at the same time committed to the core goal of true transformation to fidelity.

Professor Greenwash, oh what a scheme

Money in hand, he cooked up a dream

A climate study, so pleasing to see

Politics created with it fake climate law decree

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? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon
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? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon
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? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon

The 12-Year Plan - 2023 to 2035.

The core of the book the "Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide" is a 12-year plan to complete the climate transformation of one's organization.

Of course, those that accomplish the transformation in fewer years may do so more quickly. This is because it is also necessary to offset the emissions of those who, despite their best efforts, still need longer than 2035. We all breathe the same air and are all in the same boat here. Greenwashing, trickery, deception and procrastination will not save us, but will lead us to ruin - we must put an immediate stop to this.

The plan to implement its climate transformation by 2035 is and remains both fundamentally realistic and necessary, and is a great opportunity to make our own organization fit for the 21st century.

Quote from the Travel Guide: "Wouldn't it be great if there was a guide to understanding the key influences and forces behind this crisis? A guide that shows in simple, clear language your organization what steps need to be taken to transform it? Not greenwashing, but real climate transformation! A guide that inspires you on how healthy, abundant and independent your organization's future can be? A guide that shows you the most beautiful itineraries to get there and how to turn the cost of climate transformation into business assets?

That's what we put in the Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide. It's your compass to head in the right direction, take your organization with you, and enjoy the journey, knowing that we're building a much better world for all of us - together. And above all, don't theorize and get lost in the intricate details, but: a guidebook for enthusiastic action."

The Phases of Implementation

The 12-year plan is divided into approximately 2 years of "research and development" or R&D in 2023 and 2024, followed by 10 years of implementation. There are no hard limits, but as R&D progresses and becomes less, implementation can already begin, during which there will always be isolated R&D issues.

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? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon

Phase I - Preparation and R&D

In the first phase, the first three important steps take place:

Step 1: Status assessment of our climate situation:

Where do we currently stand in terms of our carbon footprint in Scope 1 (direct emissions), Scope 2 (energy) but also Scope 3 (indirect - our supply chain upstream and downnstream)?. Where do we stand with our "production chain" in the transformation from a throwaway economy (caterpillar economy) to a circular economy? (butterfly economy) (cf. Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth).

Certainly, it is already possible to look here: What can be improved and how? Perhaps there are already easy to implement and favorable measures with an improving effect. In any case, it is important to measure the initial state in an unadorned way and to document it as a "baseline".

A word on?greenwashing:

Since it slows down rapid climate transformation because we lull ourselves into a false sense of security that we are already on a good path sufficiently quickly, greenwashing is a real danger to the climate and thus to our civilization, but also to the greenwashing organization itself once it is exposed. We must not confuse here sincere green marketing of good offers with the deceptive attempt of greenwashing. My perception is that greenwashing is a normal developmental step in an organization, which I have described in my Doughnut Economics Action Lab tool "Levels of Corporate Planetary Responsibility (CPR)" under "Novice":?

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? April 2021 by Joerg Osarek

We should therefore not overdramatize greenwashing, but rather make it transparent and then demand effective measures and push for their implementation.

Step 2: Define VMAP + CLI + CEC:

What do the founders and leaders of the organization believe in? What is their sustainable vision for the future (of their organization and for its customers)? (Define or adapt their own VMAP -> Vision, Mission, Action Plan, Principles ) We absolutely need the ViPos on board here - the people with the?vision and the?power to implement it and inspire their employees to do so. These employees don't want to knock stones, they want to build a cathedral. This step is about defining "the new cathedral" completely free of restrictions. If the image of the cathedral is not personally appealing to you, please feel free to replace it with an image that is more suitable for you for an inspiring vision of the future.

To do this, I recommend reflecting against steps 4 and 6 from my book, Level Up to Superhero in 6 simple steps, which I have refined in my LU2SH-Radar?.

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? April 2022 by Joerg Osarek


  1. The C.W.I.S.H.A. Success Formula:?Chivalry, Wisdom, Independence, Style, Humor, Amazement.
  2. The Joker - the way we win?with its categories Sustainability, infinite Game (cf. Simon Sinek), balance of power and responsibility, harmony of head, heart and hand.

The wild card area of sustainability specifically breaks down into two aspects here:?CLI + CEC. The target images for climate transformation (CLImate) and for the circular economy (Circular EConomy). Namely for the own organization (Scope 1 and 2) and for the supply chain upstream and downstream (Scope 3).

Once this definition work is done, it lends itself to the fact that one's self and employees in the organization can often make well-founded superhero decisions in a flash, since all relevant values are clear. So this groundwork represents a golden investment.

Excursus Strategic Planning:

After I had developed the magic key "Why, What, How" for my book: "Level Up to a Superhero in 6 simple steps", I discovered that Simon Sinek has described the topic in a similar way in his Golden Circle. For this I can recommend to watch Simon Sinek's TED Talk "Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action" from 2009: Two versions (better sound and picture format TEDx PugetSound 2009):? (on the official TED Channel):?

Both metaphors represent part of the classic Vision-Mission-Action or sometimes VMOSA structure from strategic planning. (See?

For the climate transformation journey, I used the fifth point from my book Level Up to Superhero: Mission Principles/Mission Values and turned it into the image of the VMAP lighthouse, which will serve as a guide like a transformation radar throughout our journey.

So, since we are dealing with "tried and true and established in organizations," it should be possible to find a good way to define VMAP or to mirror an existing one to the present and update it as necessary. Ideally, one realizes: everything is already there and can be used directly. Dis VMAP is important foundation for any form of operations and transformation.

Step 3: Designing the most important critical success factors?for departure and renewal:

In many completed projects over the past decades, I have been able to experience first-hand helpful and essentially important patterns as well as patterns that slow down and endanger projects to a great extent. From this I have derived about 20 important success factors that are important for a successful project.

In the surveys for the Climate Transformation Guidebook, as well as many conversations I've had around the globe, five of these have come up again and again, so I've listed them as the top 5 success factors to "count off on one hand".

  • Communicating VMAP - the new cathedral internally and externally to resonate with the right team and customers and attract the right people and organizations.
  • Funding
  • Neutralizing brake blocks and slowdowns
  • Creating assets (including product-market fit identification).
  • Strong growth strategy (growth hacking).

Designing the 15 or so other key success factors is available in the Climate Transformation Travel Guide as a checklist/"Packing List for the Climate Journey?".

In this step, it is also important to try out, to explore - to do Research & Development, as well as to allow for mistakes and dead ends and to learn from them quickly in order to be able to scale rapidly afterwards. You can see this step as a laboratory whose findings are fed back into steps "1 Status and Baseline Assessment" and "2 VMAP + CLI + CLE" for further refinement. Or it can be seen as pioneer ships with scouts already sailing out. to discover the new terrain and the ways of thinking and acting required for it.

At some point within the first two years, the setup should be in place enough to dare to set out (scale up) and get going with a good degree of certainty. And: If everything is not perfect yet: It is better to tackle imperfectly than to hesitate perfectly, as Thomas Alva Edison already knew.

Phase II: The Journey

It's time. The flotilla sets sail.

In the implementation phase, two tools help with the journey and navigation.

  • The Climate Hackerz Transformation Lighthouse Radar CHZ TraLiRa and.
  • Workouts: Developing Habits.

Step 4: The ClimateHackerz Transformation Lighthouse Radar / The Lighthouse in Navigation.

The flotilla is now off to new shores, far out. They will be on the road for quite a while and, despite good preparation, will run into unknown dangers. Since the hopes of the organization for a better future lie in this flotilla, and the hopes of humanity in the flotillas of all organizations, we must accompany and promote the success of the journey as best we can. Therefore, it is important to regularly determine the position and, if necessary, make course corrections or rush to help. From countless projects in our complex VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) we know that for their success we need networked thinking and action, as propagated by evangelists of cybernetics such as Frederic Vester and systems science such as Alexander Laszlo.

For this, we do not want to reinvent the wheel. So we don't want to replace existing implementation methods with new ones, but we want to connect a framework to the existing one that allows us to take this special high-level transformational view, to take note of a good course with pleasure, and to intervene helpfully in stormy seas.

For this I have designed the ClimateHackerz Transformation Lighthouse Radar (TraLiRa)-yes, the doubling as lighthouse and radar is deliberately chosen. It is like a magic lighthouse that always stays with the flotilla. With its built-in radar, it checks the situation against hard facts (by measuring key KPIs) and against soft factors (by regularly talking to the captains and parts of the crew at a gut level). To the flotilla, its captains and its crews, he provides orientation and security as a lighthouse through his regularly rotating light. It is the link between home and the goal of a better future.

The detailed structure of the Transformation Lighthouse Radar can be found in the book - it will have some dynamics to allow different views and there will be two versions - one for organizations, one for homes.

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? 2023 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon

The VMAP lighthouse is again the center of attention. All categories are mirrored against it, it serves as a measuring stick.

Each of the categories shows with a progress status how much of the way has been covered and, if applicable, how much budget has been used. Likewise, a traffic light status indicates whether the issue should be classified as red, yellow or green. A drill-down enables the identification of action requirements.

In addition to the organizational units of the organizational structure and process organization (challenging due to today's partly multidimensional matrix and tensor organizations), transformation-relevant categories are illuminated.

Exemplary categories are:

  • Strategy, geopolitics, business model, transforming costs into assets, finance, marketing, production, etc.
  • Decarbonizing business operations in Scope 1 and 2 (in-house) and in upstream and downstream supply chains (Scope 3), and additional decarbonization to capture the underperformance of "Laggards."
  • Transformation of business operations to a circular economy including supply chain evidence and restoration of our ecosphere.
  • Empowerment of crew and captains, accountability to all stakeholders (employees, customers, business partners and society).
  • Sustainable digitalization in the face of GamChaTec (Game Changing Technologies), the dawning AI era (AI Era) and USEMIR (Ubiquitous SEnsory MIxed Reality - or the Metaverse for short).

Regularly reviewing and correcting the course together allows for more concentrated focus and faster transformation.

The ClimateHackerz Transformation Lighthouse Radar enables the transparency necessary for this, but one thing is also clear: If the organization lies into its own pocket when filling the radar and embellishes the "measured values" so that individual areas look better (which is a classic pattern in larger organizations), then the picture is distorted and the radar can fulfill its actual purpose much less well, namely to significantly accelerate the transformation. Because as with all tools and (IT) systems, the same applies here: Garbage in = Garbage out.

So if you want to use the full potential of radar, you have to make sure that the individual "readings" are brought in sincerely without trickery, deception and sleight of hand in the interest of the larger goal, a long-term sustainable, healthier and more independent organization. This is what I mean by an appropriate mindset for the 21st century, and I firmly believe that this is an essential learning task for our civilization, the mastery of which will qualify us for the 22nd century. See:?

As a "Pilot through the Climate Transformation?" I also personally help through the entire transformation process for which the guidebook is the blueprint. See:? more details at the bottom.

Step 5: Workouts: developing habits.

The pull of the distraction spiral (dIstrAction spiral) of Business as Usual for ever higher profits has pulled us into a destruction spiral (dEstrUction spiral) of our planet's life support systems that has dragged our entire civilization and world economy to the brink of the abyss.

This downward spiral must be countered by an upward spiral that promotes the accelerated transformation of our own organization and, in sum, of our civilization, paving the way to a prosperous future that we can hand over to our children and grandchildren with joy and pride.

Transformative beliefs and skills want to be trained. This is best done by cultivating habits of daily thinking, planning and action. The basis is the practice of a 21st century mindset.

Whether or not the famous quote can be attributed to Lao Tzu (6th century BC), the founder of Daoism, it is true:

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your deeds; watch your deeds, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

Culitivating what thoughts and habits are now helpful for transforming one's organization and the entire civilization to a climate positive circular economy? The following list is not exhaustive but a good start that has worked for me personally and my environment. It is quite useful to add your own habits and workouts to this list that are in line with your own VMAP (see above).

  • Empowerment: divide and prosper rather than divide and rule.?It's perfectly fine to make a good deal. It's just not okay to deceive your customers, eliminate choice, and build oligopolies or monopolies to force customers into dependency and squeeze them out. But that's exactly what we're seeing many times these days, and because we didn't invest enough in alternatives and our independence, we're all now paying a high price for it. I would rather live in a world where I am surrounded by many independent people who help me grow and who I can help grow. Because we have all been given so much by our forefathers and foremothers that we naturally build upon. But these are sweat-earned achievements that give us superpowers compared to our ancestors. And this foundation must be nurtured on a healthy basis, sustainably rebuilt and passed on to future generations. I'm talking about this: today, we can get to another continent or into space in hours. We can collaborate with people around the world in real time in video conferences and in creating concepts or program code. We have global transportation infrastructure, the Internet, electricity, potable water supply, sewers, elevators, stairs, artificial hot rain (showers), medical care, social systems, police, fire, technical relief and much more. All this was created by our ancestors and passed on to us. All their work builds on previous work: Machines, which relieve us of hard physical work, printing, agriculture, through which we no longer have to roam as hunter-gatherers, fire to cook, which allowed our brains to grow. All this we have inherited including the obligation to preserve it, to make it sustainable and to pass it on improved as a basis for future generations. I feel the need to pass on what I have learned - to empower our fellow human beings and our descendants. This includes continuing to research and share systems and models that change the rules of the game and elevate our society to a new level (Level Up by establishing Game changing models). Finding like-minded partners to encourage, inspire and incubate each other to share our inherited wealth and pass it on to contemporaries and future generations is a given for me. We are laying the foundation here on this planet for future generations to make the solar system and galaxy their home in peace and wisdom as a multi-planetary species.
  • Cultivate your superpower of questions. The right questions will get us further. It may be that there are good answers to naive questions about a subject. But it may also be that we uncover inconsistencies when we question established things and this is the spark for new thinking and taking a better path. Intelligent questions often mark turning points in fairy tales, stories or movies. "Why isn't the emperor wearing anything?", "Why does God need a spaceship?" or "What are we doing to fix it?" are impressive questions in the right places (sources: The Emperor's New Clothes, Star Trek V at the Edge of the Universe, the Disney movie "A World Beyond" (original title: Tomorrowland)) The title of the book: "The World Is Ending and I Still Have to Work?" by Sara Weber is itself a brilliant question that challenges the current practice of distraction by what is not really essential. The chapter included there, "What if we worked for the climate?" poses another intriguing question to which this chapter provides an interesting answer. One fundamental question I reflect on regularly to determine if we are still on the right track: "Who or what is serving whom here - and how should it be?". Asking intelligent questions doesn't always make you friends, but it's important to question the status quo or your own course to get either confirmation that you're on the right course or confirmation that you should change it. And, of course, questions (especially open-ended questions) are ideal for learning, understanding, and acting better on that foundation. For more in-depth study, I recommend from my book: "Level Up to Superhero in 6 simple steps" the chapters: "The Biggest Enemy of the Status Quo: Asking Intelligent Questions" and "Three Superpowers Many Don't Use: Do, Ask, and Keep At It"?
  • Constructive inner and outer dialogue.

Quote from "Level Up to Superhero in 6 simple steps."

The Two Wolves

"There are two wolves within us that are constantly fighting with each other.

One is darkness and despair.

The other is light and hope. Which wolf wins?

The one we feed."

loosely based on Native American legend, described in:?

Let's all practice personal constructive inner dialogue so that we are filled with light, hope and daring, rather than gloom, fear and despondency. Let's reflect that in our conversations with our team, our customers and business partners, our families, our society. Let's assume the best of people and give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove us wrong. This is not about denying serious problems. It is important that we offer a sympathetic ear, understanding, help and advice to our fellow human beings when they have real problems. But it is important not to give room to the mutual reinforcement that everyone else and the circumstances are to blame that we are in a bad way. Then we are surrounded by curiosity, joy and determination instead of mimimi. Then we resonate with our environment in a spirit and energy of grappling, helping, growing and blossoming. Then we walk out of conversations and encounters with people charged with more energy.

  • Living in Truthfulness. Much in our world today is more appearance than being. In our minds, in teams, organizations and societies. Billions are invested in shiny facades. If you look behind them, at least disillusionment spreads. Some of them are adequate outer adornments reflecting the character of the inside. Others are pure buildings of lies. Maintaining such buildings of lies eats up an incredible amount of energy and they threaten to collapse sooner or later. If we practice, on the one hand, to clothe even unattractive truths in somewhat more graceful words (the tone makes the music and should be characterized by respect and appreciation), and on the other hand, to decide for truthfulness - that is, to renounce lies and deception, this saves an enormous amount of energy, which we can use for really important goals.

Quote from: "Level Up to a Superhero in 6 simple steps":

being instead of pretending

We need to stop cheating!

We need to stop just pretending to do the right thing.

If we want to have a good future, we all need to do the right thing wholeheartedly for the right reasons.

  • W.H.A.M. - Wealth, Health and Abundance Management: What is wealth important for in the long run? For being independent and being ABLE to do the right thing. For not being forced to do harmful things because we can't afford to act in the spirit of our civilization. For being able to say no to the wrong things. Let's think of this like a family office, where the goal is not only to build and grow wealth, but in the same breath to promote the health of the family or organization. And to include in the thoughts: How can we let the wealth and abundance (Abundance) that happens to us promote and benefit others, so that we create a conducive uplift in our environment over generations. It falls far short if we only think: "How can I get rich as fast as possible and after me the deluge". But let's think, "What can I build in my life that will benefit me and my loved ones, and if I don't create as much as I would like, I'm still passing on more to my descendants in family and in spirit than if I don't go down that path." This creates a completely different thought dynamic that generates a powerful lift.
  • Regular Celebration in Gratitude?What would be the point of living without shared joy? Everything good that has happened to us, everything we have accomplished, everything we have set out to achieve for our civilization, we may and should celebrate regularly in gratitude together with our friends and partners. The celebrations connect the moments of hard work for a better future. This is how a life worth living succeeds with a strong attraction for further comrades-in-arms. Together, we enjoy the gifts and accomplishments of the past, connecting them to a future worth living.
  • Pass on what you have learned?Become an evangelist for our achievements yourself, help other people and organizations on the way to flourish together with them. Everything you send out comes back to you in some form. Help others in their transformation to a zero-emission or at least carbon-neutral organization or family. Help move toward a circular economy together through better product design decisions and better processes. Have the end of a product lifecycle in mind at the very beginning, because that end is a new beginning. Share your mindset so that we can all work together to accomplish this task of the century and look with pride at the legacy we leave to all future generations.

Phase III: Step 6: Steps Beyond for the Future

Step 6:Steps Beyond for the Future

Transforming one's own organization and the entire civilization to a climate-positive circular economy is an enormous task with the very highest priority. But it does not stand alone; other challenges follow or are already here. Some that I have been actively engaged with for years are: Balancing power and responsibility, and preparing for the technological singularity just entering our daily lives - closely intertwined with tipping points in artificial intelligence.

The AI revolution has been a long time coming, but with releases like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DallE, ChatGPT, and more, a broad mass is becoming aware of what's coming - and it's just the beginning. Ignoring and evading will not work in most cases. Therefore my suggestion: Always be curious and look what is coming around the corner that is completely different from what we have known so far. Be a futurologist and a shaper of the future. And if you don't want to do that yourself, but want your organization to be well prepared and actively carry the momentum: Find an experienced, young-at-heart professional with the calm of wisdom shining in one eye and the fire of innovation and curiosity burning in the other, and let them explain it to you: What is a true transformative trend and what is marketing hype that you can safely wait out. Alternatively, if you can't find one person to do it, put together an appropriate mixed team. Because only those who understand the AI revolution will be able to provide useful guidance on how to use it for the benefit of your organization and your customers.

To counter all of this, I believe the best thing we can do is to become a true to character, chivalrous and wise adult civilization that the awakening AI (artificial intelligence) can look to as a role model. I am convinced it will make a big difference whether these AIs find a global society of fear-ridden, greedy egoists absurdly destroying the livelihoods on their planet or matured humans nurturing and helping each other to stabilize the planet. Kevin Kelly described this very aptly in his book "What Technology Wants" ( Meaningfully, we should see AI as our children and ourselves as well-meaning parents.

This is why I wrote the book "Level Up to Superhero in 6 simple steps" as a foundation for weathering the current transformation storms ?, because we need such a solid character foundation for climate transformation, for global balance of power and responsibility, and for technological singularity. ?

I have summarized these stages of our civilization, which I hope will open up the leap to a multiplanetary species, in my organization ?, which seeks to provide guidance on what we need to do today to qualify for the 22nd century.

There are, of course, other important issues that need to be advanced, but these are the four on which I personally focus.

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? Jan.2021 by Joerg Osarek, Chuck Ian Gordon

  • Level Up 1: Level Up to Superhero - Character / Empowerment of people: as a foundation.
  • Level Up 2: Transformation from climate crisis to a global 100% emissions neutral circular economy.
  • Level Up 3: Achieving the global balance of power and responsibility
  • Level Up 4: Prepare for the technological singularity - be worthy role models for our awakening AI children.

The outcome of our efforts will be: a wonderful utopia or a horrific dystopia or anything in between. That is up to us alone - how honorably, intelligently, and wisely we act in the years to come.

Still Lost?: Your Climate Transformation Guide?

The Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide? is intended as a simple blueprint of the 12-year plan for transforming to a zero-emission or carbon-neutral organization by 2035 as we move toward a circular economy. It kicks off this year with the publication of a book by the same name. I'm excited for every organization and family that can use it to independently organize their transformation and help others do the same.

But some situations are special and some important questions may have been left out of this blueprint so far. Therefore, I also personally help with a competent team as a "Climate Transformation Guide?" embedded in a growing community of like-minded people through the transformation process or parts of it.

For more information on the Climate Transformation (Travel) Guide? as well as guidance support and ways to connect with the community, please visit:?


J?rg Osarek

Your Climate Transformation Guide?

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